Tajikistan, which has a 1,200-km-long border with Afghanistan, was in demand during Operation Enduring Freedom. At the beginning of 2002, Tajikistan opened its air corridor to NATO’s military transport aircraft and 250 French servicemen were deployed at the civilian airport in Dushanbe. The United States was allowed to use the Dushanbe and Kulob aerodromes for deploying its contingents.1 American congressmen, senators, ministers, and the heads of military departments began paying more frequent visits to the republic.
The republic, which borders directly on Afghanistan, was hoping for military-technical assistance in the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking. This hope was encouraged when U.S. Congress cancelled the embargo on arms deliveries to Tajikistan. However, the U.S. did not ask Tajikistan for permission to deploy its bases in the country. This was partly because, after taking a look at Kulob (a former Soviet base), the U.S. Central Command deemed it insufficiently equipped and too small,2 although it could have provided the best access to the strategically important Pansher Valley. Moreover, Dushanbe could not respond in any way without first resolving the problem of Russia’s military base, talks on which began back in 1999. However, the country’s president, Emomali Rakhmon, was potentially in favor of deploying the American military base provided it brought economic benefit.
But the Americans did not want to have their military bases right next to the 201st Russian division. Nevertheless, American experts did call on the U.S. to deploy operational structures in Tajikistan in order to increase control over drug trade and support the American forces in Afghanistan in the event the Taliban or other anti-Western Islamic groups became further entrenched there.
See: V. Kitspotter, “Bol’shaia igra v Tsentral’noi Azii,” Iadernyy kontrol’, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2005, pp. 81-102.
See: V. Loeb, “Footprints in Steppes of Central Asia; New Bases Indicate U.S. Presence Will Be Felt after Afghan War,” The Washington Post, 9 February, 2002, p. A01, Lexis-Nexis.
See: Central Asia in U.S. Strategy and Operational Planning: Where Do We Go From Here? , ed. by J.K. Davis,M.J. Sweeney. The Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Washington DC, 2004, p. 79.
U.S. Government Support to the Ministry of the Interior, Press Releases, 25 July, 2007, available at [http://].
From the speech by Evan A. Feigenbaum, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs,at a conference dedicated to the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of relations between the U.S. and Tajikistan at the Center of Strategic Studies. Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 13 April, 2007, “Fifteen Years of Tajik-American Relations,” Offi-cial site of the U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan [].
See: Ministry of Interior, U.S. Embassy Team up for Antiterrorism Training, Press Releases, 19 February, 2008,available at [].
See: V. Mukhin, “Interesy SShA i Rossii stalkivaiutsia v Tadzhikistane,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 12 August, 2003.
Tajik expert J. Usmanov is of the same opinion (see: J. Usmanov, “Changes in the Configuration of Russia’s Military Presence in Tajikistan and its Influence on Maintaining Security in Central Asia,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 5 (47),2007, pp. 94-105).
See: “Tiazhelo v tadzhiksko-rossiiskom uchenii…” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 6 August, 2003.
See: V. Panfilova, “Dushanbe nazval tsenu svoei druzhby,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 19 March, 2004.
See: V. Panfilova, “Rossia ukrepit svoe voenno-politicheskoe vliianie v Tadzhikistane,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 25 April,2003.
At present commander-in-chief of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Land Troops.
See: “Rossiiskaia voennaia baza v Tadzhikistane obespechivaet bezopasnost’ gosudarstv ODKB—komanduiush-chiy okrugom,” Interfax-Kazakhstan, 17 April, 2008.
See: “Zhiloi dom dlia voennykh postroen na baze PurVO v Tadzhikistane,” Informatsionnoe agentstvo API,17 April, 2008.
See: N. Karshiboev, V. Panfilova, and I. Plugatarev, “V Tadzhikistane poiavilas’ voennaia baza RF,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 18 October, 2004.
See: “V Tadzhikistane poiavilas voennaia baza RF,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 18 October, 2004.
See: “201 Gatchinskaia dvazhdy Krasnoznamennaia voennaia baza,” available at [
See: V. Socor, “Russian Army Base in Tajikistan Legalized; Border Troops to Withdraw,” Eurasia Daily Moni-tor, Vol. 1, Issue 108, 18 October, 2004.
See: ShOS-2009. Novyy shag v strategicheskom partnerstve. Vzgliad iz Tadzhikistana, Exclusive interview of Tajik Foreign Minister H. Zarifi to “,” 15 January, 2009, available at [].
See: A. Orlov, “Rossiisko-tadzhikskoe sotrudnichestvo,” Voenno-promyshlennyy kurier, 11-17 February, 2004,No. 5 (22).
“Opora na sobstvennye sily,” Voenno-promyshlennyy kurier, 24-31 March, 2004, No. 1 1(28).
