According to the results of the nationwide population census carried out in October 2002, there are 292,400 people living in the Republic of Kalmykia. Information on the population’s ethnic composition has still not been published, but, according to similar data for 1989, Kalmyks accounted for 45.4%, Russians for 37.7%, Darghins for 4%, Chechens for 2.6%, and so on.1
Compared with the last census, the size of the population had shrunk by 30,000 people (9.3%), and the republic was the only territory in the Northern Caucasus and the Russian South where a decrease in the number of residents was recorded.2
We will note that there is a continuous natural increment (the number of births exceeds the number of deaths) in the population in Kalmykia. But this is not enough to compensate for the migration decrement (more people are leaving than arriving), which led to the drop in its population. For example, in 2001, the natural increment amounted to 173 people, in 2000 to 92, and in 2003 to 464, with a migration decrement of 2,182, 1,237, and 1,692 people, respectively.3
See: Itogi Vsesoiuznoi perepisi naselenia 1989 g. po Kalmytskoi ASSR, Goskomstat RSFMS, Kalmyk Republic Statistics Department, Elista, 1999, p. 28.
See: Regiony Rossii. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskie pokazateli. Ofitsial’noe izdanie 2003 g., Statistics Collection, Goskom-stat Rossii, Moscow, 2003, p. 52.
Here and later migration and demographic statistics are presented according to the information in the following publica-tions: Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie Respubliki Kalmykia za ianvar’ 2002 goda, Goskomstat Rossii, Gos. kom. Respubliki Kalmykia po statistike, Elista, 2002; Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie Respubliki Kalmykia za ianvar’ 2003 goda, Goskomstat Rossii, Gos. kom. Respubliki Kalmykia po statistike, Elista, 2003; Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie Respubliki Kalmykia za ianvar’ 2004 goda, Goskomstat Rossii, Gos. kom. Respubliki Kalmykia po statistike, Elista, 2004.
See: Khalimag unen, 25 June, 2003.
For more detail, see: V. Volgin, “Kalmykia. Sostoianie mezhetnicheskikh otnoshenii,” Set etnologicheskogo monitorin-ga i rannego preduprezhdeniia konfliktov, Bulletin No. 26, July-August 1999.
Sarpinskie vesti, 17 July, 2001.
Izvestia Kalmykii, 9 August, 2001.
Sarpinskie vesti, 30 June, 2001.
Rassvet, 11 August, 2001.
Izvestia Kalmykii, 9 August, 2001.
Rassvet, 10 August, 2001.
Sarpinskie vesti, 17 July, 2001.
See: Sovetskaia Kalmykia segodnia, 30 July, 2001.
Elistinskie novosti, 7 August, 2001.
Komsomolets Kalmykii, 15-21 August, 2001.
Iskra Kalmykii, 1 February, 2003.
Izvestia Kalmykii, 9 August, 2001.
Sovetskaia Kalmykia segodnia, 13 August, 2001.
See: Vecherniaia Elista, 1 August, 2001.
Sarpinskie vesti, 30 June, 2001.
Izvestia Kalmykii, 31 October, 2001.
See: Khalimag unen, 25 June, 2003.
Here and later the statement is quoted from Khalimag unen, 22 January, 2003.
Militsia Kalmykii, 24 January, 2003.
Vecherniaia Elista, 25 January, 2003.
Ekonomika i zhizn—Kalmykia, 7 February, 2003.
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