The European Union is slowly but surely becoming an entity able to pursue a coordinated foreign policy. Every geopolitical ac-tor needs a strategy that can be applied both to all other big actors (the U.S., Russia, and China) and to the regions affecting Europe’s security and prosperity (Central Asia is one of them). The Central Asian region is unique in the fact that it is “impacted” between the EU’s largest and most important neighbor (Russia) and an emerging mega power (China).1 This means that the EU’s regional policy is strongly affected by its relations with both powers. Here I intend to assess the EU’s political prospects in Central Asia in the context of the relations among the European Union, Russia, and China.
The term was used by Victor Bulmer-Thomas,former Director of Chatham House in his valedictory lecture “Living with Two Megapowers: The World in 2020” deliv-ered on 6 December, 2006.
H. Wegener, “Central Asia: At Last Europe May Be Getting its Act Together,” Europe’s World, No. 5, Spring 2007,p. 16.
See: European Community Regional Strategy Paper for Assistance to Central Asia for the period 2007-2013, avail-able at [], 14 May, 2007; Joint EUSR-General Secretariat. Joint Discussion Paper on the Strategy for Central Asia (Project), available at [],28 April, 2007.
A Secure Europe in a Better World. European Security Strategy, December 2003, available at [
olana/solanae.pdf], 23 March, 2007.
See: V. Milov, “Russian Energy Policy: Challenges and Implications,” Roundtable discussion meeting, Chatham House, 20 September, 2006, available at [], 15 April,2007.
See: I. Rubanov, “Ne po pravu sily,” Ekspert, No. 19, 2007.
See: Xuanli Liao, “Central Asia and China’s Energy Security,” China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4,2006, pp. 65-67.
See: EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris, 23 April, 2007, available at [], 10 May, 2007.
See: D. Trenin, “Russia Leaves the West,” Foreign Affairs, July/August 2006.
Russian Federation Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013, available at [
sp/index.htm], 28 April, 2007.
See: Ibidem.
MID RF. “Obzor vneshney politiki Rossiiskoy Federatsii,” 27 March, 2007, available at [
rp_4.nsf/0/3647DA97748A106BC32572AB002AC4DD], 5 April, 2007.
M. Light, R. Allison, “The Place of Europe in Russian Foreign Policy,” Putin’s Russia and the Enlarged Europe,Chatham House Papers, Blackwell Publishing, London, 2006, p. 16.
See: V. Putin, “Polveka evropeyskoy integratsii i Rossia” (the article appeared in several European newspapers),25 March, 2007, available at [], 27 April, 2007.
S. Karaganov, “Kak Rossii popast v Evropu,” Novaia gazeta, 6-13 April, 2007.
See: Facing China’s Rise: Guidelines for a EU Strategy, ed. by M. Zaborowski, in: Chaillot Paper, December 2006,No. 94 (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris).
F. Godement, “Neither Hegemon Nor Soft Power: China’s Rise at the Gates of the West,” Facing China’s Rise:
uidelines for a EU Strategy, p. 51.
See: A. Berkofsky, “The EU-China Strategic Partnership: Rhetoric versus Reality,” Facing China’s Rise: Guide-lines for a EU Strategy, p. 105.
See: V. Panfilova, “Uzbekistan zarabotal na sammite SCO pochti 4 milliarda dollarov,” Nezavisimaia gazeta,30 June, 2004.
See: Z. Brzezinski, The Great Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, Basic Books, New York, 1997, p. 124.
See: “Evropeyskiy dom bez truby,” Novaia gazeta, 26 January-2 February, 2007.
R. Allison, “Russian Security Engagement with the European Union,” Putin’s Russia and the Enlarged Europe,p. 80.
See: M. Light, “Russian Political Engagement with the European Union,” Putin’s Russia and the Enlarged Europe,p. 59.
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