See: “OBSE i NATO vydavlivaiut Rossiiu s tadzhiksko-afganskoi granitsy,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 2 December,2003.
“Nachalo vstrechi s poslom Rossii v Tadzhikistane Ramazanom Abdulatipovym,” 3 June, 2005, Novo-Ogarevo,available at [].
See: “Granitsy Ameriki,” Internet magazine Oazis, No. 4 (48), February 2007, p. 8.
See: Ibidem.
See: L. “Bondarets. Kogda poiaviatsia amerikanskie voennye bazy v Tadzhikistane?” IA MiK, 23 October, 2007,10:28.
See: “Tadzhikistan schitaet prioritetnymi otnosheniia s Kitaem, Rossiey i SShA, Agentstvo Xinhua,” 23 Decem-ber, 2007, 16:29, available at [].
See: “Vashington ispol’zuet protivorechiia mezhdu Moskvoi i Dushanbe,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 13 November,2008.
See: U.S. Government Donation Strengthen Tajikistan’s Border Security, Press Release, 31 March, 2008; United States Hands over Nizhny Panj Border Facility to Government of Tajikistan. Press Release, 19 August, 2008, available at [].
These documents introduce addenda into the current Agreement between the governments of the United States and Tajikistan on Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement and order signed in 2003 (see: “United States provides more than $13 million to enhance Tajikistan’s security and rule of law,” Press Release, 22 August, 2008, available at [http://dush-anbe.]).
See: S. Magbatsho, “Tadzhikistan: vozmozhnost’ rasshireniia sviazei s Vashingtonom v sfere bezopasnosti vyzy-vaet v Dushanbe entuziasm,” EurasiaNet, 29 January, 2009, available at [
See: Ibidem.
“SShA ne namereny otkryvat’ novuiu voennuiu bazu v Tsentral’noi Azii – posol SShA,” Iuzhniy Kavkaz Research Center, available at [].
See: “Tadzhikistan: Rossiiskoe oruzhie sdelaet rezhim Rakhmona bolee deesposobnym,” IA,11 October, 2007.
See: E. Baikova, V. Mukhin, “Tretiy srok dlia prezidenta Tadzhikistana,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 7 November, 2006.
See: V. Koziulin, “Gosudarstva Tsentral’noi Azii: razvitie vooruzhennykh sil i perspektivy voenno-tekhnicheskogo sotrudichestva s Rossiey,” Indeks bezopasnosti, No. 3 (83), 2007.
See: “V Dushanbe prokhodit zasedanie po voenno-tekhnicheskomu sotrudnichestvu mezhdu Tadzhikistanom i Rossiey,” IA “Kazakhstan Segodnia,” 12 November, 2008.
See: R. McDermott, “Tajikistan Claims Border Security Improving,” Eurasia Daily Monitor, Vol. 6, Issue 7, 13 Jan-uary, 2009.
See: A. Korbut, “Etot khitryy, nesgovorchivyy Rakhmon,” Voenno-promyshlennyy kurier, No. 8 (274), 4-10 March,2009.
See: “Emomali Rakhmon rasshiriaet sotrudnichestvo s Evropeiskim soiuzom,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 18 February,2008.
See: “Rossiia prirastaet bazoi v Ayni,” Voenno-promyshlennyy kurier, No. 36 (252), 10-16 September, 2008.
See: V. Mukhin, “NATO okkupiruet rossiyskuiu bazu,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 12 September, 2007.
This is what the aerodrome in Ayni began being called.
See: “Rossiia i Tadzhikistan vedut peregovory ob ispol’zovanii aerodroma pod Dushanbe,” IA Fergana.Ru, 24 Oc-tober, 2008.
See: A. Korbut, op. cit.
See: ShOS-2009. Novyy shag v strategicheskom partnerstve.
See: A. Korbut, op. cit.
See: ShOS-2009. Novyy shag v strategicheskom partnerstve.
See: ShOS-2009. Novyy shag v strategicheskom partnerstve.
See: “Situatsiia v SNG zatragivaet bezopasnost’ Zapada,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 12 March, 2008.
See: N. Mirsaidov, “Diversifikatsiia politiki. Tadzhikistan idet na sotrudnichestvo s NATO, chtoby reshit’ ener-geticheskie problemy,” TsentrAzia, 18 February, 2009, available at [].
Text of the speech of Russian ambassador to Tajikistan R. Abdulatipov at the international conference on Coop-eration and Integration Projects for Central Asia: A Comparative Analysis, Possibilities, and Prospects.” Khujand, 28 June,2007, in: Proekty sotrudnichestva i integratsii dlia Tsentral’noi Azii: sravnitelnyy analiz, vosmozhnosti i perspektivy, ed. by A.A. Kniazev, Bishkek, 2007, pp. 5-8.
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