The entire fuel and energy complex of Uzbekistan belongs to the state: the oil and gas branch is controlled by the National Holding Uzbekneftegaz; coal, by the Ugol firm, one of the companies that make up the State Joint-Stock Company called Uzbekenergo that is responsible for the power production sector. In other words, until recently the fuel and energy complex that remained a vertically arranged and rigidly integrated system it had been under Soviet power was never affected by the market reforms going on in other spheres. Presidential decree No. 2812 of 22 February 2001 On Deepening Economic Reforms in the Energy Sphere of the Republic of Uzbekistan opened an era of changes in this economic branch.
Concluded from Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 2 (32), 2004.
See: R. Pritchard, P. Andrews-Speed, “Eight Principles of Electricity Industry Reform,” International Energy Law and Taxation Review, No. 1, 2001, pp. 11-17.
See: Neftegazovaia promyshlennost. Uzbekneftegaz [], 19 March, 2003.
See: R. Pritchard, P. Andrews-Speed, op. cit.
See, for example: J. Stern, “What Makes an Independent Regulator Independent?” Business Strategy Review, Vol. 8,No. 2, 1997, pp. 67-74; idem, “Utility Reform, Privatization and Regulation: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe and from China,” International Business Lawyer, Vol. 27, No. 11, 1997; J. Stern, J.R. Davis, “Economic Reform of the Electricity Industries of Central and Eastern Europe,” Economics of Transition, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1999, pp. 427-460; D. Kennedy, “Competition in the Power Sector of Transition Economies,” Working Paper No. 41, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,London, 1999; idem, “Regulatory Reform and Market Development in Power Sectors of Transition Economies: The Case of Kazakhstan,” Energy Policy, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2002, pp. 219-233; idem, “Liberalization of the Russian Power Sector,” Energy Policy,Vol. 31, No. 8, 2003, pp. 745-758.
See: “Privatization of the Power and Natural Gas Industries in Hungary and Kazakhstan,” Technical Paper No. 451, World Bank, Washington, 1999.
See: R. Pritchard, P. Andrews-Speed, op. cit.
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