The Northern Caucasus, home to numerous ethnicities, is a challenge to the political administration and national security of the Russian Federation; many problems of state order and ethnic relationships, caused by rivalry among political and ethnic elites for power and influence, have reached a critical level. There are ethnic and clan contradictions and territorial disagreements.1 Today, the information security of the Northern Caucasus should be discussed at two levels—domestic and global. The former is related to the region’s status and role in Russia’s domestic policy and development and the latter to its place in Russia’s foreign policy and the interest of foreign states and international organizations in the macro region. In one of his books, Andrey Zdravomyslov wrote that the Northern Caucasus owed its international weight to the fact that it was situated at the crossing of geopolitical “power” lines, “the crossroads of geopolitical aims.”2 On 12 November 2009, in his address to the Federal Assembly, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev pointed out that “our most serious, domestic political problem [is] the situation in the North Caucasus.”3
Information security in the Northern Caucasus is directly related to real and potential threats and challenges. In the last few years, their level and scope have increased many times over to become extremely dangerous.
See: V.E. Mishin, Bezopasnost Severnogo Kavka-za v usloviiakh globalizatsii, Ph.D. thesis, Pyatigorsk,2005, p. 85.
A.G. Zdravomyslov, Mezhnatsionalnye konflikty v postsovetskom prostranstve, Moscow, 1996, p. 87.
See: Ibidem.
See: “Rol SMI v blokovykh konfliktakh,” in: V.A. Avksentyev, S.N. Zinev, D.A. Lavrinenko, et al., Etnopolitichesk-ie protsessy na yuge Rossii: ot lokalnykh k blokovym konfliktam, Rostov on Don, 2011.
D. Smith, Trends and Causes of Armed Conflict, Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management,2004, p. 11.
V.A. Avksteniev, G.D. Gritsenko, A.V. Dmitriev, Regionalnaia konfliktologiia: kontsepty i rossiiskaia praktika,Moscow, 2008, p. 14; Yug Rossii v zerkale konfliktologicheskoy ekspertizy, ed. by G.G. Matishov, N.I. Golubeva,V.A. Avksentiev, Rostov on Don, 2011, pp. 44-48.
Iug Rossii v zerkale konfliktologicheskoy ekspertizy, p. 261.
See: M. Tangiev, “Mirotvorcheskie initsiativy prezidenta Ingushetii,” Bulletin seti etnologicheskogo monitoringa (Moscow), No. 85, May-June 2009, p. 80.
For more detail, see: D.A. Lavrinenko, E.T. Mayboroda, “Informatsionny menedzhment ethnokonfliktnogo prot-sessa (Stavropol, mai 2010 g.),” in: Politicheskaia bezopasnost Yuga Rossii: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prak-ticheskoy konferentsii i kruglogo stola, Kransodar, 2010, pp. 83-87.
See: V.M. Iurchenko, I.A. Gherasimov, “Politicheskie ustanovki molodezhi v kontekste obesbecheniia bezopas-nosti na Iuge Rossii,” in: Sotsialnoe samochuvstvie naseleniia v sovremennoy Rossii: tezisy dokladov Vserossiiskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, ed. by G.D. Gritsenko, Rostov on Don, 2010, p. 253.
See: Ibid., p. 254.
See: R.G. Abdulatipov, “Sostoianie russkoy natsii—sostoianie gosudarstva,” Sobytia i kommentarii, No. 058,31 March, 2004, available at [].
A.I. Dobaev, Vliianie ugroz terroristicheskoy deiatelnosti na formirovanie sistemy ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti v usloviiakh globalizatsii. Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis, Rostov on Don, 2008, pp. 14-15.
Ibid., p. 21.
See: Ibid., p. 27.
See: Ibid., p. 28.
See: A.I. Smirnov, Informatsionnaia globalizatsiia i Rossia: vyzovy i vozmozhnosti, Moscow, 2005, pp. 278-279.
See: A. Tazhudinova, “Protivodeystvie ekstremizmu kak natsionalnaia idea,” available at [
See: Ibidem.
D.A. Koretskiy, “Ideologicheskoe obespechenie bor’by s terrorizmom,” available at [
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December, 1966; entry into force 23 March, 1976, in accordance with Art 49, available at [].
Analytical document on the results of sociological poll conducted by the Saratov Center for the Study of Organ-ized Crime and Corruption to identify what the public thought about terrorism in Russian in 2008, available at [].
S.M. Kochoi, “Ekstremizm: problemy protivodeystviia,” available at [].
See: G.A. Shaginyan, Antiterroristicheskaia informatsionnaia politika rossiiskogo gosudarstva, Abstract of Ph.D.
hesis, Krasnodar, 2006.
Ibid., p. 23.
O. Prikhodko, “Lingvisticheskiy arsenal antiterroristicheskoi bor’by,” Zerkalo nedeli, No. 38, 25 September, 2004,available at [].
L.P. Martirosova, Osobennosti osveshchenia terrorizma v SMI, Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis, Pyatigorsk, 2009, p. 21.
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