The August war had a paradoxical effect on the Caucasus. It turned the region into the main arena of the biggest international crisis in recent history. Russian-American relations had not reached such a critical point since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Some observers harked back to the Caribbean crisis of 1962. The test launching of Russia’s Topol-M ballistic missile in response to the appearance of American war ships in the Black Sea; the turning point in the seemingly irreversible process of NATO’s enlargement that became evident after Georgia and Ukraine were refused Membership Action Plans in December 2008; and the new tone of the latest American administration in its dealings with Moscow all indicate that global security issues were placed on the map in August and that we should appreciate the fact that this local and shortlived armed conflict helped to resolve (although not entirely) such acute and far-reaching contradictions.
For the Caucasus, however, the situation looks different. Of course, the external changes, primarily the appearance of two new independent states, reflect the scope of the crisis. But the old contradictions have not been resolved, while several new ones have appeared. Soon after the Russian presidential decree on recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states was signed and publicized, Russian diplomats began talking about the successful settlement of two ethnopolitical conflicts. There are technical grounds for such an opinion. But only technical. Suffice it to say that nothing has been done to accommodate the Georgian refugees who left their homes in South Ossetia or the Ossetian refugees who cannot return to the republic because their homes have been destroyed and are still in ruins Abkhazia and South Ossetia (particularly the latter) risk repeating the fate of Northern Cyprus, which was recognized by Turkey but has been unable to rectify its economic underdevelopment or emerge from foreign political isolation.
See: Konflikty v Abkhazii i Iuzhnoi Osetii. Dokumenty 1989-2006 gg., Moscow, 2008. See map on the back flyleaf.
See: M. Ararkov, “Osetinskiy finansovyi pirog,” Expert-online, 30 April, 2009, available at [
See: O. Allenova, “Ne mesto etomu prezidentu v Iuzhnoi Osetii,” Kommersant, 5 December, 2008, No. 222.
See: O. Allenova and A. Gabuev, “Eduard Kokoity: segodnia khotiat ukrast nashu pobedu,” Kommersant, 23 De-cember, 2008, No. 234.
See: M. Plieva, “Narodnaia partiia Iuzhnoi Osetii stala ob’ektom dlia politicheskikh eksperimentov,” Kavkazskiy uzel, 13 April, 2009, available at [].
See: “Oppozitsiia obiavit Iuzhnuiu Osetiiu ‘mertvoi zonoi,’” IA Rosbalt, 15 May, 2009, available at [http://]; “Oppozitsiia: Iuzhnaia Osetiia prosit zashchity i pomoshschi Rossii,” IA Rosbalt,15 May, 2009, available at [].
See: “Schetnaia palata proverila ispolzovanie stredstv na vosstanovlenie Iuzhnoi Osetii,” available at [http://].
Sergey Naryshkin’s interview to “Vesti.” Full text available at [].
See: A. Gabuev, “Kontrolnaia dlia Tskhinvali,” Kommersant, 3 March, 2008, No. 37.
O. Allenova and S. Titov, “V Iuzhnoi Osetii vse bolshe byvshikh,” Kommersant, 5 December, 2008, No. 222.
See: “Eduard Kokoity ne stanet prezidentom Iuzhnoi Osetii v tretiy raz,” IA Regnum, 9 April, 2009, available at [].
O. Allenova, “Abkhaziiu priglasili na Olimpiadu v Sochi,” Kommersant, 19 May, 2009, No. 87.
See: N. Venediktova, “Sredstva massovoi informatsii Abkhazii v 2007 godu,” report from the Center for Journal-ism in Extreme Situations, available at [].
See: “Rodstvenniki prezidenta nachali predvybornuiu kampaniiu: obzor SMI Abkhazii,” IA Regnum, 22 February,2009, available at [].
See: V. Pop, “Abkhazians Call for Recognition in European Parliament,” European Observer, 7 October, 2008,available at [].
See: “Zapad kliuet na ulovki Gruzii: Abkhazia za nedeliu,” IA Regnum, 27 June, 2009, available at [http://www.].
See: Kh.G. Politidis, “Dioskuriada… Abkhazia… rodina!” Mezhdunarodnaia evreiskaia gazeta, April 2009,Nos. 1-2.
See: “Partiia ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Abkhazii kritikuet vneshniuiu politiku prezidenta Bagapsha,” IA Regnum,18 May, 2009, available at [].
See: “V Abkhazii soglashenie s Rossiei o sovmestnoi okhrane granitsy podvergaetsia kritike,” IA Regnum, 16 May,2008, available at [].
“V Abkhazii mogut potrebovat otstavki prezidenta,” IA Regnum, 18 May, 2009, available at [
See: IA Interfax, 15 May, 2009.
See: A. Nemtsova, “Mikhail Saakashvili: Where Are My Western Friends?” Newsweek, 20 April, 2009, available at [].
Interview with Zurab Nogaideli, Tbilisi, 22 February, 2009.
See: L. Ovanisian, “Stroitelstvo dorogi Erevan-Batumi planiruetsia zakonchit za dva goda,” Kavkazskiy uzel, 6 Oc-tober, 2008, available at [].
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