Today practical realization of the classical principle of the separation of powers in all states (in the states of Central Asia and the Caucasus, two regions of key importance, in particular) has acquired special urgency as directly related to global, national, and regional security. Indeed, coordinated functioning of independent and interacting branches of state power (legislative, executive, and judicial) is part of a reasonable and adequate foreign policy which stems from the country’s national interests and to a great extent helps the state deal with threats, risks, and challenges.
The experience of state development and the application of the separation of powers principle in nine countries (Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) has already confronted the expert community with a set of far from simple questions about the role of the traditional forms of governance; the way the classical principles should be borrowed and applied; and the impact of starting conditions on what the governments, parliaments, and courts of the newly independent states can do. Not infrequently those undertaking the reforms refer to the threats to national security to explain what has or has not been done; in some countries reforms degenerated into a pure formality, etc.
I have deliberately included Afghanistan, the specific conditions of which set it apart from the post-Soviet states, and will show how it is developing into a unique platform on which historical and national elements are being strengthened to move the country toward democracy. All the developed democracies are closely following the political reforms underway in Afghanistan and are extending it ever larger amounts of humanitarian aid.
It is expected that the discussion about the future political system of Afghanistan that will unfold at the May 2012 meeting in Chicago with NATO allies and partners convened “to shape the next phase of this transition” will be very intensive.
“Obama Says 10,000 U.S. Troops Leaving Afghan-istan in 2011,” 22 June, 2011, available at [iipdigital.].
For more detail, see: C.R. Wise, T.L. Brown, “The Separation of Powers in Ukraine,” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, No. 1, 1999; E.V. Mandryka, Realizat-siya printsipa razdeleniya vlastey v Rossii i v Ukraine:
ravnitelno-pravovoe issledovanie, St. Petersburg, 2006;W. Crowthera, “Second Decade, Second Chance? Parlia-ment, Politics and Democratic Aspirations in Russia,Ukraine and Moldova,” The Journal of Legislative Studies,Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2011, etc.
See: R. Grote, “Separation of Powers in the New Afghan Constitution,” Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, available at [www.]; K.A. Nurpeisov, Stanovlenie natsionalnoy mod-eli razdeleniya vlastey v Respublike Kazakhstan: politolog-icheskiy analiz, Almaty, 2003; D.J. Jangiryan, Razdelenie vlastey v Respublike Armenia: konstitutsionnaya model i praktika, Moscow, 2004; G.A. Shmavonyan, Kosntitutsion-noe pravosudie v Armenii v sisteme razdeleniya vlastey, Mos-cow, 2000; A.A. Karaev, “Konstitutsionny sovet Respubliki Kazakhstan v sisteme razdeleniya vlasti,” Rossiyskiy yurid-icheskiy zhurnal, No. 6, 2008; B.A. Mukhamejanov, “Institut prezidenstva i mekhanizm razdeleniya vlastey: sootnoshenie v edinstve gosudarstvennoy vlasti,” Srednerusskiy vestnik ob-shchestvennykh nauk, No. 2, 2007, etc.
See: F. Arifoglu, Sh. Abbasov, “The Azerbaijani Parliament—Hostage to the Executive. The First Milli Me-jlis: A Five-Year History (a Review),” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 6, 2000; N. Saparov, “‘The Turkmen Mod-el of Democracy’: Specific Features,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 2, 2000; A. Tukvadze, G. Jaoshvili, R. Tuk-vadze, “Transformation of the Political System in Georgia Today,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 2 (38), 2006;B. Chedia, “Constitutional Reform in Georgia as a Result of its Political Instability,” Central Asia and the Caucasus,Vol. 12, Issue 2, 2011.
I.A. Karimov, “Put sozidaniya—osnova skoreyshego protsvetaniya Rodiny,” Speech at the fourth session of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 21 December, 1995, available at [].
N. Nazarbaev, “Konstitutsiya—osnova stabilnosti i protsvetaniya Kazakhstana,” 30 August, 2000, available at [].
R. Grote, op. cit.
“Zaklyuchenie po proektu Konstitutsii KR (redaktsia, opublikovannaya 21 maya 2010 g.). Prinyato Venetsianskoy komissiey na ee 83-m plenarnom zasedanii (Venetsia, 4 June, 2010),” available at [].
For more detail, see: B. Chedia, op. cit.
See: Zakon Respubliki Uzbekistan O vnesenii izmeneniy i dopolneniy v otdelnye statyi Konstitutsii Respubliki Uzbekistan (Arts 78, 80, 93, 96, 98), available at [].
For more detail, see: P. Bolashvili, “Osobennosti reformirovania systemy upravlenia v Gruzii,” available at [].
See: S. Lister, Caught in Confusion: Local Governance in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit,Kabul, 2005; Local Governance and Development, UNDP, Kabul, 2009; Final Report: Local Governance and Communi-ty Development Program Evaluation, USAID, Kabul, 2009; Executive Summary: Sub-national Governance Policy, Inde-pendent Directorate of Local Government, Kabul, 2010; S. Miakhel, N. Coburn, Many Shuras Do Not a Government Make:
nternational Community Engagement with Local Councils in Afghanistan, United States Institute for Peace, Washington,2010; M. Lefevre, Local Defence in Afghanistan: A Review of Government Backed Initiatives, Afghanistan Analysts Net-work, Kabul, 2010; D. Saltmarshe, A. Medhi, Local Governance in Afghanistan. A View from the Ground, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, Kabul, 2011.
