The national economy of each of the Central Asian countries aims to create conditions that ensure a satisfactory standard of living for its population, to the extent available resources allow, based on sustainable development. According to its landmark definition, sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (italics mine. —M.H.).1 In other words, future generations should not have to pay for the counter-productive economic and other activity of the present generation. Here it is worth noting that external debt burden is among the factors that have a detrimental impact on such vitally important A review and analysis of the sources shows that, in the past, researchers in the Central Asian countries essentially ignored the problem of ex-ternal debt and did not offer methods to resolve it. There are very few analytical publications on this subject, while the media provides only sparse coverage of external debt. The reasons for this situation are as follows:
(1) this problem is relatively new; it did not emerge until the Central Asian countries declared their independence in 1991.
(2) before the beginning of the 2000s, it was very difficult or practically impossible to obtain reliable information on the external debt stock of the Central Asian countries, including from internal sources.
(3) analysts and researchers were loath to deal with this problem, since public discussion of it was not encouraged.
World Commission on Environment and Develop-ment. Our Common Future, Oxford University Press, 1987.
See: M. Hasanov, “The World Financial and Economic and its Impact on Tajikistan,” Central Asia and the Cau-casus, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2010.
Here and below we use data and particular provisions from the following report: Mirovoy finansovyy krizis i Tadzhikistan, Workshop Materials, NDPT, Dushanbe, 2009, 117 pp.
Gosudarstvennaia sluzhba, No. 3, 2009, p. 17.
V.I. Kushlin, “Innovatsionnye faktory ekonomicheskogo razvitia v sovremennykh usloviakh,” in: Gosudarstven-noie regulirovanie ekonomiki i povyshenie effektivnosti deiatel’nosti subiektov khoziaistvovania, Fifth International Work-shop on State Regulation of the Economy and Improvements in Economic Efficiency, Collected Reports, Part I, Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 2009, p. 379.
See: Strategy of the Economic Development and Business Support Program for 2010-2011, Branch of the Open Society Institute-Assistance Fund in Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2010.
[http://www.profi-forex.org], 22 February, 2012.
See: Growth Returning to Emerging Europe and Central Asia, Press Release, WB, Washington, 2011, 433/ECA.
[http://embacuba. cubaminrex/.cu/Kazajstanrus], 3 February, 2011.
[http://news.mail.ru/economics], 3 July, 2011.
[www.kt.kz], 8 February, 2011.
[http://news.mail.ru/economics], 3 July, 2011.
See: Growth Returning to Emerging Europe and Central Asia.
[http//www.rosbalt.ru/], 30 September, 2011.
[http://top.rbc.ru/finances/], 3 June, 2010.
See: M.M. Hasanov and H.D. Saidhojaev, Vneshni dolg: mirovye tendentsii i ikh prilozhenie k ekonomike Tadzhikis-tana, 3rd edition (revised and enlarged), NPITsentr, Dushanbe, 2004, 67 pp.
See: Transition Report 2011. Crisis in Transition: The People’s Perspective, EBRR, 2011, 154 pp.
A.G. Sarkisiants, Sistema mezhdunarodnykh dolgov, OOO DeKA, Moscow, 1999, 720 pp.
B.A. Binkin, V.I. Cherniak, Effektivnost upravleniia: nauka i praktika, Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1982, 144 pp.,illust.
See: A. Khokhlov, “Ratsionalnost i effektivnost gosudarstvennogo upravleniia,” in: Sotsialnoe razvitie regiona:
ostoianie, problemy, perspektivy, Collection of papers from the International Conference of Young Scientists on the Lat-est Changes and Urgent Problems in the Territorial Development of Contemporary Russia and the CIS Countries, ORAGS,Orel, 2006, pp. 3-6.
See: Project Questionnaire. Project Risk. User Guide, Pro-Invest Consulting, Moscow, 1995, 81 pp.
See: A.G. Sarkisiants, op. cit.
See: Vneshneekonomicheskaia deiatelnost RT, Statistics Collection, Goskomstat, Dushanbe, 2009.
See: P. Svoik, “Dvadtsatiletie natsionalnogo suvereniteta dlia ekonomiki Kazakhstana: itogi i riski,” Tsentralnaia Azia v fokuse, Information and Analytical Bulletin, No. 1, 2011, pp. 25-26.
See: Bank Statistics Bulletin, No. 3 (188), 2011.
Biznes i politika, No. 16 (484), 2002.
Biznes i politika, Nos. 1, 2 (510, 511), 2002.
See: Vremia—dengi, No. 24 (024), 2001.
See: Asia-Plus, No. 1 (520), 2010.
See: Asia-Plus, No. 4 (523), 2010.
See: News Agency Asia Plus, 26 January, 2011.
See: S. Fischer, R. Dornbusch, R. Schmalensee, Economics, Second edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1988.
T. Zolotukhina, “K voprosu ob opredelenii urovnia dostatochnosti ofitsialnykh zolotovaliutnykh rezervov,” Voprosy ekonomiki, No. 3, 2002.
See: S. Fischer, R. Dornbusch, R. Schmalensee, op. cit.
A.G. Sarkisiants, op. cit.
Quoted from: V. Kudrov, “Rossiyskaia ekonomika na novykh putiakh,” Voprosy ekonomiki, No. 2, 2002.
See: Report on the External Debt of Tajikistan for 2007, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dush-anbe, 2008, 26 pp.; Report on the External Debt of Tajikistan for 2009, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan,Dushanbe, 2010, 28 pp.; Report on the External Debt of Tajikistan for 2010, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2011, 26 pp.; TransMONEE Data Base, Regional UNICEF Office for Central and Southeast Europe/
IS Countries, 2011.
See: TransMONEE Data Base, Regional UNICEF Office for Central and Southeast Europe/CIS Countries, 2011.
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