The author probes deep into the concept of Eurasians, a subject of heated discussions interpreted as an integration attempt in the post-Soviet expanse. He looks at the idea of Eurasians as a civilizational project designed to unify all entities of the geostrategic expanse into a single whole. This multilayered problem cannot be exhaustively analyzed in one or even several dozen articles. Nevertheless, the subject deserves clarification as a target of analysis. The political and economic versus civilizational discourse looks very much like the chicken or the egg dilemma. The author prefers a civilizational discourse, although many will probably disagree with him.
[]; [].
See: Distribution of the Population in the Republic of Latvia by National Composition and State Affiliation as of 01.01.2013, available at [Население_Латвии] (in Lettish).
See: [].
V. Kliuchevskiy, “Kurs russkoi istorii. Lektsia XLI,” in: V. Kliuchevskiy, Sobranie sochinennii v 9-ti tomakh. Tom III.
ysl Publishers, Moscow, 1988, p. 12.
N.S. Trubetskoy, “Ideokratiia i armiia,” in: Evraziiskaia khronika, Issue 10, Paris, 1928, p. 3.
P. Suvchinskiy, “K preodoleniiu revolutsii,” Nash Sovremennik, No. 2, 1992, pp. 157, 158.
See: [] (see also: R. Yakobson, “K kharakteristike evraziiskogo iazykovogo soiuza,” in: R. Jakobson, Selected Writings. I. Phonological Studies, ‘s-Gravenhague, 1962; cf.: R. Jakobson, Über die phonologische Sprachbünde, TCLP, 4, 1931; idem, Sur la théorie des affinités phonologiques entre les langues, «Actes du IV Congrès international des linguistes», Copenhague, 1938).
Later this was convincingly confirmed by Kazakh poet and student of protolanguages Oljas Suleymenov in his books Az i Ya, Yazyk pisma and Tyurki v doistorii.
In the mid-1990s, I offered a specific discussion of this subject in: “Turkestan-Turan—illiuzia realnosti ili realnost illiuziy,” Tiurkskiy mir, No. 2, 1999, available at [] and “Gimn Evraziystvu kak epitafia Rossiyskoy imperii,” available at [
Quoted from: I. Podshivalov, “Patriotizm svobodnoy Sibiri,” available at [].
See: “Aborigennaia (inorodcheskaia) politika,” available at [].
[]; [
See: “Aborigennaia (inorodcheskaia) politika.”
See: M.M. Fedorov, The Legal Status of the Peoples of Eastern Siberia (17th-early 19th centuries), Yakutsk, 1978;L.M. Dameshek, Internal Policy of Czarism and the Peoples of Siberia (19th-Early 20th Centuries), Irkutsk, 1986; A.Yu. Konev,Autochthonous Peoples of Northwestern Siberia in the Administrative System of the Russian Empire (18th-Early 20th Centuries),Moscow, 1995; Peoples of Siberia as Part of the State of Russia, St. Petersburg, 1999; Russia’s Multinational Civilization:
nity and Contradictions, Moscow, 2003; Asian Russia in Geopolitical and Civilizational Dynamics. The 16th-20th Centuries,Moscow, 2004; E.P. Kovalyashkina, “The Aliens” Question in Siberia: Concepts of State Policies and Regional Ideas, Tomsk,2005 (all in Russian); Andreas Kappeler, Russland als Vielvolkerreich: Entstehung, Geschichte, Zerfall, Verlag C.H. Beck,Munich, 2008, 416 pp.; English translation: Andreas Kappeler, The Russian Empire: A Multiethnic History, Longman, London,2001, xxiii, 455 pp.
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