
  • Irina KARABULATOVA D.Sc. (Philol.), Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,Research Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages,Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) (Moscow, Russian Federation) Author
  • Sergey RYAZANTSEV D.Sc. (Econ.), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,Professor, Head of the Center of Social Demography, Institute of Socio-Political Research, Russian Academy of Sciences;Professor at RUDN University and MGIMO University, Head of the Laboratory of Demographic Studies “NIU BelGU” (Moscow, Russian Federation) Author
  • Roman MANSHIN Ph.D. (Econ.), Assistant Professor at RUDN University, leading Researcher at the Center of Social Demography, Institute of Socio-Political Research, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation) Author
  • Zafar VAZIROV Post-graduate student, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) (Moscow, Russian Federation) Author



In the last few years, migration, as a phenomenon of the globalizing world, has become more active and much more prominent in all spheres of social life. It has gained even more prominence in the context of the geopolitical changes to become a global phenomenon. This is true of labor migration from China to the countries of the Customs Union, unfolding in the context of the global financial and economic crisis. Chinese migration can be described as one of the important factors that affect the social, economic, and probably demographic development of these countries in the long-term perspective. Here we have proceeded from the fact that the demographic situation and main migration processes are the important elements of everyday life and politics of contemporary China, the impact of which is not limited to China, the development of its neighbors being affected as well. In the future, these processes will become some of the factors to be considered in the relationship between China and its closest neighbors. Today, the steady growth of Chinese uncontrolled migration is responsible for the worsening standards of living in the host countries; it exacerbates the problems created by the equally steady growth of protest sentiments among the local population. To downplay the negative effects of Chinese migration and the protest sentiments it stirs up, China and Kazakhstan, fully aware of mutual synergy of their economics and mainly identical interests in the world, adopted a joint Strategy of Cooperation for the 21st Century that outlined the main directions of their strategic partnership. It was for the first time that the top officials discussed the problem of Chinese workforce illegally brought into Kazakhstan by Chinese oil and gas companies, working in the Aktobe Region in Western Kazakhstan, and the mass protests stirred up by these practices. Today, migration can be described as one of the main factors that directly affect economy, culture, nationalities policy, ethnic and international relations. Migration can no longer be described as a socioeconomic phenomenon—it is gradually acquiring political dimensions. This means that to maintain national and regional security, the interconnections between the political processes and migration, and the nature and directions of their interaction should be carefully studied and understood.



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See: B. Akhmetova, I. Karabulatova, P. Dudin,Zh. Dorzhiev, “Tension around the Problem of the South China Sea as a Factor of Geopolitical Confrontation and Transformation of the Present World Order,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2016, pp. 49-58.

See: “Reydy za migrantami iz stran Tamozhennogo soiuza,” 8 October, 2016, available at [

atch?v=nO48xhHVX20], 21 February, 2017.

See: E.Yu. Sadovskaya, “Kitayskaia migratsiia v Kazakhstane: sovremennye tendentsii i perspektivy,” Analytic, No. 6,2007, pp. 33-45; Wang Shuchun, Wan Qingsong, “The Silk Road Economic Belt and the EEU—Rivals or Partners?” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 15, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 7-16; R. Abdullo, “Tajikistan-China: Twenty-Five Years of Direct Rela-tions,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 16, Issue 3-4, 2015, pp. 93-107.

See: “Belorussiiu koloniziruiut kitaytsy?” available at [], 20 Feb-ruary, 2017.

See: S. Kozhirova, “Kitayskaia migratsiia i Kazakhstan”, Kazakhstan Spektr, No. 1 (75), 2016, pp. 43-62.

See: I.M. Gabdra¿kov, I.S. Karabulatova, L.G. Khusnutdinova, Kh.S. Vildanov, “Ethnoconfessional Factor in Social Adaptation of Migrant Workers in the Muslim Regions of Russia,” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3,Supplement 4, 2015, pp. 213-223.

