Political competition in the newly independent states as an academic problem has acquired a new dimension under the impact of the recent developments in North Africa and West Asia. A large number of academic writings examine the development of political competition in Japan, India, and Turkey,1 while Central Asia and the Caucasus2 plays an important role in analyzing the same problem in the post-Communist countries. Here I have analyzed the political competition processes underway in the domestic policy of the Central Asian and South Caucasian countries starting in 2009, the year Barack Obama became president of the United States.
In 1975, Republican President Gerald Ford (1974-1977) assessed the chances of Western democracies in their rivalry with Marxism (particularly in the regions bordering on Soviet Central Asia and the Transcaucasia) as “military competition must be controlled. Political competition must be restrained.”3
Said at the height of détente, four years later this formula lost its meaning when the Soviet Union, after capturing President Amin’s residence by storm, invaded Afghanistan during the Democratic Administration of President Carter (1977-1981). This radically changed the situation in Central Asia along with the approaches to political competition.
President Carter and the key figures of his administration (Zbigniew Brzezinski in particular) were very impressed by the book To Build a Castle by Vladimir Bukovsky, a prominent Soviet dissident, published in 1978 and similar works which appeared at approximately the same time.
See: R. Fulle, Political Competition in India, Sweet Briar College, Virginia, 1969, 120 pp.; Kap Yun Lee, Polit-ical Competition and the Party System in Japan, Yale Uni-versity, Yale, 1984, 139 pp.; P. Bernholz, R. Vaubel, Polit-ical Competition, Innovation and Growth in the History of Asian Civilizations, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham,Camberley, Northampton, 2004, 225 ðð.
See: E. Ertysbaev, “Nekotorye aspekty prezident-skoy izbiratelnoy kampanii v Kazakhstane (oktyabr-dekabr 1998 g.),” Tsentralnaya Azia i Kavkaz, No. 1 (2), 1999; E. Ismailov, “Vlast i oppozitsia nakanune i v period prezi-dentskoy izbiratelnoy kampanii na Kavkaze,” Tsentralnaya Azia i Kavkaz, No. 1 (2), 1999; I. Antadze, “Parlamentskie vybory v Gruzii,” Tsentralnaya Azia i Kavkaz, No. 5 (6),1999; V. Mesamed, “Demokratia i plyuralizm v musulman-skikh regionakh byvshego Sovetskogo Soyuza. K itogam konferentsii, organizovannoy Tsentrom rossiiskikh i vos-tochnoevropeyskikh issledovaniy im. Cummingsa pri Tel-Avivskom universitete,” Tsentralnaya Azia i Kavkaz, No. 1 (7),2000; A. Saidmuradov, “Uzbekistan: Political Parties on the Eve of the Parliamentary Elections,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 5 (29), 2004; V. Dolidze, “Political Parties and Party Development in Georgia,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 2 (32), 2005; K. Borispolets, “Elections in Central Asian States: Political Rivalry in a Transitional So-ciety,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 1 (37), 2006.
G. Ford, Address in Helsinki before the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1 August, 1975 [www.usa-presidents.info/speeches/helsinki.html].
See: “Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski Borisa Yeltsina i Williama J. Clintona,” Rossia v globalnoy politike, 20 De-cember, 2010, available at [www.globalaffairs.ru].
See: 2009 Human Rights Report: Russia; 2009 Human Rights Report: Uzbekistan, available at [http://www.
B. Obama, Remarks to the Turkish Parliament,Turkish Grand National Assembly Complex, Ankara, Tur-key, 6 April, 2009, available at [www.whitehouse.gov].
B. Obama, Remarks at Cairo University, Egypt, 4 June, 2009, available at [www.america.gov].
Robert Kocharian describes the necessity for fair political competition at the 2012 elections as “imperative,”
February, 2011 (see: Information Agency “Mediamax,” available at [mediamax.am]).
S. Sargsyan, Statement on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Republican Party of Armenia, available at [president.am].
See: “Prezident Armenii zayavil, chto ne predyavlaya ultimatuma glave koalitsionnoy partii,” 18 December, 2010,available at [newsarmenia.ru].
See, for example: V. Fedorov, “Politicheskaya sistema stanovitsya bolee ustoychivoy, konkurentnoy i uprugoy. Ona
ne idet v raznos,” 15 March, 2010, available at [www.liberty.ru].
V. Putin, Annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 8 July, 2000, available at [www.kremlin.ru].
V. Putin, Speech at the Founding Congress of Yedinstvo i Otechestvo (Unity and Motherland) Party, 1 December,2001, available at [www.kremlin.ru].
V. Putin, Annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 26 May, 2004, available at [www.kremlin.ru].
V. Yushchenko, “Otvet na krizis v Ukraine dolzhen byt zhestkim,” 4 April, 2007, available at [www.president.
B. Mesquita, G. Downs, “An Open Economy, a Closed Society,” The New York Times, 17 August, 2005.
I.A. Karimov, Uzbekistan na poroge XXI veka: ugrozy bezopasnosti, uslovia i garantii progressa, 1997, availa-ble at [www.press-service.uz].
