Sustainable land, clustered pattern, food surplusAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the patterns of transfer of land use from agricultural land to non-agricultural land and to draw up a zoning map for DIY for sustainable food security. The approach used in this study was a survey in which all populations were taken as a sample with a population consisting of all sub-districts in DIY that in 2009-2019 witnessed the conversion of land use from agricultural land. The land- use conversion and population rate were estimated using LANDSAT satellite imagery. Of the total population of all sub-districts, 63 sub-districts are (78 sub-districts). The findings showed that for all districts/cities, the patterns of land-use transfer from agricultural land to non-agricultural land were clustered, while the total conversion rate was 1286.83 ha/year. Overall, there were 14 rural sub-districts, 28 buffer zone sub-districts, and 21 sustainable agriculture districts. This study concluded that the zoning of food security was aimed at preserving food safety limits with agricultural land conditions of 42240.01. There was a food (rice) shortage to satisfy a population of 61568 people. The suggested improvement in food security is to increase the productivity of food (rice) and to increase the Family Planning programme.
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