V.I. Dyatlov, “Trudovye migratsii i protsess formirovaniia diaspor v sovremennoy Rossii,” in: Trudovaia migrat-siia v SNG: sotsialnye i ekonomicheskie effekty, Tsentr izucheniia problem vynuzhdennoy migratsii v SNG, Moscow, 2003,pp. 227-232.

See: S. Ryazantsev, R. Manshin, “Special Features of the Adaptation of Migrant Workers from Asian Countries in the Russian Economy,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2016, pp. 95-103.

See: S. Ryazantsev, “Kazakhstan Today: Migration—Trends and Regulation Approaches,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 69-79; A.E. Eroyan, E.P. Kolpak, S.F. Litvinova, N.P. Gusakov, S.V. Ryazantsev,

Spatial-Economic and Geopolitical Interests of Russia, the USA and China in Central Asia: Competition, Coincidence of Wants and Strategies in a Changing World,” International Review of Management and Marketing, Vol. 6, Issue 6, 2016,pp. 197-201.

See: S. Ryazantev, Ya. Hungmei, Kitayskaia migratsiia v Rossiiu: tendentsii, posledstviia i podkhody k regulirova-niiu, Ekonomicheskoe obrazovanie, Moscow, 2010, p. 72.


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See: “Voprosy po polucheniiu dalnevostochnogo gektara, tarify i nalogi,” available at [

ealty/voprosy_po_polucheniyu_dalnevost/], 23 February, 2017.

See: O. Glazunov, “Kitayskaia razvedka,” available at [], 23 February, 2017.

See: I.S. Karabulatova, “Russkiy iazyk v Rossiysko-kitayskom prigranichie kak sterzhen obshchey lingvomentalnoy bazy narodov-kontakterov,” in: Migratsionnye protsessy v ATR: istoria, sovremennost, praktika vzaimodeystviia i regulirova-nia, Collection of Articles of the International Scienti¿c-Practical Conference, 1-12 November, 2015, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, 2015, pp. 219-222.

See: S.V. Ryzantsev, R.B. Manshin, Nguen Kan Tuoang, “Sravnitelniy analyz vietnamskoy i kitayskoy migratsii v Rossiiu,” Migratsionnoe pravo, No. 1, 2013, p. 27.

See: V.G. Gelbras, Rossia v usloviiakh globalnoy kitayskoy migratsii, Muravei, Moscow, 2004, 203 pp.; V.Ya. Portya-kov, “Rossiyskiy vektor v globalnoy kitayskoy migratsii,” Problemy Dalnego Vostoka, No. 2, 2006, pp. 12-25; A.G. Larin,Kitaytsy v Rossii vchera i segodnia, Muravei, Moscow, 2003, 223 pp.

See: S. Ryazantsev, “Russia Needs a New Migration Policy,” Russian Politics and Law, Vol. 51, Issue 3, 2013,pp. 80-88; Idem, “The Lingual Integration of Migrants in Russia: Declarations and Realities,” Life Science Journal, Vol. 11,Issue SPEC, ISSUE 8, 2014, Article number 29, pp. 139-143; S. Ryazantsev, E. Pismennaya, “Demographic Development of Vietnam in the Context of the ‘Asian Vector’ of Russia’s Foreign Policy,” Social Sciences (Pakistan), Vol. 11, Issue 23, 2016,pp. 5643-5642.

See: V.I. Dyatlov, op. cit.; V.G. Datsyshen, “Gastarbaitery na Vostoke Rossii: masshtaby, iavleniia, perspektivy i problemy,” in: “Most cherez Amur”. Vneshnie migratsii i migranty v Sibiri i na Dalnem Vostoke, Collection of Materials of an International Research Seminar, Natalis, Moscow, Irkutsk, 2004, pp. 47-61; A. Alexeyev, “Ugrozhaet li Rossii kitayskaia migratsiia? (territorialnaia bezopasnost i mezhetnicheskie otnosheniia v Primorskom Krae),” Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdun-arodnye otnosheniia, No. 11, 2000, pp. 97-103.

