Socially Conscious Branding as Intellectual Capital: Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for Sustainable Business


  • Ranti Fauza Mayana Universitas Widyatama, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Tisni Santika Universitas Widyatama, Bandung, Indonesia


Structural poverty is a social problem often caused by economic complexity. Skill, occupation, and entrepreneurship are important instruments of sustainable business. The research was conducted through a normative juridical approach and empirical observation during the Global Alliance of Justice Education Conference 2019 in “KITA DESIGN”, a non-profit organization that provides alternative jobs for oppressed women and women who were being prostituted. This research found that social purpose is a powerful tool in developing socially conscious branding and gender mainstreaming strategy implemented in fostering women’s entrepreneurial roles creates multiplier effects and contribute positively to their economic empowerment to grow above economic complexity. The research reveals that socially conscious branding has a positive impact in creating a strong product identity and enhancing women’s participation in economic activities, articulating creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, solidarity, and bravery to take charge of their empowerment and wellbeing. Further, the formulations of more approachable access to the formal financial institution and governmental support for gender intentional and socially conscious business are needed to support women empowerment, economic development, and well-being of society.




How to Cite

Ranti Fauza Mayana, & Tisni Santika. (2022). Socially Conscious Branding as Intellectual Capital: Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for Sustainable Business: CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 23(2), 253–262. Retrieved from