The parliament, as any country’s supreme legislature, is one of the key elements of democracy. It passes laws, represents and harmonizes diverse social interests, identifies political priorities, seeks compromises, distributes the resources that directly affect the nation’s everyday activities, and, most important, controls the executive branch.
The parliament and its structures, which allow citizens to take part in political decision-making, thus determining their future, play a decisive role in establishing and consolidating democracy. The parliament is instrumental in establishing the rule of law, protecting human rights, and ensuring transparency of state administration and the fulfillment of international obligations.1
There is every reason to believe that during the years of sovereignty, parliamentarism has become an inalienable part of the country’s politi cal system, something which was absent at the dawn of its independence. Its development was a gradual process that included the quest for a balance of public interests and the checks-and-balances system. It was then that the republic acquired the legal foundation that made the liberal reforms successful.2
I am convinced that the parliament as the legislature of our newly independent state should ensure the country’s sustainable and dynamic development and progress in all spheres of public life. This can be done only if the parliament uses the entire range of political and legal tools offered by the current constitution.
In 2006, our parliament marked ten years of its functioning—a decade filled with creative and persistent efforts to cement the state’s parliamentary principles. The deputies of all three
he parliament, as any country’s supreme
legislature, is one of the key elements of democracy. It passes laws, represents and harmonizes diverse social interests, identifies political priorities, seeks compromises, distributes the resources that directly affect the nation’s everyday activities, and, most important, controls the executive branch.
The parliament and its structures, which allow citizens to take part in political decisionmaking, thus determining their future, play a decisive role in establishing and consolidating democracy. The parliament is instrumental in establishing the rule of law, protecting human rights, and ensuring transparency of state administration and the fulfillment of international obligations. convocations have done much to give the country the legal basis of its statehood. Today, economic progress, which alone can guarantee social harmony and development together with welfare, social development and environmental protection, is the top priority in the country’s sustainable development. The parliament is moving in this direction by supplying social strategy and market reforms with a badly needed legal foundation: the Republic of Kazakhstan should develop as an independent and modern democratic state.
See: U.B. Mukhamedjanov, “Desiat let v istorii chelovechestva—mgnovenie,” Kazakhstanskaia pravda, 20 Janu-ary, 2006.
See: S.A. Diachenko, “Zakonotvorcheskaia deiatel’nost parlamenta kak uslovie politicheskoy stabil’nosti obshchest-va i ustoychivogo razvitia gosudarstva,” in: Perspektivy kazakhstanskogo parlamentarizma kak vazhneyshego instituta demokratizatsii i ustoychivogo razvitia strany, Astana, 2005, p. 110.
“Kazakhstan na puti uskorennoy ekonomicheskoy, sotsial’noy i politicheskoy modernizatsii. Poslanie Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan N. Nazarbaeva narodu Kazakhstana. Fevral 2005 goda,” available at [
See: U.B. Mukhamedjanov, “Perspektivy kazakhstanskogo parlamentarizma kak vazhneyshego instituta demokra-tizatsii i ustoychivogo razvitia strany,” in: Perspektivy kazakhstanskogo parlamentarizma kak vazhneyshego instituta demok-ratizatsii i ustoychivogo razvitia strany, p. 4.
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Arts 49-51).
See: Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan “O merakh po dal’neyshemu ispol’zovaniu potentsiala Konstitutsii Respubliki Kazakhstan,” 4 maia 2005 goda No. 1568, available at [].
See: E. Turanov, “Novy ukaz,” Kontinent, No. 10, 2005, p. 17.
According to the Information and Analytical Center of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, available at [].
According to the Kazakhstan Today News Agency, 17 November, 2005.
See: A.Iu. Volkov, “Mezhparlamentskoe sotrudnichestvo s zarubezhnymi gosudarstvami kak kliuchevoy mekha-
nizm v oblasti prodvizhenia natsional’nykh interesov v obespechenii ustoychivogo razvitia Respubliki Kazakhstan,” Per-spektivy kazakhstanskogo parlamentarizma kak vazhneyshego instituta demokratizatsii i ustoychivogo razvitia strany, p. 224.
See: S.A. Diachenko, “O roli mezhparlamentskikh sviazey v usloviiakh globalizatsii,” Diplomaticheskiy kur’er, No. 2,2006, pp. 253-254.
See: S.K. Shakirbaev, “K voprosu ob ukreplenii roli parlamenta v gosudarstvennom upravlenii Respubliki Ka-zakhstan,” Analytic, No. 6, 2005, p. 46.
See: S. Kari, “Palatochny perepolokh,” Megapolis, No. 49, 12 December, 2005.
See: M. Kopeev, “Perspektivy razvitia parlamentarizma: Kazakhstan i zarubezhny opyt,” Liter, 8 September, 2006.
See: U.B. Mukhamedjanov, “Desiat let v istorii chelovechestva—mgnovenie.”
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