Product Quality, Brand Image, Loyality, SatisfactionAbstract
Currently the development of transportation is very rapid, the need for transportation equipment is also increasing. Seeing the condition of the producers and distributors in the field of transport competing meet the demands or needs of the consumer. For that the author wants to do further research on transportation. As this study aims to find out how to beat honda user feedback about the quality of products, brand image for the brand, and is it true l (Z) of product quality and brand image can affect loyality as users honda beat through their satisfaction. The method used is descriptive method. The population of this study are Honda Beats users. This research uses random sampling technique. Collecting data using questionnaire and observation. The analytical tool used is the regression of two models or 2 model structures. Model I to examine the effect of variables X1 and X2 directly influence the variable Y, while the structure of model 2 to test the variables X1 and X2 on the Y variable through variable l satisfaction (Z). The results of the study indicate that it is true that the product quality and brand image variables have an effect on loyalty. But if the influence of variables X1 and X2 on the Y variable, the results of the study show that the satisfaction variable (Z) is able to strengthen the product quality variable on loyalty. While the brand image variable, satisfaction is not able to strengthen the X2 variable on loyalty. It is because users do not feel proud because the brand image (X2) does not have the power pull and do not reflect the prestige that is much higher. For the manufacturer Honda Beat is recommended to improve and increase the quality, from in terms of design, performance, effectiveness of gasoline, price and an exclusive product.
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