By keeping away from practically all mechanisms of regional integration and cooperation, Turkmenistan stands apart from its Central Asian neighbors. One of the CIS founding members, it gradually reduced its involvement in the Commonwealth to purely nominal: nowadays the CIS is regarded as a structure that passes general non-obligatory decisions, while the U.N.
s declared to be the republic’s priority for ideo-logical reasons. At the same time, the very specific nature of Turkmenistan’s ruling regime is keeping the world community away from the country’s domestic affairs. For the same reason, Turkmenistan refused to grasp the opportunity offered by the events of 9/11, which riveted the world’s attention on the region, to extend its ties with the West, something that other Central Asian countries did not miss. On the whole, Turkmenistan can be described as a closed country devoid of any geopolitical ambitions, opting for voluntary self-isolation. Inside the country, this is de-scribed as “positive neutrality.”
The constitutional Law on Turkmenistan’s Permanent Neutrality of 27 December 1995 serves as the legal cornerstone of the country’s foreign policy. It describes Turkmenistan’s Constitution, rights, and obligations as those of a neutral state. In the military-political sphere, in particular, it is expected to pursue a peace-loving foreign policy based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, and non-interference in the domestic affairs of other states and keep away from military blocs, unions, and inter-state alliances that impose strict functions on or presup-pose collective responsibility of its members under the law, the republic pledges not to start wars and armed conflicts, not to take part in them (self-defense being the only exception), and not to do anything that might provoke a war or a conflict. The country does not allow other states to set up military bases on its territory or use its territory for military purposes, nor does it possess, produce, or take part in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In the economic sphere, the republic is expected to develop international mutually advantageous economic cooperation on the basis of equality and with due account of the interests of all the sides involved; to keep open its financial-economic expanse; and to avoid eco-nomic pressure as a political tool (the “open doors” strategy is a foreign economic component of the “positive neutrality” conception). Finally, in the humanitarian sphere, the republic pledges to recognize and respect the basic generally accepted human and civil rights and democratic freedoms; to promote international exchange of spiritual values; and to cooperate with the world community on the humanitarian issues.1 Certain Turkmenia lawyers insist that besides being set forth in the country’s domestic legislation, their country’s neutral status rests on the firm basis of international law.2 This sounds like an overstatement: the problem belongs primarily to the con-text of nation-building and the development of Turkmenistan’s national ideology.
For historical reasons, more equal relationships with the former Center remain a priority at the level of bilateral relations. On 8 April 1992, Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation established diplomatic relations, the main principles of which were consolidated in the Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation of 31 July 1992. The document envisaged the need for close interaction in the foreign policy and defense spheres while pre-serving a common military-strategic expanse and including mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the sides. Equal and mutually advantageous economic cooperation was also envisaged to create a free trade area, customs union, and common economic expanse as well as cooperation on a wide range of humanitarian is-sues, including the guarantee of basic human rights and the rights of national minorities.3 In practice, however, the desired level of communications has not been achieved in any of the spheres. On 23 April, 2002, as a result of Presi-dent Putin’s visit to Turkmenistan, the two countries signed a new basic treaty that envisaged few-er mutual rights and obligations of the sides.4 The vague wording of the new document not with-standing, it much more adequately reflects the present level of relations as well as the fundamental changes that have recently taken place in the relations between the two countries.
See: “Konstitutsionnyi zakon Turkmenistana ‘O postoiannom neytralitete Turkmenistana,” Vecherniy Ash-ghabad, 3 January, 1996.
See: E.A. Kepbanov, “Status Turkmenistana kak postoianno neytral’nogo gosudarstva,” Moskovskiy zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava, No. 4 (32), 1998, pp. 35-47; Ia.
Kochumov, “Postoiannyi neytralitet Turkmenistana: mezh-dunarodno-pravovoy aspekt,” Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 11 July, 2000; M. Khaitov, “Istochniki mezhdunarodnogo gu-manitarnogo prava (opyt gosudarstv Tsentral’noy Azii,”Belorusskiy zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunar-odnykh otnosheniy, No. 1, 2001, pp. 17-24; etc.
See: “Dogovor o druzhbe i sotrudnichestve mezh-du Turkmenistanom i Rossiiskoy Federatsiey,” Turkmen-skaia iskra, 3 August, 1992.
See: “Dogovor o druzhbe i sotrudnichestve mezh-du Turkmenistanom i Rossiiskoy Federatsiey,” Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 24 April, 2002.
See: “Protokol rabochey vstrechi Pravitel’stva Turkmenistana i voennoy delegatsii Rossiiskoy Federatsii vo glave s ministrom oborony P.S. Grachevym,” Turkmenskaia iskra, 9 June, 1992.
See: Dogovor mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom o sovmestnykh merakh v sviazi s sozdaniem Vooruzhennykh sil Turkmenistana (see: URL [],26 November, 2003).