See: I.A. Karimov, “Po puti demokraticheskogo razvitia. Interview rabotnikam sredstv massovoy informatsii vsvyazi s vsenarodnym referendumom,” 27 January, 2002, available at [www.press-service.uz].
See: G. Almond, G. Powell, R. Dalton, K. Strom, Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Boston, 1974.
See: J. Ordway, “Interview gazete Vremya,” 31 January, 2006, available at [Russian.kazakhstan.usembassy.gov].
N.A. Nazarbaev, “Vystuplenie na VII syezde Grazhdanskoy partii Kazakhstana,” 10 November, 2006, available at [www.akorda.kz].
Interview by Dmitry Medvedev to Chinese Central Television (CCTV). 12 April, 2011, available at [www.
See: R.M. Nureev, “Ekonomicheskie sub’ekty postsovetskoy Rossii,” Mir Rossii, No. 3, 2001.
See: I.A. Karimov, “My vse zainteresovany v mire i stabilnosti,” 4 May, 2001; “Nikto ne smozhet svernut nas s izbrannogo puti,” 25 May, 2005; “Kontseptsia dalneyshego uglublenia demokraticheskikh reform i formirovania grazhdan-skogo obshchestva v strane,” 12 November, 2011, available at [www.press-service.uz].
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, “Doklad na pyatoy sessii Assamblei narodov Kazakhstana,” 21 January, 1999; “Vystuple-nie na XII sessii Assamblei narodov Kazakhstana,” 24 October, 2006; “Lektsia v ‘Nazarbaev-Universitete,’” 7 December,2010, available at [www.akorda.kz].
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, “Vystuplenie na Antikorruptsionnom forume NDP ‘Nur Otan,’” 6 November, 2008, avail-able at [www.akorda.kz].
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, “Vystuplenie na rasshirennom zasedanii Politsoveta NDP ‘Nur Otan,’” 17 January, 2008,available at [www.akorda.kz].
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, “Vystuplenie na Antikorruptsionnom forume NDP ‘Nur Otan,’” 6 November, 2008, avail-able at [www.akorda.kz].
N. Burjanadze, “Zhenskoe litso gruzinskoy politiki,” 22 January, 2011, available at [vlasti.net].
D. North, J. Wallis, B. Weingast, “A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History,” Nation-al Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series, available at [www.nber.org].
Significantly, on 23 October, 2010 First Deputy Head of RF Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov said that if a political system became self-contained it degraded; the worst thing that might happen to the ruling party was to remain alone on the Olympus outside the reach of critics and immune to problems.
See: Yu.A. Nisnevich, “Rol konkurentsii v obespechenii sotsialno-politicheskoy stabilnosti i podavlenii korrupt-sii,” Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seria: Politologia, No. 3, 2009, pp. 3-17. Yuly Nisnevich, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Director of the Institute of Problems of Liberal Development, State Duma deputy in 1993-1995.
See: E. Ertysbaev, “Vybory v Kazakhstane de facto stanut referendumom,” 25 March, 2011, RIA “Novosti,” avail-able at [www.rian.ru].
See: I. Aliev, “Rech na pervom zasedanii Milli Mejlisa Azerbaidzhanskoy Respubliki,” 29 November, 2010, avail-able at [www.president.az].
R. Boucher, Turkmenistan-U.S. Relations, Ashghabad, Turkmenistan, 16 April, 2009, available at [turkmenistan.usembassy.gov].
“President of Georgia Estimates Initiated Consultations with Opposition and Majority Positively,” 11 November,2010, available at [www.president.gov.ge].
“The President of Georgia Met the Parliamentary Majority,” 28 February, 2011 [www.president.gov.ge].
G. Pavlovsky, “Strelba po srednemy klassu. Vzryv i posledstvia,” 26 January, 2011, Russky zhurnal, available at [www.russ.ru].
See: E. Ertysbaev, “Revolutsia sverkhu?” 11 April, 2011, Megapolis, available at [megapolis.kz].
I. Aliev, Rech na vstreche s predstavitelyami Gazakhskogo rayona, 9 February, 2011, available at [www.
See, for example: H. Babaoglu, “Logical End of Political Radicalism or ‘Democracy’ Game of Anarchists Completed,” 8 April, 2011, Yeni Azdrbaycan Partiyasý, available at [www.yap.org.az]; Hikmet Babaoglu is Editor of Yeni Azerbaijan, the newspaper of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party.
R. Coalson, “The Gun is Hanging on the Wall,” The Moscow Times, 10 January, 2008. Robert Coalson is a Rus-sian analyst for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty based in Prague.
H. Clinton, “Remarks. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia,” 14 October, 2009, available at [www.state.gov].
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