While economic interdependence and security divergence are shaping the regional political agenda of the Southern Caucasus, the European Union expands its policy measures in the way of supporting a multilevel regional cooperation model. In its turn, the expansion of the European integration process favors especially the integration-oriented actors in the Southern Caucasus and describes its policy character. I may describe it as a process of “double integration”: the integration of the Southern Caucasus itself and the transregional integration of the Southern Caucasus into Europe.
The enlargement of the European Union toward East was the result of a reconfiguration of power relations in the world as an outcome of globalization. The Southern Caucasus stands also in the center of capital interests and interests of supranational actors. The penetration of the transnational capital in new geographic areas and the European ambitions of a neighboring region, in this case Southern Caucasus, characterize the geostrategic dimension of this integration. The strengthening of the EU positions is in no small part connected with the establishment of a certain social-political model in the countries of the Southern Caucasus.
Considering the existing accents of the economic development models of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia several options, like elements of neomercantilistic and neoliberal approaches, as well as social-democratic trends can be observed. Meanwhile, the primary interest of the European Union lies in security issues and overcoming the socioeconomic asymmetries to stop migration streams from the region.
R. Shugarian, “From the Near Abroad to the New Neighborhood…,” in: Armenia on the Way to Europe, MFA RA,FES, ACHS, Erevan, 2005.
L. Kleveman, “Oil and the New ‘Great Game’,” The Nation (New York), 16 February, 2004.
See: M. Sarkisyan, “The Armenian Opposition: Time is Demanding the End of the Authoritarians,”,12 October, 2005.
See: Aib Fe, 30 October, 2004.
See: Echo, 20 July, 2005.
See: “Cascade Bank Takes over the Emporiki Bank,” Delovoy Express, 19 January, 2006.
J. Leithäuser, “Fischer-Reise: Zupfen am kaukasischen Knoten,” FAZ, No. 96, 24 April, 2004, S. 6.
F. Deppe, Stürzt das europäische Haus ein? Zur Krise der Europäischen Union, FEI, Marburg, 2005.
According to the pattern of concentric circles, as soon as an old periphery is fully integrated in the EU, it devel-ops a strong interest in the calculated inclusion or integration of its own periphery (see: G. Vobruba, Die Dynamik Euro-pas, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005).
L. di Puppo, “Will Germany’s New Initiative Answer the Aspirations of its ‘European neighbours’?”,9 October, 2006.
According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, observer status would be conferred on these countries, which would be consulted on EU decisions in Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP) matters (see: “Berlin entwickelt neue Nach-barschaftspolitik,” FAZ, 3 July, 2006, p. 1).
C. Chaffour, “Three Myths Undermined by Two Revolutions. Interview with Dov Lynch,”, 20 June,2006.
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