Kyrgyzstan’s energy policy is largely determined by its geographical position, its primary energy resources and its interdependence with neighboring countries in developing the fuel and energy complex (FEC). According to a report by the CIS Economic Cooperation Department for 1991-2008, the countries of the Central Asian Region (CAR) have achieved certain successes in institutional and structural transformations: in privatizing state property, creating the basic institutions of a market economy, and applying monetary and exchange controls and other market instruments.
From the perspective of economic development, the period under review is clearly divided into three stages. They can be briefly characterized as economic recession, recovery and expansion. At present, all CA states are feeling the impact of the world economic crisis, whose effects can be assessed based on the results of their social and economic development for 2008- 2011.
See: U.N. Special Program for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), ECE, ESCAP. Project Working Group on Energy and Water Resources, Strengthening Cooperation for Rational and Efficient Use of Water and Energy Resources in Central Asia, U.N., New York, 2004.
See: L.D. Gitelman, B.E. Ratnikov, Effektivnaia energokompania: Ekonomika. Menedzhment. Reformirovanie, CJSC Olimp-Biznes, Moscow, 2002.
See: V.M. Kasymova, Osnovy antikrizisnogo upravlenia v energetike KR, Insanat, Bishkek, 2009.
See: Srednesrochnaia tarifnaia politika na energonositeli na 2008-2011, State Department for Fuel and Energy Complex, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 2008.
See: Strategia razvitia strany na 2009-2011 (SRS-2), Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Bishkek, 2009.
See: V.M. Kasymova, op. cit.
See: Srednesrochnaia tarifnaia politika na energonositeli na 2008-2011.
See: Srednesrochnaia tarifnaia politika na energonositeli na 2010-2012, State Department for Fuel and Energy Complex, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 2009.
See: Natsional’naia energeticheskaia programma na 2008-2010 i strategia razvitia TEK na period do 2005 goda,Ministry of Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, KSTC Energia, Insan, Bishkek, 2009.
See: Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on the Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Russian Federation on the Construction of Kambarata HPP-1, signed in Moscow on 3 February 2009.
See: Tsentral’naia Azia na poroge energeticheskogo krizisa, available at [] (information from a World bank report entitled Lights Out? The Outlook for Energy in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union).
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