The aim of the article is to analyze and characterize the 2018 Velvet Revolution in Armenia and to present its influence on the politics of this country. The first part of the article is devoted to pointing out the most important factors that led to the mass protests in Armenia, such as the weakness and corruption of political elites, monopolization of power structures by one party, inefficiency of foreign policy, or the constitutional amendment of 2015. The emphasis was placed on the political determinants of the state political crisis. The course of events during the revolution is subsequently presented, emphasizing the priority role held by the opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan. The paper concludes with the enumeration of the most important transformations in Armenia’s politics, which were initiated after the My Step bloc came to power, and Pashinyan took over the position of Prime Minister.
See: Ch. Tilly, *From Mobilization to Revolution*, New York, 1978; C. Brinton, *The Anatomy of Revolution*, New York, 1952.
See: “2008 Presidential Elections”, available at [].
See: Ter-Petrosyan oprotestuyet itogi vyborov prezidenta Armenii v sude, Vesti.Ru, available at [], 12 May, 2019.
See: “At Least Eight Killed in Armenian Post-Election Unrest,” available at []; N. Borisov, “Potentials and Limits of Political Competition: Institutional Transformations in Georgia and Armenia in the 2000s,” *Central Asia and the Caucasus*, Vol. 16, Issue 3-4, 2015, pp. 17-22.
See: “Aprel’-2016: O chem govoriat itogi boyev na linii fronta v Nagornom Karabakhe?”, available at []; “Karabakh Army: We Suffered 29 Casualties,”, available at [].
See: L. Broers, “The Nagorny Karabakh Conflict: Defaulting to War,” July 2016, p. 14, available at [].
See: Th. de Waal, “Karabakh-2017: budet li voyna,” available at [].
See: A. Iskandaryan, “The Velvet Revolution in Armenia: How to Lose Power in Two Weeks,” *Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization*, Vol. 26, No. 4, Fall 2018, p. 468.
See: “Protesty v Armenii,” Interfax, available at [].
See: “Caucasus Barometer 2015 Regional Dataset (Armenia and Georgia),” available at [].
See: “Caucasus Barometer 2015 Regional Dataset (Armenia and Georgia),” available at []; [].
See: Sunday, 6 December, 2015 Referendum, available at [].
See: Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, available at [].
See: “Draft of Concept Paper on RA Constitutional Amendments was Presented to RA President,” available at [].
See: L. Harutyunyan, “Nedelya v Armenii: Serzh Sargsyan stanet novym prem’yer-ministrom strany,” RFI, available at [].
See: “‘Barkhatnaia revolutsiia’ v Armenii: tsentr Erevana otseplen politsiey,” available at []; L. Arutyunyan, “Nedelia v Armenii: oppozitsiia nachala marsh protesta protiv praviashchey partii,” available at [].
See: “Besporiadki v Erevane: lider protesta gospitalizirovan,” BBC, available at [].
See: Ibidem.
See: “V Armenii ob’iavili ‘barkhatnuiu revolutsiiu’,” Lenta, available at [].
See: “V Erevane zaderzhan lider protestnogo dvizheniia Nikol Pashinyan,” Radio Svoboda, available at []; “V Erevane desiatki voyennykh prisoyedinilis k protestuiushchim,” RIA, available at [].
“Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan’s Statement,” available at [].
See: K. Fedorowicz, “Where is Armenia Heading—The Way to the Unknown?” Bulletin of the Institute of Armenian Studies, No. 2, May-July 2018, p. 6 (in Polish).
See: “At Special Sitting of RA National Assembly Nikol Pashinyan Elected RA Prime Minister,” available at [].
See: “Nikol Pashinyan ob’yavil o svoyey otstavke s posta prem’yer-ministra,” available at [].
See: “Sunday, 9 December, 2018 Parliamentary Elections,” available at [] (in Armenian).
See: Zakon Respubliki Armenia ot 16 maia 2019 goda No. ZR-31 O vnesenii izmeneniy i dopolneniy v Zakon „O strukture i deiatelnosti Pravitelstva,” available at []; “Natsionalnoe sobranie prinialo proekt izmeneniy v strukture pravitelstva,” Radio Azatutyun, available at []; Structure, available at [].
See: “Speech Delivered by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan While Introducing the Government Program to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia,” available at [].
See: “2nd President Kocharyan’s Attorneys to Submit Appeal to Court of Cassation on 30 or 31 August,” Armenpress, available at [].
See: “Zashchita Kocharyana poprosila sud osvobodit yego pod zalog,” RIA, available at [].
See: “General Manvel Grigoryan ostanetsya pod strazhey—resheniye suda,” NewsArmenia, available at [].
See: Report Sixteenth Sitting Thursday 11 April, 2019 at 10 a.m., available at [].
See: “Remarks by President Donald Tusk after His Meeting with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan,” available at [].
See: “Nikol Pashinyan: ‘The Program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia Ushers in the Launch of the Economic Revolution’,” available at [].
See: “Government Discusses Land Reform-related Issues,” available at [].
See: IMF Staff Country Reports, “Republic of Armenia: Selected Issues,” p. 9, available at [
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