Disclosure of Research and Development information of Thai’ s MAI listed Companies during the application of the Thailand 4.0 model.


  • Kulwadee Lim-u-sanno Assistant Professor, PhD, Accounting Program, Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Author


Research Disclosure, Development Disclosure, MAI Listed Companies, Financial Performance


This work aims to examine relationship and effect of R&D Disclosure along with firm characteristics on financial performance (Return on Asset – ROA) of SME in Thailand Market for Alternative Investment (MAI) in the early phase of Thailand 4.0 model implementation. Descriptive statistical analysis and text unit counting are used to collect R&D Disclosure data from 128 sample companies’ annual reports between 2016 and 2018. MRA is used to test effect and relationship. The study shows that first, R&D Disclosure has been on the rise in the past three years but there is no conclusive evidence of R&D Disclosure’s direct effect on financial performance. Second, development closure has negative effect from development disclosure, firm age, leverage (debt to equity ratio: DER), and growth rate on financial performance. Third, there is positive effect from Development Disclosure, along with CEO Age, and business sector (S-Curve group). Fourth, effect of research disclosure on financial performance cannot be concluded. Finally, the TAS No. 38: Intangible Asset contributes to R&D Disclosure in the 56-1 report.


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How to Cite

Lim-u-sanno, K. (2022). Disclosure of Research and Development information of Thai’ s MAI listed Companies during the application of the Thailand 4.0 model. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 23(2), 106-115. https://ca-c.org/CAC/index.php/cac/article/view/14


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