Political pluralism and a multi-party system are regarded today not only as the basic principles of a democratic society, but also as the fundamental prerequisites of democracy in general. In this context, Kazakhstan, which declares itself to be a democratic state,1 has been giving much attention recently to transforming the country’s political sphere.
A retrospective view of the development of a multi-party system in the republic makes it easier to break down the institutionalization of its party system into relatively distinct stages.
During the first stage (1985-August 1990), the state’s ideology crumbled and fell apart, the multiparty system became legitimized, and the people experienced euphoria over the imminent changes. “Politics was regarded as a process during which vitally important issues were indeed resolved, and this atmosphere gave rise to an outburst of public enthusiasm and drew charismatic personalities onto the political stage.”2 Numerous independent public associations with views on society and the state that differed from the official stance began to spring up. In so doing, organizations prevailed that did not pursue political goals but were engaged in social problems—environmental, culturological, and historical—and tried to have an influence on the power structures in order to resolve these problems. The most well-known of them were: the Nevada-Semipalatinsk International Anti-Nuclear Movement (Nevada-Semipalatinsk IAM, date of establishment—February 1989), the Memorial Society (December 1988), Adilet (April 1989) and Multi-thousand meetings and other mass actions were held under the supervision of well-known poet O. Suleimenov, thus helping Nevada-Semipalatinsk IAM to achieve its goal: the Semipalatinsk testing ground in Kazakhstan was closed down.
This experience stood the movement leaders in good stead. They were later able to create a political organization on its basis. The Memorial and Adilet societies were engaged in investigating the Stalinist repressions, helping the victims to become rehabilitated, and looking for mass shooting and burial sites. The Republican Society set itself the task of reviving the Kazakh language, culture, and spirituality; its national-cultural centers strove to preserve the national cultures of the various ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan
See: Konstitutsia Respubliki Kazakhstan, TOO Baspa, Almaty, 1998, p. 3.
E.K. Ertysbaev, “Golosovali za programmu Nazarbaeva. Posleslovie k vyboram. Predvaritelnye zametki,” Kazakhstanskaia pravda, 19 January, 1999.
See: S. Diachenko, L. Karmazina, S. Seidumanov, Politicheskie partii Kazakhstana, 2000 god (reference guide),
Almaty, 2000, p. 289.
See: “Deklaratsiia o gosudarstvennom suverenitete Kazakhskoi SSR,” Kazakhstanskaia pravda, 28 October,
See: Zakon Kazakhskoi SSR “Ob obshchestvennykh ob’edineniiakh v Kazakhskoi SSR,” Almaty, 1991; Konstitutsia Respubliki Kazakhstan, official edition, Almaty, 1993.
See: V. Babak, “Kazakhstan: How Its Multiparty System Came into Being,” Central Asia and the Caucasus,
No. 2 (32), 2005.
N.A. Nazarbaev, Na poroge XXI veka, Almaty, 1996, p. 170.
See: S. Diachenko, L. Karmazina, S. Seidumanov, op. cit.
See: Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “Ob obshchestvennykh ob’edineniiakh,” Vechernii Almaty, 31 May, 1996; Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “O politicheskikh partiiakh,” official edition, Almaty, 1996
See: S. Diachenko, Partogenez v Kazakhstane: sostoianie, problemy, perspektivy, KISI, Almaty, 1997.
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, “Poslanie Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan narodu Kazakhstana. ‘O polozhenii v strane i
osnovnykh napravleniiakh vnutrennei i vneshnei politiki: demokratizatsiia obshchestva. Ekonomicheskaia i politicheskaia
reforma v novom stoletii,’” Kazakhstanskaia pravda, No. 184, 1 October, 1998.
See: Konstitutsionny zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “O vyborakh v Respublike Kazakhstan” (with amendments and
addenda), TOO Baspa, Almaty, 1998.
See: A.E. Chebotarev, “Sozdanie ‘Demokraticheskogo vybora Kazakhstana,’” 18 November, 2001, available at
[], archive.
See: Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan “O politicheskikh partiiakh,” official edition, Almaty, 2002.
See: P. Karavaev, “Maulen Ashimbaev: Nam nuzhna deistvennaia partiia vlasti,” Liter, 29 December, 2006.
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, Vystuplenie na IX s’ezde Respublikanskoi politicheskoi partii “Otan,” 7 July, 2006, available at [], official site of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; idem, Vystuplenie na VII s’ezde Grazhdanskoi partii Kazakhstana, 10 November, 2006, available at [], official site of the President of the Republic
of Kazakhstan.
P. Karavaev, op. cit
See: A.E. Chebotarev, S. Ismailova, “Partiinoe stroitelstvo v Kazakhstane prodolzhaetsia,” XXI vek, 11 March, 1999.
See: O.Z. Mushtuk, Politologiia: Uchebnoe posobie, Market DS, Moscow, 2006, pp. 373-374.
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, Vystuplenie na IX s’ezde Respublikanskoi politicheskoi partii “Otan,” 7 July, 2006.
See: F. Asimov, “‘PR’ v otsenke dostizhenii nezavisimogo Kazakhstana za 15 let,” 20 February, 2007, available
at [].
See: M. Babaev, “Zachem ob’ediniat partiiu vlasti posle vyborov?” Rossiiskie vesti, 23 October, 2006.
See: L. Chen, V. Radionov, “Partii budet dve ili bolshe? Realno li sozdat v Kazakhstane dvukhpartiinuiu sistemu
po obraztsu Soedinennykh Shtatov? Mnenie ekspertov,” 9 February, 2007, available at [].
See: Ibidem.
See: G. Dyrdina, “Dosym Satpaev: Konservatorov i ‘iastrebov’ vokrug prezidentskogo ukha bolshe, chem liberalov i storonnikov ‘politicheskogo dialoga,’” Respublika, 9 February, 2007.
See: L. Chen, V. Radionov, op. cit.
Vystuplenie N.A. Nazarbaeva na VI zasedanii Gosudarstvennoi komissii po razrabotke i konkretizatsii programmy demokraticheskikh reform 19 fevralia 2007, available at [], official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
See: “Sozdana novaia partiia ‘Alga’,” available at []; “Tuiakbai vozglavil ‘Obshchenatsionalnuiu
sotsial-demokraticheskuiu partiiu,’ a Kozhakhmetov—ocherednuiu ‘Algu’,” available at [].
See: Konstitutsionny zakon “O vyborakh v Respublike Kazakhstan,” available at [
page?_pageid= 73,48269&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL].
See: M. Duverger, Politicheskie partii, Transl. from the French, 3rd ed., Akademicheskiy proekt, Korolev, Paradigma, Moscow, 2005, pp. 300-301 (French edition: M. Duverger, Les Parties Politiques, Seuil, Paris, 1951; English translation: M. Duverger, Political Parties, Wiley, New York, 1954).
See: N.V. Anokhina, E.Iu. Meleshkina, “Proportsionalnaia izbiratelnaia sistema i opasnosti prezidentsializma: rossiiskii sluchai,” Polis, No. 5, 2007, p. 8.
See: Ibidem.
See: Ibid., p. 2.
See: R. Taagepera, M.S. Shugart, “Opisanie izbiratelnykh system,” Polis, No. 3, 1997; A. Lijphart, Electoral Systems and Party Systems. A Study of Twenty-seven Democracies 1945-1990, Oxford, 1994.
See: R. Taagepera, M.S. Shugart, op. cit.
M. Duverger, op. cit., p. 311
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