Ten years ago, on 27 June, 1997, Emomali Rakhmon’s government and the United Tajik Opposition (UTO) signed the General Agreement on Peace in Tajikistan in Moscow. S.A. Noori, the UTO head, died in the latter half of 2006; several months later President Rakhmon began another 7-year presidential term by forming a new Cabinet in which, for the first time since the Moscow Agreement, there were no members of the former opposition. The post conflict period in Tajikistan had come to an end: in the summer of 2007 the U.N. Security Council closed the U.N. Tajikistan Office of Peacebuilding.
The decade that has passed since the end of the civil war was used to achieve relative social, economic, and political stability. Despite the fairly low GDP level (60 percent of Soviet times) and the poverty level, which remains the highest among the Soviet successor states, the nation is positive about the prospects. This is an important factor of political stability—probably even more important than the much-discussed fear of another bout of domestic unrest.
The shadow economy (migration of about a million Tajiks to Russia and the growing drug created profits of certain groups engaged in drug trafficking from Afghanistan) plays an important role in the positive economic dynamics.
The official economy is also growing: the GDP is increasing by 6.7 to 10.6 percent every year. A successful macroeconomic policy and balanced foreign policy allowed Dushanbe to attract investments in large-scale hydropower projects and the transportation infrastructure. There is another successful project—the Tajik Aluminum Plant (TadAP), the source of at least half of the republic’s export earnings.
In November 2006, the presidential election completed the period of the final consolidation of the political system based on strong central power personified by President Rakhmon. A campaign to revise the post-1997 domestic political balance was launched by a constitutional referendum in 2003. The parliamentary and presidential elections in 2005 and 2006 squeezed the rivals and opponents of the incumbent president—former UTO members as well as those of the Kulob clan who brought Emomali Rakhmon to power—out of the country’s political life.
Elbowed out of power, the Tajik opposition, which has lost its leader, is still the most effective in Central Asia. The Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan—IRPT (which has preserved much of its former political resources) remains one of the key factors of domestic stability, not to be treated lightly by those at the helm.
In the last two years and in the changed Central Asian geopolitical context, Dushanbe has been demonstrating less dependence on the Kremlin (which did much to bring the ruling regime to power) in its foreign policy preferences: while the United States lost several points, Russia scored several points by establishing allied relations with Uzbekistan. This cooled the relations between Dushanbe and Tashkent.
While moving closer to the West and China, as well as to Iran and to a certain extent India as the regional powers, the Tajik rulers never forget about Moscow as the guarantor of their position.
On the whole, the republic’s dynamics can be described as positive even though the country remains burdened by a vast number of pending socioeconomic problems and certain negative political circumstances. This explains the cautious optimism displayed by most of the nation and all the foreign actors involved in the country
See: “Radostnye novosti: uroven bednosti v Tadzhikistane snizilsia do 60 protsentov,” Ferghana.Ru, 4 June, 2007,
available at [www.Ferghana.ru].
See: Z. Vazirov, “Trudovaia migratsia: etapy sotrudnichestva,” Asia Plus, 17 November, 2006, available at
See: “Tadzhikistan prosit Rossiu puskat na tret bol’she trudovykh migrantov,” NewsRu.com (Russia), 23 January,
, available at [www.newsru.com].
See: International Monetary Fund. World Economic Outlook, April 2007, p. 72.
See: Transition Report 2005, EBRD, 2005.
See: Republic of Tajikistan: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix, International Monetary Fund, Washington, April 2005, p. 53; F. Salimov, “Tadzhikistan v regional’noy politike,” Mezhdunarodnye protsessy (Russia), Vo. 4,
No. 2 (11), May-August 2006.
See: “Vneshniy dolg Tadzhikistana v 2006 godu sostavil 866 mln dollarov,” Regnum, 25 January, 2007, available
at [www.regnum.ru].
See: Z. Ergasheva, “TadAZ pereimenovan,” Asia Plus, 6 April, 2007, available at [www.asiaplus.tj].
See: “TadAZ—eto ‘tadzhikskiy Gazprom’?” Asia Plus, No. 28 (338), 13 July, 2006.
See: “Interviu s direktorom predstavitel’stva ‘Rusal’ v Tadzhikistane K. Zagrebel’nym,” Asia Plus, 2 November,
, available at [www.asiaplus.tj].
See: E. Batyrkhanov, “Rakhmonov otkazal Deripaske,” Delovaia gazeta Vzgliad, 5 May, 2005.
See: Z. Ergasheva, “‘TALCO’ protiv ‘Rusala’,” Asia Plus, 4 June, 2007, available at [www.asiaplaus.tj].
See: N. Edgori, “Minenergo: nikto ne v silakh nam pomeshat,” Avesta, 19 December, 2005, available at
See: M. Oripova, “Interviu s ministrom sel’skogo khoziastva i okhrany prirody Tadzhikistana Abdurakhmonom
Kadyrovym: ‘Reforma proshla s oshibkamai’,” Asia Plus, 25 January, 2007, available at [www.asiaplus.tj].