See: “Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Rossiiskoy Federatsii i Pravitel’stvom Turkmenistana o printsipakh material’no-tekhnicheskogo i torgovo-bytovogo obespechenia Vooruzhennykh sil Turkmenistana, voysk PVO i VVS Ros-siiskoy Federatsii na territorii Turkmenistana,” Biulleten’ mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov, No. 8, 1994, p. 27.
See: “Soglashenie mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom o pravovom statuse i usloviiakh prebyvania chastey PVO i VVS Rossiiskoy Federatsii na territorii Turkmenistana,” Biulleten’ mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov, No. 8, 1994,pp. 20-26.
According to certain estimates, at the time when the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan were set up, ethnic Turkmen accounted for no more than 10 percent of the total number of officers (see: Krasnaia zvezda, 3 September, 1993).
For the texts of the Agreements see: Biulleten’ mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov, No. 12, 1994, pp. 24-29.
See: “Osnovnye polozhenia Voennoy doktriny Turkmenistana,” Turkmenskaia iskra, 26 March, 1994.
See: “Ukaz Prezidenta Turkmenistana ‘O sozdanii Soveta oborony i natsional’noy bezopasnosti Turkmenistana’,”Turkmenskaia iskra, 26 March, 1994.
Despite this, for some years after these units were brought under Turkmenistan’s exclusive jurisdiction and con-trol, Moscow continued to contribute to the functioning and battle-worthiness of the air defense complexes in Turkmeni-stan under the intergovernmental agreements on military-technical cooperation of 18 May, 1995.
Dogovor mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom o sovmestnoy okhrane gosudarstvennoy granitsy Turkmenistana i statuse voennosluzhashchikh Pogranichnykh voysk Rossiiskoy Federatsii na territorii Turkmenistana (ac-cording to my information, that text was never officially published).
See: Nezavisimaia gazeta, 24 December, 1999.
See: Soglashenie mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom o sotrudnichestve v oblasti bezopasnosti (see: URL [], 11 April, 2003).
About the economy of Turkmenistan see: R. Pomfret, “Turkmenistan: From Communism to Nationalism by Gradual Economic Reform,” MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economics, No. 11 (2), 2001, pp. 165-176.
About the FEC of Turkmenistan see: S. Kamenev, “Turkmenistan’s Fuel and Energy Complex: Present State and Development Prospects,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 6 (12), 2001 (see: URL [],20 December, 2001).
See: Turkmenistan: Recent Economic Developments. IMF Staff Country Report No. 99/140. International Mone-tary Fund, Washington, D.C., December 1999; BP 2004 Statistical Review of World Energy, p. 20; “Vystuplenie Prezidenta Turkmenistana Saparmurata Turkmenbashi na vstreche s sotrudnikami Posol’stva Turkmenistana v Moskve,” Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 3 December, 2001.
See: “Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Rossiiskoy Federatsii i Pravitel’stvom Turkmenistana o postavkakh prirodnogo gaza v 1993 godu,” Biulleten’ mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov, No. 4, 1994, p. 71; “Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Rossiiskoy Federatsii i Pravitel’stvom Turkmenistana o torgovo-ekonomicheskom sotrudnichestve v 1993 godu,” Biulleten’ mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov, No. 3, 1994, p. 49; “Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Turkmenistana i Pravitel’stvom Ukrainy o postavkakh prirodnogo gaza v 1993 godu,” Turkmenskaia iskra, October 1992 (Author’s ar-chives).
See: “Srochnoe reshenie Pravitel’stva Turkmenistana,” Turkmenskaia iskra, 22 February, 1994. In April 1994 Turkmenistan applied the same measures to Azerbaijan.
See: Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Rossiiskoy Federatsii i Pravitel’stvom Turkmenistana o sotrudnichestve v neftianoy i gazovoy oblastiakh (see: URL [],26 November, 2003).
See: Soglashenie mezhdu Rossiiskim aktsionernym obshchestvom “Gazprom” i Pravitel’stvom Turkmenistana o vzaimnom sotrudnichestve v 1996 godu (see: URL [],28 May 2004).
See: Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Turkmenistana, Rossiiskim aktsionernym obshchestvom “Gazprom” i Mezhdunarodnoy energeticheskoy corporatsiey “Itera” o vzaimnom sotrudnichestve v 1997 godu (Author’s archives).
For more detail about the project revived in 2002 in the context of the Turkmenian-Afghan ties see: M. Esenov,
Turkmenistan’s Foreign Policy and its Impact on the Regional Security System,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 1 (7), 2001 (see: URL [], 21 December, 2001).
See: “The Intergovernmental Declaration on Transcaspian Gas Pipe-line Implementation Principles between the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Turkey and Turkmenistan in Connection with the Transcaspian Gas Pipe-line Project Implementation,” Press-kurier Turkmenbashi, Issue 16, 1999 (see: URL [
ol16_declaration.html], 10 October, 2000).
