CHINA’S CENTRAL ASIAN POLICY (Based on Chinese Sources)


  • Ablat KHOJAEV D.Sc. (Hist.), leading research associate at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Author


The Soviet Union and the socialist camp which have disappeared from the maps, the readjusted balance of global forces, and the five new independent states on China’s western borders forced the PRC to change its foreign policy priorities. This should be done first in relation to Central Asia as a vitally important neighboring region on which China’s political and economic security primarily depends. This explains Beijing’s keen interest in Central Asian developments and its active efforts to spread its influence there. The PRC has become an important actor with a lot of political, economic, and cultural clout.

As soon as the Soviet Union left the scene, the Chinese government recognized the independence of the Central Asian states, established diplomatic relations with them, set up scientific centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Lanzhou, Urumqi, and elsewhere, and mobilized enough scholars to study the region in depth and in detail 


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See: O.L. Ostroukhov, “Vneshniaia politika Kitaia v gody reform i perspektivy ee razvitia,” Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenia, No. 3, 1999, p. 9.

See: Xing Guangcheng, Zhongguo he xin duli de Zhongya guojia guanxi, Harbin, 1996, p. 98.

See: Zhongguo yu Zhongya, Beijing, 1999, pp. 135-140.

See: Zhongguo yu Zhongya, pp. 135-140, 152, 155-170, 209-212.

See: Ibid., pp. 39, 84-85, 151-152.

Ibid., p. 39.

See: Xu Tao, “Fan tujue zhuyi xichao lishi fengxi” (Historical Analysis of the Ideas of Pan-Turkism), in: Shize zungjiao wenti ds jujiao, Beijing, 2002, pp. 90-110; Xing Guangcheng, “Zhongguo he Zhongya guojia: xin guanxi,” Dongou Zhongya yanjiu (Research on Eastern Europe and Central Asia), No. 1, 1996, pp. 58-64; idem, Zhongguo he xin duli de Zhongya guojia guanxi, p. 101; 1998 nian Zhongguo jingji xingshi fengxi yu yuce (Analysis and Forecasting of the PRC Economic Situation for 1998), Beijing, 1999, pp. 101-102; 139-140.

See: Xing Guangcheng, Zhongguo he xin duli de Zhongya guojia guanxi, pp. 95-96, 300.

See: Ibid., pp. 152-158.

See: Renmin ribao, 25 September, 1998.

Xing Guangcheng, Zhongguo he xin duli de Zhongya guojia guanxi, pp. 152-153.

Ibid., p. 145.

See: Ibid., p. 134.

See: R.M. Alimov, Tsentral’naia Azia: obshchnost interesov, Tashkent, 2005, pp. 104-106, 127-130, 150.

Guoji zhanlue yu anquan xingshi pinggu 2002/2003 (Analysis and Forecasting of the State of International Strat-egy and Security), Beijing, 2003, p. 151.

See: Ibid., pp. 168-232.

See: “’Shanghaiskaia piaterka’: vstrecha v Dushanbe,” Narodnoe slovo, 4 July, 2000; “Tsentral’no-aziatskoe agent-stvo politicheskikh issledovaniy: kommentariy k vtorzheniu islamskikh ekstremistov v Kyrgyzstan,” Saiasat (Kazakhstan),June-July 2000.

See: Shanghai hezuo zuzhi—xin anquan guang yu xin jizhi, Beijing, 2002, pp. 303-311.

See: A. Volokhova, “Izmenenia vo vneshnepoliticheskikh kontseptsiaikh KNR (vzgliady kitayskikh politologov),Problemy Dal’nego Vostoka, No. 3, 2006, pp. 74-75.

See: Socioeconomic Statistics of China for 2006, Renmin ribao on line site, 1 March, 2007.

See: [].

Shanghai hezuo zuzhi—xin anquan guang yu xin jizhi, p. 311.

See: Xing Guangcheng, Zhongguo he xin duli de Zhongya guojia guanxi, p. 99.

Shanghai hezuo zuzhi—xin anquan guang yu xin jizhi, p. 305.

See: Chuan Chen, “Novaia doktrina Kitaia v sfere bezopasnosti,” Vestnik analitiki, No. 3, 2006, p. 121.

V.I. Balakin, “Politicheskie prioritety i investitsionnyy protsess v zapadnoy i kitayskoy ekonomikakh,” Vostok-Zapad 2003-2004, Moscow, 2005, p. 171.

Z.G. Lapina, K.I. Shilin, “Vzgliad s pozitsii ekologicheskogo budushchego: razmyshlenie po povodu rab-oty akademika S.L. Tikhvinskogo ‘XX vek—vzgliad s blizkogo rasstoiania’ (M., 2004),” Vostok-Zapad 2003-2004,p. 317.







How to Cite

KHOJAEV, A. (2007). CHINA’S CENTRAL ASIAN POLICY (Based on Chinese Sources). CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 8(3), 26-39.
