The Russian and Uzbek economies were parts of the single economy for a period of over 100 years. These years resulted in establishment of a complex of deep economic, scientific, cultural, and military links between the two countries.
here are well worked out technological and sup-plier-buyer relations between enterprises and, in some cases, the whole branches of the economies of Russia and Uzbekistan. This paper argues that, despite a significant decline in Uzbek-Russian eco-nomic relations after the break-up of the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan’s economic development, to a large extent, is still dependent on the Russian eco-nomic performance. The number of trade and eco-nomic links decreased during the years of independence, but the majority of ties in the complex web of bilateral economic relations were not eradicated.
ood macroeconomic performance in Russia influences positively the Uzbek economy. This was especially noticeable in 2001. In conditions of global economic slowdown and a slump in world market prices for Uzbekistan’s main commodities in 2001, the sustainable import demand in Russia and CIS saved the Uzbek economy from severe economic crisis. Part I of the paper highlights the major stag-es in the history of economic relations between the two countries in the years after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. Part II is devoted to analyzing the current status of economic relations. The next part will look at the prospects of the Russian Uzbek economic and political relations in the near future. And finally, Part IV draws conclusions.
See: N. Abbas, “Uzbekistan Splitting Ways with Moscow,” Marco Polo Magazine, No. 2, 1999.
See: E.M. Ivanov, “The New Reality in Uzbekistan and the Economic Position of Russia,” Marco Polo Magazine, No. 3,1999.
See: N. Abbas, op. cit.
See: Russia Rethinks its Central Asia Strategy, March 20, 2001 [].
See: E.M. Ivanov, “Contemporary Russian-Central Asian Countries Economic Relations,” Marco Polo Magazine, No. 1,1999.
See: Narodnoe Slovo newspaper, March 2001.
See: C. Pastor, T. Damjanovic, The Russian Financial Crisis and its Consequences for Central Asia, IMF Working Paper WP/01/169, 2001.
See: Uzbekistan Economic Trends for 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.
See: Uzbekistan Economic Trends Quarterly, October-December 2000.
C. Pastor, T. Damjanovic, op. cit.
See: World Bank Moscow Office, Russian Economic Report, January 2002.
See: Uzbekistan Economic Trends, 1999, 2000, 2001; Russian Center for International and Scientific Cooperation.
This was possible to do within such a short period of time because the major part of exports to Russia is cotton—a com-modity, which is in demand in the world commodity markets.
According to Uzbekistan Economic Trends, Uzbekistan ran trade surplus with Russia in 1999 and 2000.
See: M. Yermukhanov, “CIS Leaders Meet at a Summit in Kazakhstan,” Central Asia Caucasus Analyst, 13 March, 2002.
All the existing pipelines from Central Asia to Europe pass through the Russian territory.
See: M. Yermukhanov, op. cit.
Interview with Christof Ruehl, chief economist, World Bank Moscow Office. Moscow, 25 November, 2003 (Prime-Tass).
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