
  • Dinara AITZHANOVA Ph.D. Student, State Administration Academy at the President of the RK (Astana, Kazakhstan) Author


Global migrations in the final years of the 20th century have transformed large countries into multicultural and multi-confessional societies. In the past, a single confession dominated in most states; however, this phenomenon is gradually disappearing. In these diverse societies, the emergence and popularity of various religious trends have gained special significance. Today, tolerant and peace-loving religious movements compete with radical ideologies for followers. Under the guise of the constitutional principle of freedom of conscience, radical and extremist ideas are spreading across states and among both genders.

The article discusses the feminization of extremism in Central Asia and other regions, examining the conditions and factors that have led to a notable increase in the number of radicalized women. It assesses the role of society and its traditional values, sham religious organizations, and various NGOs in the spread of radical extremist ideas. Additionally, it explores the experiences of different countries in preventing religious extremism and radical ideologies, as well as the de-radicalization of women.

Particular attention is given to the problem of female extremism in Kazakhstan, focusing on the factors that contribute to its rise within the context of the republic's traditional lifestyle. The article also discusses prevention and rehabilitation efforts and the roles of the state, NGOs, and other public organizations in this process.


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I. Larin, “Ekstremizm v Kirgizii vse bolshe priobretaet zhenskoe litso,” 8 February,2018, available at [https://www.

itmeurasia.org/news--2018-02-08-- -34846], 4 June, 2018.

See: “Spetssluzhby ES obratili vnimanie na zhenshchin-islamistok,” Pravoslavnoe informatsionnoe agentstvo “Russkaia linia”, available at [https://rusk.ru/newsdata.php?idar=177845], 4 June, 2018.

See: D. Sabirova, “Tayny zhenskogo terrorizma. Interview with T. Dronzina, author of Terrorizma zhenskiy lik,”available at [http://islam.ru/content/analitics/48271], 4 June, 2018.

From an interview with Askar Sabdin, Director of the Mysl Center for Applied Studies of Religion.

See: D. Sabirova, op. cit.

See: A. Bogatik, “‘Karavansarai’: V Kazakhstane obsuzhdaiut radikalizatsiu zhenshchin, available at [http://central.

sia-news.com/ru/articles/cnmi_ca/features/2016/11/11/feature-01], 25 April, 2018.

From an interview with women (Atyrau), victims of destructive ideology.

According to information supplied by the Committee for Religions MDRGO RK in the¿rst quarter 2018.




Information supplied by councilor of the Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan E. Ongarov in an interview.

From the interview with Director of the Akniet Rehabilitation Center A. Shaumetov.

See: A. Bogatik, op. cit.

See: A. Abdirasilkyzy, How important is the role which female organizations can play in extremism prevention?Portal of the Central Mosque of Pavlodar, available in Russian at [http://mazhab.kz/ru/statii/raznoe/naskolko-vajnuyu-rol-mogut-sygrat-jenskie-organizatsii-v-voprosah-pro¿laktiki-ekstremizma-774/], 4 June, 2018.







How to Cite

AITZHANOVA, D. (2019). FEMALE RADICALISM: METHODS OF PREVENTION. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 20(2), 111-118. https://ca-c.org/CAC/index.php/cac/article/view/1456
