Afghanistan, a front in the struggle against international terror which appeals to radical Islam and a hub of extremism and international crime, can be described without exaggeration as one of the hottest spots on our planet. The country has been and remains the world’s largest drug producer and supplier. Geographically, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (IRA) is one of the closest southern neighbors of the Central Asian republics; the Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Turkmen who live on both sides of the former Soviet-Afghan border are closely related in ethnic, cultural, and religious terms.
The common ethnic ties broken by Soviet power are gradually being restored, which makes the Afghan developments even more important for Central Asia.
See: “Islamisty vziali na sebia napadenie na tadzhikskikh voennykh,” available at [http://www.lenta.ru/news/2010/9/23/claim/].
See: “Spetssluzhby predupredili o sozdanii ‘Islamskogo dvizhenia Kirgizii,’” available at [http://www.rosbalt.ru/ain/2011/05/03/845310.html].
See: “Taliby prigrozili Kazakhstanu teraktami za sviazi s NATO,” available at [http://vz.ru/news/2011/5/22/93403.html].
See: “Rossia i SShA vpervye proveli sovmestnuiu operatsiiu v Afganistane,” available at [http://www.newsru.com/world/29oct2010/fsknafghan.html].
See: World Drug Report 2010, U.N.
According to the U.N., however, much less Afghan heroin is moved across Central Asia than across Iran and Turkey.
There is information that the Taliban leader is still alive (see, for example [http://vz.ru/news/2011/5/23/
See: E. Kirsanov, “O vozmozhnom izmenenii strategii SShA v Afghanistane,” Institut Blizhnego Vostoka, 27 December, 2010, available at [http://i-r-p.ru/page/stream-exchange/index-26913.html].9 Based on the figures found in [www.antiterror.ru].
See: E. Kirsanov, op. cit.
“Usama bin Laden rasshatal otnoshenia SShA i Pakistana,” available at [http://kommersant.ru/doc/1642887/print].
See: “SShA budut napravliat bolshe gruzov v Afghanistan cherez Rossiiu,” available at [http://vz.ru/news/2011//23/493429.html].
See: N. Mendkovich, “‘Taliban’ teriaet pozitsii v Afghanistane,” available at [http://www.afghanistan.ru/doc/9906.html].
See: D. Savchenko, “Pakistan i India v borbe za Afghanistan,” available at [http://www.afghanistan.ru/doc/9737.html].
See: “Delo v Afghanistane u SShA idet k povtoru togo, chto sluchilos s SSSR,” available at [http://www.centrasia.ru/news2.php?st=1290759240].
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