The author has chosen Iran and Pakistan, two giants of the Muslim world, as the subject of her analysis and identifies their place in the context of the geopolitical changes underway in Central and South Asia. She investigates in detail the degree to which their interests are intertwined, as well as the extent of their interaction with other actors (the U.S., Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and the Central Asian republics). She also points to the potentially useful factors that might eventually help to overcome all the challenges, risks, and threats that, so far, remain prominent enough to slow down progress in the relations between Iran and Pakistan. The talks between the West and Iran, which have been going on far too long and complicated by the Ukrainian crisis and the rapidly approaching NATO drawdown from Afghanistan, are further destabilizing the already destabilized situation in the AfPak zone. This negatively affects the relations between the two countries, their potential impact on the Central Asian region, and the prospects for the geoprojects related to them.
See, for example: J. Stern, “Pakistan’s Jihad Culture,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 6, November/December 2000,pp. 119, 123.
[], 9 March, 2014 (accessed 16 March, 2014).
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u/news/economics/92881/Spros_na_tranzitnye_perevozki_gruzov_cherez_territoriyu_Irana_prodolzhaet_rasti], 14 March,2014.
See: Razmyshleniia o terrorizme: vliianie na Iuzhnuiu Aziiu i Blizhniy Vostok: Materialy mezhd. seminara 3 aprelia 2002 goda, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, 2002.
See: “Iran Says Pakistan Obliged to Finish Pipeline,” RFE/RL, 27 February, 2014, available at [http://www.payvand.
om/news/14/feb/1185.html], 17 March, 2014.
See: A. Evstratov, “Glavny istochnik irano-pakistanskoy napriazhennosti,” 25 February, 2014, available at [http://], 27 February, 2014.
See, for example: A. Davydenko, “V.I. Matvienko: Otnosheniia Rossii i Pakistana—na pod’eme,” Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn, available at [], 28 February 2013; “Otnosheniia Rossii i Pakistana nachalo 2013,” Svargaman, 31 May, 2013, available at [], 19 March,2014.
See: “Pakistan-Rossia: novy format otnosheniy s islamskim mirom,” Pakistan Today, 12 September, 2013 [http://], 19 March, 2014.
“Saudi-Pak Deal: Pakistan Promises to Keep Its Borders Open for Afghans,” 7 January, 2014, available at [http://], 17 March, 2014.
“Saudi Arabia Overhauls Its Strategy for Syria,” 26 February, 2014 [], 5 March, 2014.
“Iran: Loan for Pakistani Pipeline Canceled, Minister Says,” 14 December, 2013, available at [http://www.stratfor.
om/situation-report/iran-loan-pakistani-pipeline-canceled-minister-says], 5 March, 2014.
See: “Do kontsa goda ob’em tovarooborota mezhdu Iranom i Kitaem dostignet 38 mld doll.,” 11 December, 2013,available at [
ostignet_38_mlrd_dollarov], 5 March, 2014.
[], March 2014 (accessed 18 March, 2014).
“Afghanistan and Pakistan after the 2014 NATO Drawdown,” available at [
fghanistan-and-pakistan-after-2014-nato-drawdown], 15 April, 2013.
See: Dawn, 23 January, 2014; “Pakistanskiy deputat osudil vzryv okolo iranskogo konsulstva,” available at [http://], 18 February, 2014.
“Comments on India’s Relations with Iran, Afghanistan, and the U.S. Remarks Wendy Sherman Under Secretary for Political Affairs — New Delhi, India,” available at [], 24 May, 2013.
See: “SShA derzhat indo-pakistanskie otnoshenia pod kontrolem,” Asia Times Online, 18 January, 2014, available at [http://www.war and], 19 March, 2014.
See: “A Special Project with the New America Foundation and Johns Hopkins SAIS,” Times of India; The Hindu, 30 January, 2014.
A. Вhatnagar, “Indo-Iranian Cooperation in Afghanistan Faces Challenges,” The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, 22 August, 2012, available at [], 7 May, 2013.
See: A.M. Vartanian, “Iran i Pakistan: novoe navedenie mostov?” Institut Blizhnego Vostoka, 21 December, 2005,
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“Regional Press Split over U.S. Iran Threat,” BBC news, 25 January, 2005.
See: Z. Farzinnia, “Iran and Pakistan: Continuity and Change,” Iranian Journal of International Relations, Tehran,Vol. XVII, No. 2-3, Summer-Fall 2004, pp. 324-325.
See: F. Kapralov, “Pakistan: ot takticheskikh otnosheniy s Zapadom—k strategicheskim s Vostokom,” peacekeeper.
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D.S. Markey, “Reorienting U.S. Pakistan Strategy: From Af-Pak to Asia,” Council on Foreign Relations Press,January, 2014, available at [], 10 March, 2014.
Tahir Khan,” Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan to Step Up Business Ties,” The Express Tribune, 10 January, 2013, available at [], 10 January, 2013.
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u/news/economics/92894/Pakistan_reshitelno_nastroen_na_realizaciyu_proekta_po_importu_iranskogo_gaza], 14 March,2014.
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