See: “V 2006 godu v Tadzhikistane sokratiat posevnye ploshchadi pod khlopchatnik,” Regnum, 18 January, 2006,
available at [www.regnum.ru].
See: V. Vazirov, op. cit.
See: B. Abubakr, “Denezhnye perevody cherez ‘Stranu-ekspress’,” Khovar Information Agency, 16 May, 2006,
available at [www.khovar.tj].
See: Kh. Makhmadiev, “Geroinovy VVP,” Asia Plus, 15 September, 2005, available at [www.asiaplus.tj].
See: P. Bruntal’skiy, “Zaslon u ‘geroinovoy reki’. Tadzhikskie udary po afganskim narkorekordam,” Voenno-promyshlennyi kurier, No. 3 (169), 24-30 January, 2007; A. Bogdanov, “Afgano-tadzhikskaia pautina. Strany TsentrAzii uzhe ne sposobny v odinochku protivostoiat narkoticheskomu valu,” Kabar, 5 August, 2006, available at
See: E. Tukumov, “Osnovnye etapy evoliutsii ekstremizma v Tadzhikistane,” Analytic, No. 5, 2004, p. 17.
See: E. Tukumov, “Osnovnye etapy evoliutsii ekstremizma v Tadzhikistane,” Analytic, No. 5, 2004, p. 18
See: M. B. Olcott, Central Asia’s Second Chance, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C.,
See: U. Babakhanov, “Vybor prezidenta,” Asia Plus, 7 December, 2006, available at [www.asiaplus.tj]
See: V. Soloviev, “Tadzhikskaia oppozitsia poteriala lidera,” Kommersant, 10 August, 2006; D. Glumskov, “Smert
oppozitsii,” Ekspert, 21 August, 2006, No. 30 (524).
See: N. Pisaredjeva, “Bor’ba s neofitsial’nymi tadzhikskimi mechetiami: drugaia storona medali,” Institut po osveshcheniu voyny i mira, 17 April, 2007, available at [www.iwpr.net].
See: S. Shokhzoda, “Tadzhikistan i Rossia nuzhdaiutsia drug v druge,” Ferghana.Ru, 6 April, 2007, available at
See: “Vneshnetorgovy oborot Tadzhikistana vyros na 28.2 protsenta,” Ferghana.Ru, 18 April, 2007, available at
See: S. Shokhzoda, op. cit.
See: A. Dubnov, “U Moskvy poiavilis voprosy k Dushanbe,” Vremia novostey, 28 June, 2006, No. 111.
See: S. Shokhzoda, op. cit.
See: A. Dubnov, op. cit
See: V. Dubovitskiy, “Tadzhikistan-Kitay: ot nastorozhennogo otnoshenia k strategicheskomu partnerstvu,”Feghana.Ru, 25 January, 2007, available at [www.Ferghana.ru].
See: “Otkrylos dvizhenie po avtotrasse Murgab-Kulma-Karakorum,” Asia Plus, 17 May, 2007, available at [www.asiaplus.tj].
See: V. Dubovitskiy, op. cit.
See: “Kliuchevye otrasli ekonomiki Respubliki Tadzhikistan (obzor),” Internet Publication Evraziaiiskiy dom,10 July, 2006, available at [www.eurasianhome.org].
See: M. Pervushin, “Persoiazychny soiuz,” Internet publication Strana.Ru, 26 July, 2006, available at [www.strana.ru].
See: F. Salimov, “Tadzhikistan v regional’noy politike,” Mezhdunarodnye protsessy, Vol. 4, No. 2 (11), May-August 2006.
See: “Mnogoobeshchaiushchee nachalo dlia iranskikh investitsii,” Institut po osveshcheniu voyny i mira, 17 Jan-uary, 2007, available at [www.iwpr.org].
See: A. Makhmudov, “TALCO stuchitsia v klub ser’eznykh aliuminievykh igrokov,” Avesta, 16 May, 2007, avail-able at [www.avesta.tj].
See: F. Salimov, op. cit.
See: S. Shokhzoda, op. cit.
See: A. Asrorov, “Chem nedovolen Tadzhikistan?” Kazakhstan Today, 19 July, 2006, available at [http://
See: V. Dubovitskiy, “Kazakhstan v Tsentral’noy Azii: Priznanie regional’nogo liderstva,” Ferghana.Ru, 10 April,2007, available at [www.Ferghana.ru].
See: “Investfond Kazakhstana nameren postroit LEP Khujand-Shimkent. Kazakhstanskie predprinimateli gotovy vlozhit sredstva v energetiku Tadzhikistana,” Avesta, 9 October, 2006, available at [www.avesta.tj].
See: “Kazkommertsbank nameren sozdat ‘dochku’ v Tadzhikistane,” Interfax-Kazakhstan, 1 June, 2007, availa-ble at [www.interfax.kz].
See: Z. Ergasheva, “Kazkommertsbank khochet sozdat v Tadzhikistane svoiu ‘dochku’,” Asia Plus, 4 June, 2007,available at [www.asiaplus.tj].
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