See: K.L. Syroezhkin, Mify i realnosti etnicheskogo separatizma v Kitae i bezopasnost Tsentralnoy Azii, Dayj-press,Almaty, 2003, 736 pp.; Idem., Problemy sovremennogo Kitaia i bezopasnost v Tsentralnoy Azii, KISI under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2006, 299 pp.

See: Sovremenny Kitay: ekonomika, demogra¿a i vneshniaia politika, Institut mirovoy ekonomiki i politiki pri Fonde Pervogo Prezidenta RK, Tsentr po izucheniiu Kitaia pri IMEP, Almaty, 2007, 680 pp.

See: E.Yu. Sadovskaya, op. cit.; N. Mustafaev, “Kitayskie immigranty v Kazakhstane: mify i realnost,” Agenstvo politicheskikh novostey, 22 July, 2002; Zh.I. Kuanyshev, “Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie migratsionnykh protsess-ov v Respublike Kazakhstan,” in: Aktualnye problemy sovremennoy kazakhstanskoy politologii, Materials of the International Scienti¿c and Practical Conference dedicated to the 80th birth anniversary of Professor T. Musta¿n, al Farabi Kazakhstan National University, Almaty, 2008, pp. 48-60.

See: R. Skeldon, “Trends in International Migration in the Asia and Paci¿c Region,” International Social Science Journal, No. 165, 2000, pp. 369-382.

See: S. Ryazantsev, “Russia Needs a New Migration Policy,” Russian Politics and Law, Vol. 51, Issue 3, 2013,pp. 80-88; Idem, “The Lingual Integration of Migrants in Russia: Declarations and Realities,” Life Science Journal, Vol. 11,Issue SPEC, ISSUE 8, 2014, Article number 29, pp. 139-143; S. Ryazantsev, E. Pismennaya, “Demographic Development of Vietnam in the Context of the ‘Asian Vector’ of Russia’s Foreign Policy,” Social Sciences (Pakistan), Vol. 11, Issue 23, 2016,pp. 5643-5642.

See: V.I. Dyatlov, op. cit.; V.G. Datsyshen, “Gastarbaitery na Vostoke Rossii: masshtaby, iavleniia, perspektivy i problemy,” in: “Most cherez Amur”. Vneshnie migratsii i migranty v Sibiri i na Dalnem Vostoke, Collection of Materials of an International Research Seminar, Natalis, Moscow, Irkutsk, 2004, pp. 47-61; A. Alexeyev, “Ugrozhaet li Rossii kitayskaia migratsiia? (territorialnaia bezopasnost i mezhetnicheskie otnosheniia v Primorskom Krae),” Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdun-arodnye otnosheniia, No. 11, 2000, pp. 97-103.

See: K.L. Syroezhkin, Mify i realnosti etnicheskogo separatizma v Kitae i bezopasnost Tsentralnoy Azii, Dayj-press,Almaty, 2003, 736 pp.; Idem., Problemy sovremennogo Kitaia i bezopasnost v Tsentralnoy Azii, KISI under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2006, 299 pp.

See: Sovremenny Kitay: ekonomika, demogra¿a i vneshniaia politika, Institut mirovoy ekonomiki i politiki pri Fonde Pervogo Prezidenta RK, Tsentr po izucheniiu Kitaia pri IMEP, Almaty, 2007, 680 pp.

See: E.Yu. Sadovskaya, op. cit.; N. Mustafaev, “Kitayskie immigranty v Kazakhstane: mify i realnost,” Agenstvo politicheskikh novostey, 22 July, 2002; Zh.I. Kuanyshev, “Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie migratsionnykh protsess-ov v Respublike Kazakhstan,” in: Aktualnye problemy sovremennoy kazakhstanskoy politologii, Materials of the International Scienti¿c and Practical Conference dedicated to the 80th birth anniversary of Professor T. Musta¿n, al Farabi Kazakhstan National University, Almaty, 2008, pp. 48-60.

See: R. Skeldon, “Trends in International Migration in the Asia and Paci¿c Region,” International Social Science Journal, No. 165, 2000, pp. 369-382.







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