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MOLDALIEV, O. (2004). TERRORISM TODAY: OW IT IS FINANCED. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 5(2), 24-35. https://ca-c.org/CAC/index.php/cac/article/view/344



The globalizing world is encountering non-traditional forms of conflict with increasing frequency. These forms of conflict are often char-acterized by “the power of the weak,” that is, by the ability of the aggressive minority to terrorize the “big” countries and call the shots. Terrorism is be-coming an active way for various political forces to fight for power and influence. “Terrorism is the way people choose to fight who do not have and do not see the possibility of having a legitimate and legal way of declaring their interests and defending them.
n this sense terrorism is eternal and the struggle against it, or to be more precise, the efforts to pre-vent it, should be concentrated primarily in the socioeconomic sphere. We need to recognize the pro-found crisis in which contemporary civilization finds itself and to search for new ways to structure and develop it.”

Whereas until recently international terrorism was understood as a various transborder organizational phenomena, frequently not interlinked, but interactive at the international level, at present, as it becomes increasingly in tune with the meaning of its name, it is turning into an organization with a single control center. In October 2003, six terrorist groups announced they were joining to form the Qa‘eda al-Jihad (Jihad Base) organization and declared war on “Zionism and crusaders.” This terrorist “international” comprises al-Qa‘eda, the Egyp-tian Jihad, the Yemen Jihad, the Aden-Abyan Army, the Saudi Ahfad Alsahaba and the Algerian al-Jama’a al-Salafiya al-Daawa. Al-Muatazz Al-Ya-mani was elected the leader of the new alliance.2
 Terrorists today have drawn conclusions from the bitter lessons of the past, whereby their depend-ence on sources of financing, primarily on sponsor states, was their most vulnerable spot. For a variety of reasons, these states soon stopped protecting terrorists, curtailed their financing, and even surrendered them to other countries. So terrorist organizations began looking for ways to become independent and finance themselves.



O.A. Belkov, “Mezhdunarodniy terrorism—slova i smysly,” Vlast, No. 2, 2002, p. 24.

Analytical Reference of the CIS Antiterrorist Center for October 2003.

See: Washington ProFile, 19 September, 2003.

“East Turkistan” Terrorist Forces Cannot Get Away with Impunity, Information Office of the State Council Monday,21 January, 2002, p. 22.


O. Roy, “Kriegsziel erreicht? Bin Laden bewirkt den Untergang der Taliban,” Internationale Politik, No. 12, December 2001, p. 55.

See: O. Schröm, Pod teniu shakala. Carlos i zachinateli mezhdunarodnogo terrorisma, Ai-Erkin, Bishkek, 2002,pp. 207-208.

See: Internationale Politik, No. 3, March 2002, p. 67.

See: Komsomol’skaia pravda, 27 June, 2000.

See: Said Burhoniddin Qilich, “‘Islamskoe dvizhenie Uzbekistana’: khronika prestuplenii” [www.stability.uz].

See: Slovo Kyrgyzstana, 10 June, 1999.

Pravda, 28 July, 2000.


See: Nezavisimaia gazeta, 5 September, 2003.

Radio Azattyk, 8 June, 2001.

See: R. Jacquard, In the Name of Osama Bin Laden: Global Terrorism and the Bin Laden Brotherhood, Duke University Press, Durham, 2002.

See: Vostok/Zapad: Regional’nye podsistemy i regional’nye problemy mezhdunaronykh otnoshenii, Textbook, ed. by A.D. Danilevskiy. Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations, Rossiiskaia politicheskaia entsiklopediia Pub-lishers (ROSSPEN), Moscow, 2002, p. 276.

R. Jacquard, op. cit.

See: S. Bazhanov, “Zakupaiut oruzhie na sredstva ot krazhi kartin,” Novosti razvedki i kontrrazvedki, No. 5-6 (165),2002.

See: Iu. Spirin, “Zhertva chuzhogo kompromissa,” Izvestia, 29 August, 2003.

See: “Sodeistvie stabil’nosti Tsentral’noi Azii,” Papers from an International Conference of 15-19 May, 2000, Tashkent,2000, p. 39.

See: Komsomol’skaia pravda, 5 October, 1999.

See: R. Khasbulatov, “Ya vykupil v Chechne brata za 100 tys. doll.,” KP, 25 February, 1998.

See: Speech by A. Schmid. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii 18-19 aprelia 2001 goda

“Mezhdunarodniy terrorizm: istoki i protivodeistvie,” ed. by Ye.S. Stroev and N.P. Patrushev, Secretariat of the Interparliamen-tary Assembly of the CIS member states, 2001, p. 54.

See: N. Omuraliev and A. Elebaeva, “Batkenskie sobytiia v Kyrgyzstane,” Tsentral’naia Aziia i Kavkaz, No. 1(7), 2000,p. 25.

See: Delo No., 8 December, 1999.

See: “Killery jihada,” Vechernii Bishkek, 4 January, 2002.

ITAR-TASS, 21 July, 1999.

FAFT was founded by leading industrial nations (the U.S., Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy) and the European Commission in 1989. At present, 31 countries and two international organizations are the members of FATF.

See: J. Shaeffer, The G-7 Countries Adopt a Packet of Measures on the Fight Against Crime and Terrorism, ERF20 4 7 USIA. Wireless File, 3 July, 1996, pp. 5-6.

See: Ministerial Conference on Terrorism. Agreement on 25 Measures, Paris, France, 30 July, 1996.

N.I. Konrad, Izbrannye trudy, Moscow, 1977, p. 44.

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