Every Central Asian state today is concerned about its relations with the world powers, and Kazakhstan is no exception. This topic is even more urgent in the context of the global financial and economic crisis, when essentially all the world’s countries have had to rethink their strategy on the international arena and make certain adjustments to their foreign political priorities. The global players want to retain their leading positions, the regional nations are trying to advance their positions as their stronger rivals backslide, while the economically undeveloped countries are hoping to avoid bankruptcy and loss of sovereignty.
But such active, ambitious, and resource rich states as Kazakhstan are not locked in a battle for survival. The matter concerns broader problems. What will the world be like after the crisis and what place will Kazakhstan occupy in it? How will post-Soviet Central Asia further evolve? Can the regional leaders show their political will, or will national egoism take the upper hand? How should the Central Asian states react to the world powers’ strategy in the region? Will Central Asia become an independent entity of world politics, or will it miss its historical chance by becoming just another cog in the wheel of other nations’ geopolitical projects and strategies?
Both the long-term prospects of the individual Central Asian states and the destiny of the region as a whole directly depend on finding the right answer to these and several other no less complicated questions. Today’s political elites must understand that they are responsible not only to the present, but also to the future generations. Today the ground is being prepared for the future. What will it yield—strong or weak states?
See: “Prichina otkaza Uzbekistana ot uchastiia v ODKB veroiatno kroetsia v okazanii Rossiei podderzhki Kyrgyzst-anu i Tadzhikistanu v stroitel’stve GES,” by S. Ezhkov, available at [http://www.ca-news.org/print/118471].
See: “Uzbekistan: zaiavlena ofitsial’naia pozitsiia po voprosu stroitel’stva novykh GES,” available at [http://www.
See: A. Grivach, “Tsena sredneaziatskogo partnerstva,” available at [http://www.vremya.ru/print/227122.html].
See: D. Trilling, “Turkmenistan: truboprovodnyy spor s Kremlem prevrashchaetsia v politicheskuiu proverku na prochnost’,” available at [http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/248528.html].
See: “Mazhilis odobril ratifikatsiiu soglasheniia mezhdu pravitel’stvami RK, RF i Turkmenistana o sotrudnichestve v stroitel’stve Prikaspiiskogo gazoprovoda (s dopolneniem),” available at [http://www.kt.kz/print.php?lang=rus&uin=1133167994].
See: “Ministerstvo kommertsii: zakupki za rubezhom stanut obychnoi deiatelnostiu,” available at [http://russian.
See: S. Tarasov, “Iuan’ gotovitsia pokorit’ mir,” available at [http://www.stoletie.ru/print.php?printid=14592].
See: “Ne dozhdavshis’ Rossii, Kazakhstan prodaetsia Kitaiu,” available at [http://svpressa.ru/issue/news.
See: “Kitai ne dast Kazakhtanu stat’ amerikanskoi marionetkoi v regione,” available at [http://evrazia.org/news/
See: “Kitaiskie eksperty: Sotrudnichestvo KNR i Rossii v sfere energetiki priobrelo politicheskii smysl,” availa-ble at [http://www.regnum.ru/news/1154849.html].
See: A. Dubnov, “Ekho ‘perezagruzki’ v Tsentral’noi Azii,” available at [http://www.vremya.ru/print/227723.html].
See: “Richard Mornignstar stanet osnovnym sovetnikom Hillary Clinton po voprosam Evrazii,” available at [http://
See: K. Esbergen, “Astana snova primeriaet na sebia rol’ geopoliticheskogo igroka,” available at [http://
See: V. Panfilova, “Briussel’ protiv ogromnykh plotin,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 20 April, 2009.
See: A. Grivach, “V obkhod Rossii. Turkmenistan podpisal s nemetskoi RWE memorandum o sotrudnichestve,”available at [http://www.vremya.ru/print/227454.html].
See: R. Fedoseev, “Uzbekistan povorachivaet na Zapad,” available at [www.vz.ru/politics/2009/4/15/
See: “Ekspert: Rossia dolzhna napomnit’ Tsentral’noi Azii o svoem vklade v razvitie regiona,” available at [http://
ww.regnum.ru/news/1151562.html]. 18 See: A. Shmulevich, “Tsentral’naia Azia i Kazakhstan: tochki griadushchego raspada,” available at [http://www.pn.ru/publications/print21535.htm].
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