An analysis of the political events that began in Kyrgyzstan on 6 April 2010 makes it possible to conclude that the influence of the existing political power system has aroused a distinctive response. This is explained by the rise in the population’s level of socialization. This article makes an attempt to find a rational explanation for the events that occurred from the perspective of the level of political culture of the Kyrgyz nation, which, being a mobile structure, takes shape during mutual interaction between political consciousness and behavior.
The behavioral element in the political culture structure presumes the deliberate participation of citizens in all forms of political activity (legitimate and illegitimate).
Legitimate forms of political activity include the following: discussion of the drafts of state and party documents, referendums, and elections; participation in the work of various state and sociopolitical structures and organizations and other forms of sociopolitical activity (membership in political parties, sociopolitical organizations and movements).
Illegitimate forms of political activity include participation in unsanctioned meetings and pickets; seizure and sabotage of various institutions, and so on.
Igor Orlov notes that political behavior, as well as power relations (supremacy, conflict, or consent), is determined by such factors as the general situation in the country, the alignment of political forces, the personal interests of a political figure, and so on.
Not only their personal views and convictions, political sympathies and antipathies, but also, frequently, subconscious stereotypes and habits developed under the influence of the surrounding social environment and passed on from generation to generation have a direct effect on the political behavior of citizens. Mass psychoses are a significant factor of political behavior (particularly in extreme circumstances).1
Political behavior is defined by three parameters:
level of awareness of political actions;
types of political participation (protest, passive, and active);
forms of political behavior (legitimate and illegitimate).
See: I.B. Orlov, Politicheskaia kultura Rossii XX veka, Moscow, 2008, p. 23.
See: V. Khanin, “Kyrgyzstan: Ethnic Pluralism and Political Conflicts,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 3, 2000,pp. 125-126.
“Let our multinational state thrive, let the spirit of our ancestors headed by Manas support us,” Slovo Kyrgyzstana,2 September, 1992.
Archive of the President of the KR. Documents of the Department of Social Policy, 2003, 48/190, sheet 12.
See: Zh. Saadanbekov, Avtoritarizm i demokratiia na Vostoke, Astana, 2003, p. 286.
See: V. Khanin, op. cit., pp. 126-127.
Erkin Too, 26 August, 1996.
See: Asaba, 27 September, 1996.
See: S. Mamytov, “Paralich kyrgyzskoi demokratii na iuge,” Respublika, 27 September, 1996.
See: Z. Galieva, Politicheskaia transformatsiia suverennogo Kyrgyzstana: dinamika i osobennosti, Bishkek, 2007,
Tekushchie dela, Archive of the President of the KR, 2002, rec. gr. 1, f. 04-4, Vol. 9.
Perepiska po osnovnym voprosam, Archive of the President of the KR, 1996, f. 03-2, p. 139.
See: Z. Kurmanov, “Evolution in the Party Structure in Kyrgyzstan,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 5 (29),2004, p. 13.
See: Analitika. Obshchestvenny reiting, 8 March, 2005.
See: Z. Galieva, op. cit., p. 276.
See: [http //www.asattyk.org/news/domestic/ru/2005/03].
See: Iu. Gruzdov, “Pereshli k karatelnym aktsiiam: Khronoki narodnogo protesta,” MSN (Moia stolitsa-novosti), 15 March, 2005.
See: Z. Osorov, “Sozdan oblastnoi eldik kenesh,” MSN, 16 March, 2005.
See: R. Prizhivoit, “Vlast vrode est, no ee pochti net,” MSN, 22 March, 2005.
See: Vesna 2005 g glazami kyrgyzstantsev, Bishkek, 2005, p. 10.
See: Z. Galieva, op. cit., p. 283.
See: S. Mikheev, “Zhertva durno poniatoi demokratii,” in: Kirgizskiy perevorot, Collection, Compiled by G. Pav-lovsky, Evropa, Moscow, 2005, p. 47.
See: A. Brudny, “Chto eto bylo?” in: Martovskaia revoliutsiia v Kyrgyzstane: shag vpered ili shaga nazad, Bishkek,2005, pp. 15-17.
See: Z. Galieva, op. cit., p. 317.
See: [http //www.akipress.org /28/05/2008].
See: Z. Kurmanov, “Zakon ob oppozitsii kak faktor formirovaniia demokraticheskoi politicheskoi sistemy v Kyrgyzstane: neobkhodimost, ugrozy, riski…,” Wednesday, 28 June, 2006.
See: Kodeks Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki o vyborakh v Kyrgyzskoi Republike, Bishkek, 2007, p. 280.
See: Ibid., p. 283.
Website: Oasis journal, No. 19 (63), October 2007.
See: Z. Kurmanov, “Evolution in the Party Structure in Kyrgyzstan,” p. 8.
See: A. Akunov, “Mnogopartiynost i demokratiia v Kyrgyzskoi Respublike (istoriko-politologicheskiy analiz),” in:
Sb. Statei po itogam seminarov, provedennykh v 1995 g. v ramkakh programmy “Podderzhka vysshego obrazovaniia,Bishkek, 1996, pp. 10-20; B. Malabaev, “Uchastie politicheskikh partiy v vyborakh deputatov Zhogorku Kenesha: problemy i perspectivy,” in: Sb. nauch. trudov iuridich. f-ta KRSU, KRSU Publishers, Bishkek, 2001, pp. 19-28.
See: A. Akunov, E. Attokurov, “K pervym vyboram deputatov ZS ZhK KR po partiynym spiskam,” Politika i ob-shchestvo, No. 2, 2000, pp. 144-156; Z. Kurmanov, “Evolution in the Party Structure in Kyrgyzstan”; K. Ismailov, N. Kazak kyzy, “Stanovlenie mnogopartiynoi systemy v Kyrgyzstane,” in: Sotsialno-politicheskie protsessy v Kyrgyzskoi Respublike,Bishkek, 2003; U. Chynaliev, Politicheskie partii Kyrgyzstana, Moscow, 1999; B. Malavaev, op. cit.
See: Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, Adopted at a referendum of the Kyrgyz Republic on 21 October, 2007,Bishkek, 2007, pp. 72, 80, 81.
See: Website: Oasis journal, No. 19 (63), October 2007.
See: [http://www.shailoo.gov.kg, e-mail: cec@shailoo.gov.kg].
See: Information Agency “24.kg,” available at [http://www.24.kg/politic/2008/01/15/73423.html].
“Personal participation in the Kurultai (Method of inclusive observation),” available at [http://www.24.kg/politic/008/04/13].
“Statement of the Joint National Movement,” Sociopolitical newspaper Forum, No. 21, 26 March, 2010, p. 3.
See: Information Agency Kabar, available at [http: // kabar.kg].
L. Khoperskaia, “Politicheskiy krizis v Kirgizii: Osnovnye aktory,” Eurasian Home Portal, available at [http:// ww.eurasianhome.org/xml/t/default.xml?lang=ru].
The bodies of 137 people repressed by the Soviet government in the 1920s-1930s were buried at the Ata-Beyit memorial, who were shot without a trial and investigation as “enemies of the people,” including Chinghiz Aitmatov’s fa-ther, Torokul Aitmatov. It was here that great writer Chinghiz Aitmatov himself was buried (at his request).
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