See: Jan S. Adams, “Russia’s Gas Diplomacy,” Problems of Post-Communism, May-June 2002, pp. 14-22; Ugo-da mizh Ukrainoiu i Turkmenistanom pro postavki prirodnogo gazu iz Turkmenistanu v Ukrainu v 1999 rotsi (in Ukraini-an) (see: URL []); Ugoda mizh Ukrainoiu i Turkmenistanom pro postachannia prirodnogo gazu iz Turkmenistanu v Ukrainu u 2000-2001rokakh (in Ukrainian) (see: URL [], 8 February, 2002); “Soglashenie mezhdu Turkmenistanom i Ukrainoy o postavkakh prirodnogo gaza iz Turk-menistana v Ukrainu v 2002-2006 godakh,” Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 17 May, 2001.
See: Soglashenie mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom o sotrudnichestve v gazovoy otrasli (see: URL [], 11 April, 2003).
See:“Soglashenie mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom o regulirovanii protsessa pereselenia i zash-chite prav pereselentsev,” Diplomaticheskiy vestnik, No. 1-2, January 1994, pp. 24-27; “Soglashenie mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom ob uregulirovanii voprosov dvoynogo grazhdanstva,” Diplomaticheskiy vestnik, No. 1-2,January 1994, pp. 27-29.
See: “Vystuplenie Prezidenta Turkmenistana S.A. Niyazova na soveshchanii rabotnikov obrazovania Turkmenis-tana,” Vecherniy Ashghabad, 5 May, 1993.
On 1 September, 2002, all 49 remaining mixed secondary schools in Turkmenistan were transformed into purely Turkmen schools. See: Turkmenistan. Iz doklada Ministerstva inostrannykh del Rossiiskoy Federatsii “Russkiy iazyk v mire,”Moscow, 2003 (see: URL [], 1 November, 2004).
About this see: S. Kamenev, “The Current Sociopolitical Situation in Turkmenistan,” Central Asia and the Cau-casus, No. 2 (14), 2002 (see also: URL [], 2 April, 2002).
See: RFERL. Turkmen Report, 7 June, 2004. To confirm an old diploma, each person was expected to pass an exam on Turkmenbashi’s “holy” book Rukhnama.
See: “Po ukazaniu Niyazova gotovitsia uvol’nenie 15,000 rabotnikov zdravookhranenia,” Press release PTs Me-morial, 19 January 2004.
“Vystuplenie Prezidenta Turkmenistana Saparmurata Turkmenbashi vo Dvortse Mekan na soveshchanii s tvorche-skimi rabotnikami (3 aprelia 2001 goda),” Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 11 May, 2001.
For more detail, see: S. Demidov, “Religion in Post-Soviet Turkmenistan,” Central Asia and the Caucasus,No. 4 (10), 2001 (see: URL [], 21 December, 2001).
The Law on Selecting State Managers and Officials for Public Service in Turkmenistan of 9 August, 2002 is the most typical example of discriminatory legislation. It envisages checking three generations of those claiming posts in the structures of state power and administration (see: Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 24 August, 2002).
See: Postanovlenie Khalk Maslakhaty Turkmenistana “O navechnom utverzhdenii turkmenskogo iazyka i turkmen-skogo natsional’nogo alfavita v deiatel’nosti organov gosudarstvennogo upravlenia, vo vsekh sferakh zhizni nezavisimo-go Turkmenistata,” Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 30 December, 1999.
See: Protokol o prekrashchenii deystvia Soglashenia mezhdu Rossiiskoy Federatsiey i Turkmenistanom ob ureg-
ulirovanii voprosov dvoynogo grazhdanstva (see: URL [
DocumShow_DocumID_84507.html], 29 October, 2003); Ukaz Prezidenta Turkmenistana “Ob uregulirovanii voprosov dvoynogo grazhdanstva mezhdu Turkmenistanom i Rossiiskoy Federatsiey, Neytral’nyi Turkmenistan, 23 April, 2003;Polozhenie ob uregulirovanii voprosov dvoynogo grazhdanstva mezhdu Turkmenistanom i Rossiiskoy Federatsiey.
See: “Zaiavlenie Gosudarstvennoy Dumy Federal’nogo Sobrania ‘O sobliudenii prav grazhdan Rossiiskoy Feder-atsii v Turkmenistane’” (see: URL [ 40 See: “Zaiavlenie Gosudarstvennoy Dumy Federal’nogo Sobrania 40 See: “Zaiavlenie Gosudarstvennoy Dumy Federal’nogo Sobrania ‘O sobliudenii prav grazhdan Rossiiskoy Feder-atsii v Turkmenistane’” (see: URL [], 26 November, 2003).‘O sobliudenii prav grazhdan Rossiiskoy Feder-atsii v Turkmenistane’” (see: URL [], 26 November, 2003).], 26 November, 2003).
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