China’s economic, sociocultural, geopolitical, and ethnoreligious influence in Central Asia and the factors behind it. They examine the specifics of Chinese, Central Asian, and Russian demography and analyze the impact of socioeconomic and demographic processes of the recent years on China’s foreign policy. Having analyzed the volumes, dynamics, branch and regional specifics of China’s investments in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, the authors conclude that they can be described as a new form of realization of China’s geopolitical interests in Central Asia and Russia. They have identified new forms of Chinese migration in the context of China’s expanded investments beyond its borders, involvement of Chinese citizens in the “golden visa” programs in Europe and Mediterranean countries, and revealed that, more likely than not, labor migrants follow the flows of Chinese money and business migrants, consolidating the economic and geopolitical aspects of Beijing’s foreign policy.
The authors have discussed the geopolitical, sociocultural, and economic role of Chinese diasporas in promoting the interests of their homeland and pointed out that the forms of Chinese influence in the world have become more varied.
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See: Rossia i Kitay: izmenenia v sotsialnoy strukture obshchetsva, ed. by M.K. Gorshkov, Li Peilin Z.T. Golenkova,Novy khronograf, Moscow, 2012, pp. 257-260.
See: Of¿cial site of the Migration Policy Ministry of Greece, available at [
See: H. Liu, E. van Dongen, The Chinese Diaspora, Oxford Bibliographies, 2013, 26 pp.
See: G.I. Chufrin, “Investitsionnoe nastuplenie Kitaia na Tsentralnuiu Aziu,” Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie, No. 4, 2012,p. 54.
See: S. Ryazantsev, A. Ter-Akopov, E. Pismennaya, A. Lukyanova, “Diasporas as Informal Tools for Regulating Migration in the Eurasian Economic Union,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 18, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 35-42.
See: F. Chuanglin, Yu. Danlin, China’s New Urbanization: Developmental Paths, Blueprints and Patterns, Springer,2016, 329 pp.
See: S.V. Ryazantsev, Z.K. Vazirov, “Kitayskaia migratsia v Respublike Tadzhikistan” Migratsionnoe vzaimodeystvie Rossii so stranami Vostochnoy i Iugo-Vostochnoy Azii, Series Demogra¿a. Sotsiologia. Ekonomika, Moscow, 2018, pp. 94-98.
See: Of¿cial site of the Huawei, available at []
See: “Makroekonomicheskie pokazateli,” Statistical Agency at the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, available at []
See: Information supplied by the Tajik Agency for Statistics. Vneshneekonomicheskaia deiatelnost Respubliki Tadzhikistan, Dushanbe, 2017, pp. 5-6.
See: S. Ryazantsev, R. Manshin, Z. Vazirov, M. Karimov, “Сhina’s InÀuence on the Social and Economic Develop-ment of the Central Asian States: Methods and Consequences,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 19, Issue 1, 2018,pp. 18-25.
See: Azia Plus Press Service at the Ministry of Economic Development of the RT, available at [
See: Avesta, available at [].
See: “In Central Asia’s Forbidding Highlands, A Quiet Newcomer: Chinese Troops,” The Washington Post, available at [¿c/in-central-asias-forbidding-highlands-a-quiet-newcomer-chinese-tro ops/2019/02/18/78d4a8d0-1e62-11e9-a759-2b8541bbbe20_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.cd073fa74412].
See: Azia Plus, available at [].
See: Of¿cial site of the State Migration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, available at [http://].
See: Report of the Institute of Confucius (全球孔子学院 ( 课堂 ) 分布), 2018, available at [
See: Of¿cial site of the Foreign Ministry of China (支持中欧人员往来和移民领域对话项), available at [https://].
See: Brochure about EU-China Dialog on Migration and Mobility Support Project, ILO, available at [https://www.].
See: 中国代表团团长吴海龙大使在国际移民组织第106届理事会会议上的发言, available at [].
See: Of¿cial site of the International Organization for Migration, available at [
See: China, International Organization for Migration, available at [], 20 March,2019
See: Of¿cial site of the World Bank, available at [
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