One of the priority vectors in Ukraine’s foreign policy in the Black Sea-Caspian Basin is its participation in regional international organizations, which makes it possible to discuss and implement important regional projects. This study aims to define Ukraine’s place and role in the system of multilateral cooperation within GUAM and the BSECO. The author has deliberately limited the number of international organizations examined in this article to the two in which Ukraine is most successfully participating.
Ukraine’s participation in multilateral regional cooperation is a priority vector of its foreign policy aimed at promoting European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Regional policy is an integral component of this process, since it helps to raise the country’s international status and promote its national interests.
Ukraine’s national security strategy emphasizes the importance of expanding and intensifying multilateral cooperation with all the countries that belong to the Black Sea-Caspian Region (BCR).1 Correspondingly, one of the main tasks of Ukraine’s regional policy is its active cooperation within the framework of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development GUAM (ODED GUAM) and BSECO.
See: Ukraine’s National Security Strategy (ap-proved by a Decree of the Ukrainian President of 12 Febru-ary, 2007, No. 105/2007), available at [].
Statement on situation in Georgia, available at [http://guam].
NELTI envisages several routes: the Northern, Central, and Southern. The Northern route will stretch 6,500 km from Uzbekistan through Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and Belarus to the EU. The length of the Central route is 5,000 km, it will go from Central China through Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia to the EU. The Southern route (4,000 km) will stretch from Kyrgyzstan through Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran to Turkey.
he approximate time of delivery via the first route is 20-28 days, via the second—14-18 days, and via the third—12-14 days.
The Viking project is a joint project of the Lithuanian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian railroads to stations located in Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and on along the TRACECA corridor. There are plans to deliver 20- and 40-foot containers, semi-trailers, and road trains by sea to the Port of Klaipeda from Scandinavia and other Western European coun-tries and on through Belarus and Ukraine via Odessa (in particular the Port of Illichevsk) to the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Middle East.
See: GUAM—polnotsennaia mezhdunarodnaia organizatsiia, Interview with Secretary General of ODED GUAM Valeri Chechelashvili, available at [].
See: “V portu Poti sozdaiut svobodnuiu industraialnuiu zonu,” available at [].
See: GUAM—polnotsennaia mezhdunarodnaia organizatsiia, Interview with Secretary General of ODED GUAM Valeri Chechelashvili.
Three members of the EU are also members of the BSEC; 7 members of the EU have observer status in the BSEC.
See: Yerevan Declaration on Energy Cooperation in the BSEC Region, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 20 March,2009, available at [].
See: Gosinvestitsiy: uchastie Ukrainy v OChES budet sposobstvovat privlecheniiu investitsiy v ee ekonomiku,available at [ lang=ru&get=152&id=1082].
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