The authors have analyzed the ways in which the country was consolidating its independence and sovereignty by strengthening and improving its national statehood, identifying the cultural and religious values of the Kazakhs, and assessing their spiritual potential. In some twenty years, in a historically short period, the republic became easily recognizable in the world thanks to its geopolitical principles, clear ideas about its development path, and a well-defined awareness of the specifics of its national culture and ethnoreligious identity as the society’s subjective idea about itself and the world. This brought to the forefront not merely the problem of reviving its historical roots and spiritual value, which has gained ideological significance amid the world crisis in all spheres of social life. It has also become existentially important to revive, enrich, and further develop the national culture and ethnic and religious customs and traditions and align them with current realities.
See: H.-H. Gadamer, *Aktualnost prekrasnogo*, Iskusstvo Publishers, Moscow, 1991. P. 43-59 (H.-G. Gadamer, *The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays*, Cambridge University Press, 1986).
See: F. Nietzsche, *Thus Spake Zarathustra*, Macmillan, New York, 1911.
L.N. Gumilev, *Etnogenez i biosfera zemli*, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, 1990. P. 325 (L.N. Gumilev, *Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere*, 1978).
M.S. Orynbekov, *Genesis religioznosti v Kazakhstane*, Dayk-Press, Almaty, 2005, p. 288.
A.N. Nysanbaev, *Globalizatzia i problemy mezhkulturnogo dialoga*, Vol. 1, Almaty, 2004, p. 262.
See: Plato, *Sochinenia v trekh tomakh*, Vol. 3, Part 1, Mysl Publishers, Moscow, 1971. P. 91.
See: Ch. Montesquieu, *The Spirit of Laws*, Batoche Books, Kitchener, 2001.
See: P.A. Sorokin, *Sistema sotsiologii*, in two vols., Vol. 2: Sotsialnaia analitika. Uchenie o stroenii slozhnykh sotsialnykh agregatov, Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1993. P. 99-105.
See: G.W.F. Hegel, *Works of Different Years*, Vol. 1, Moscow, 1970, P. 285-385 (in Russian).
See: M. Weber, *The Nation, Nationalism*, Oxford University Press, 1994. P. 25.
See: N.A. Berdyaev, *Filoso¿a neravenstva*, IMA-Press Publishing House, Moscow, 1990, p. 85.
V.S. Solovyev, *Sochinenia*, in two volumes, Vol. 2, Pravda Publishers, Moscow, 1989. P. 220.
N.M. Sadykov, “Etnos i religia kak identi¿katsionnye faktory,” *Saiasat*, No. 5, 1998, p. 39.
M. Orynbekov, *Pred¿loso¿a protokazakhov*, Olke Publishing House, Almaty, 1994, p. 114.
M.M. Mchedlova, “Religioznaia identichnost,” in: *Politichskaia identichnost i politika identichnosti*, in 2 vols., ed. by I.S. Semenenko, Vol. 1, Identichnost kak katergoria politicheskoy nauki: slovar terminov i poniatiy, Moscow, 2012, p. 123.
V.A. Lektorsky, “O telerantnosti, pluralizme i krititsizme,” *Voprosy ¿loso¿i*, No. 11, 1997, p. 54.
See: E. Erikson, *Identity: Youth and Crisis*, W.W. Norton Company, New York, 1968.
See: E. Fromm, *Escape from Freedom*, McDougal, 1941; E. Erikson, op. cit.
See: M.M. Mchedlova, op. cit.
See: S.Zh. Dosanova, A.A. Agabek, “Konstrukt religioznoy identichnosti s pozitsiy sinergeticheskoy kontseptsii sotsializatsii,” *Vestnik KazNU. Seria Filoso¿a. Seria kulturologia. Seria Politologia*, No. 1 (34), 2010, pp. 129-130.
See: É. Durkheim, “Kollektivnyi ritual,” in: *Religia i obshchestvo: Khrestomatia po sotsiologii religii*, compiled by V.I. Garadzha, E.D. Rutkevich, Aspekt Press, Moscow, 1996. P. 438-441.
See: L.G. Novikov, “Osnovnye kharakteristiki dinamiki religioznosti naselenia,” *Sotsis*, No. 9, 1998, pp. 93-98.
See: R.A. Podoprigora, “Istoria, itogi i perspektivy zakonodatestva o svobode veroispovedania i religioznykh ob’edineniy,” *Pravovaia reforma v Kazakhstane*, No. 3, 2002, pp. 10-11.
See: G.G. Solovieva, *Religia v Kazakhstane. Istoria i sovremennost*, Textbook, ed. by A.Kh. Bizhanov, Institute of Philosophy, Political and Religious Science, Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science, Almaty, 2018, 346 pp.
See: A.T. Zabirova, “Formirovanie, legitimatsia i vosproizvodstvo identichnosty v postsovetskom Kazakhstane,” *Sotsiologicheskie issledovania*, No. 12, 2003, pp. 118-126.
See: “Itogi natsionalnoy perepisi naselenia 2009 goda. Natsionalny sostav, veroispovedanie i vladenie yazykami v Respublike Kazakhstan,” [нац состав рус.doc].
See: A.K. Sultangalieva, *Islam v Kazakhstane: istoria, etnichnost i obshchestvo*, KISI, Almaty, 1998, p. 60.
See: *Religioznye konversii v postsekuliarnom obshchestve (opyt fenomenologicheskoi rekonstruktsii)*, Collective monograph, ed. by A.Kh. Bizhanov, Institute of Philosophy, Political and Religious Science, Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science, Almaty, 2017. P. 153.
See: A.J. Frank, “Popular Islamic Literature in Kazakhstan. An Annotated Bibliography,” Dunwoody Press, No. 2, 2015, pp. 51-70.
See: O. Roy, *Holy Ignorance: When Religion and Culture Part Ways*, 2010, p. 305; M. Atkin, “Religious, National and Other Identities in Central Asia,” in: *Muslims in Central Asia: Expressions of Identity and Change*, ed. by Jo-Ann Cross, 1992, pp. 46-72.
See: M.E. Louw, *Everyday Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia*, Routledge, London, New York, 2007, 219 pp.
See: C. Furlow, “Malaysian Modernities: Cultural Politics and the Construction of Muslim Technoscienti¿c Identities,” *Anthropological Quarterly*, Vol. 82, No. 1, 2009.
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