Determining Factors to Enhance Customer Repurchase Intention of Food Delivery Service (The Case of Gofood Delivery Service)


  • Sri Astuti Pratminingsih S.E., M.A., Ph.D, Bandung, Indonesia Author
  • Fikri Fauzi Rahman S. Si Bandung, Indonesia Author
  • Beben Anton Supiatna S. Sos Bandung, Indonesia Author


group reference, subjective norms, food quality, repurchase


This study aims to determine the effect of wen design, subjective norms, and food quality on repeat purchases using Gofood. This study uses quantitative methods. The size of the sample used as many as 125 respondents who were selected by accident. Analysis of data processing using multiple regression method with data processing using SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the web design variable, subjective norms and food quality variables have a significant effect on the repeat purchase variable on the use of gofood. The results of the calculation of the influence of the web design variable on the repurchase variable are 20.1%, food quality has an effect of 25.1.1% and subjective norms have an effect of 12.9%. With the results of this study, Gofood should pay attention to consumer behavior in order to develop a good marketing strategy and win the competition.


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How to Cite

Pratminingsih, S. A., Si, F. F. R. S., & Sos, B. A. S. S. (2022). Determining Factors to Enhance Customer Repurchase Intention of Food Delivery Service (The Case of Gofood Delivery Service). CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 23(1), 4994-5005.


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