N.A. Nazarbaev, “O polozhenii v strane i osnovnykh napravleniyakh vnutrenney i vneshney politiki: demokrati-zatsiya obshchestva, ekonomicheskaya i politicheskaya reforma v novom stoletii. Poslanie narodu Kazakhstana,” Septem-ber 1998, available at [].
See: I.A. Karimov, “Gotov sporit s lyubym opponentom,” Otvety na voprosy gazety Trud, available at []; idem, “Vazhneyshie zadachi uglubleniya demokraticheskikh reform na sovremennom etape. Vystuplenie na VI ses-sii Oliy Majlisa Respubliki Uzbekistan pervogo sozyva,” 29 August, 1996 []; idem, “Uzbekistan na poroge XXI veka: ugrozy bezopasnosti, usloviya i garantii progressa,” 1997, available at []; idem, “Po puti demokrat-icheskogo razvitiya,” Interview to the media in connection with the National Referendum, 27 January, 2002, available at []; idem, “Protsessy preobrazovaniy i obnovleniya neobratimy. Doklad na VIII sessii Oliy Majlisa Respubliki Uzbekistan vtorogo sozyva,” 4 April, 2002, available at [].
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, “Istoricheskaya pamyat, natsionalnoe soglasie i demokraticheskie reformy—grazhdanskiy vybor naroda Kazakhstana. Doklad na chetvertoy sessii Assamblei narodov Kazakhstana,” 6 June, 1997, available at [].
See: I.A. Karimov, “Put sozidaniya—osnova skoreyshego protsvetanya Rodiny.”
See: I.A. Karimov, “Uzbekistan na poroge XXI veka.”
I.A. Karimov, “Uzbekistan, ustremlenny v XXI vek. Doklad na chetyrnadtsatoy sessii Olij Majlisa Respubliki Uzbekistan pervogo sozyva,” 14 April, 1999, available at [].
“The Meeting of the President of Georgia with the Majority Members of Georgia’s Supreme Legislative Body in Anaklia,” available at [].
S. Sargsyan, “Pozdravlenie prezidenta na prieme v chest 10-letiya Kassatsionnogo suda,” 10 July, 2008, available at [].
S. Sargsyan, “Rech na Parlamentskoy Assamblee Soveta Evropy,” 22 June, 2011, available at [http://commonspace.u/eng/speeches/6/id260].
See: “Osnovnye napravleniya zakonodatelnoy raboty po itogam referenduma Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 27 yanvarya 2002 goda. Utverzhdeny Postanovleniem Oliy Majlisa Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 4 aprelya 2002 goda,” available at [].
H. Karzai, Statement at the 47th Munich Security Conference, 6 February, 2011, available at [].
See: N.A. Nazarbaev, “Vystuplenie na otkrytii 5-y sessii Parlamenta chetvertogo sozyva,” 1 September, 2011,available at [].
See: E. Rakhmon, “Vystuplenie na vstreche s predstavitelyami intelligentsii strany,” 19 March, 2011, available at []; idem, “Vystuplenie na zasedanii po sluchayu 15-letiya Obshchestvennogo Soveta Respubliki Tadzhikistan,” 29 April, 2011, available at [].
See: “Prezident Turkmenistana podverg kritike deyatelnost parlamenta,” 20 January, 2011, available at [www.].
See: I. Aliev, “Rech na pervom zasedanii Milli Majlisa AR,” 29 November, 2010, available at [].
See: I.A. Karimov, “Izbranny nami put—eto put demokraticheskogo razvitiya i sotrudnichestva s progressivnym mirom. Doklad na XI sessii Oliy Majlisa RUz 24 aprelya 2003 goda,” available at []; idem, Obespechenie interesov cheloveka, sovershenstvovanie sistemy sotsialnoy zashchity—nasha prioritetnaya zadacha. Dok-lad na torzhestvennom zasedanii, posvyashchennom 14-letiyu Konstitutsii RUz,” 7 December, 2006, available at [].
See: R. Grote, op. cit.
See: Ibidem.
“Genprokuror Rossii khochet kontrolirovat sotsialnye seti,” 14 September, 2011 []; “Prokurory vystupayut za kontrol nad sotsialnymi setyami,” 15 September, 2011, Kazakhstan Today Information Agency, available at []
see also: B. Temirbolat, “The Political Internet in Kazakhstan: Trends, Problems, and Prospects,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 12, Issue 1, 2011).
Public prosecutor Askhat Daulbaev reminded that in Kazakhstan “public prosecution takes rigid measures” and that “dozens of sites” (LiveJournal among them) had been closed.
See: “China, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan Jointly Submit Int’l Code of Conduct for Information Security to U.N.,”available at [].
See: V.Yu. Shevchenko, “Mesto prokuratury v sisteme razdeleniya vlastey,” “Chernye dyry” v rossiiskom zakon-odatelstve, No. 1, 2008.
The Constitution of Afghanistan. Year 1382, available at [].
N. Nazarbaev, “Konstitutsiya—osnova stabilnosti i protsvetaniya Kazakhstana,” 30 August, 2000.
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