In Soviet times the Muslims of the Russian Federation were supervised by two structures: the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the European Part of the U.S.S.R. and Siberia (SAMES) with headquarters in Ufa and the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Northern Caucasus (SAMNC) based in Makhachkala. The former was headed by Mufti Talgat Tadjuddin elected on 19 June,1980; and the latter by Makhmud Gekkiev.
A taped interview N. Ashirov gave to the present author.
“Predstavitel Dukhovnogo upravlenia musul’man evropeyskoy chasti SSSR o sotrudnichestve so stranami islama,” Post-Factum, 18 January, 1991.
See: “Islamskiy bank—Tatarstanu,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 5 January, 1991.
See: “1.5 mln doll. poluchil iz Saudovskoy Aravii glava Dukhovnogo upravlenia musul’man evropeyskoy chasti SNG i Sibiri mufti Talgat-khazrat Tadjuddin,” PostFactum, 5 February, 1992.
See: “Mufti Tunisa schitaet, chto musul’mane Rossii malosvedushchi v religioznykh delakh,” RIA Novosti, 28 February,1992.
“V moskovskoy gostinitse ‘Metropol’ sostoialsia diplomaticheskiy priem po sluchaiu otkrytia posol’stva Saudovskoy Aravii v Rossii,” RIA Novosti, 15 May, 1992.
“V Moskovskoy sobornoy mecheti provoditsia blagotvoritel’naia aktsia po besplatnoy razdache produktov pitania,”Federatsia (Moscow), 6 May, 1992; “V techenie trekh dney invalidy i pensionery Ufy poluchali gumanitarnuiu pomoshch v ramkakh programmy ‘Miloserdie’,” Aktsept (Ekaterinburg), 16 July, 1992.
See: M. Dmitriev, D. Seitov, “Anatomia kriminal’nogo mira,” Vecherniaia Kazan, 6 April, 1996 (reprinted from Mosk-ovsky komsomolets).
“Sozdanny 29 maia v Kazani Islamskiy tsentr Tatarstana ne poluchil podderzhki muftia Talgata Tadjuddina; Mufti Tal-gat Tadjuddin prizval musul’man ne sobirat’sia na konferentsiu musul’manskikh obshchestv i dvizheniy v Kazani, odnako 29 maia ona sostoialas,” PostFactum, 1 June, 1992.
See: “13 oktiabria Kazan otmetila den pamiati musul’man, pavshikh v 1552 g. pri zashchite goroda ot voysk Ivana Groznogo,” PostFactum, 13 October, 1992.
“Mufti Talgat Tadjuddin schitaet, chto musul’mane ne imeiut poka takikh zhe shirokikh vozmozhnostey dlia otpravle-nia kul’ta, kakimi pol’zuiutsia khristiane,” RIA Novosti, 15 April, 1992.
Interview Tadjuddin gave to Radik Batyrshin: “Tol’ko vera mozhet vozrodit v nas nadezhdu,” Nezavisimaia gazeta,
September, 1992.
Interview Tadjuddin gave to Dmitry Mikhaylin: “Vsevyshnego podelit nel’zia,” Rossiyskaia gazeta, 9 September, 1992.
See: “Raskol v musul’manskoy obshchine Tadzhikistana,” RIA Novosti, 24 June, 1992.
See: “V Groznom sozdan Islamskiy tsentr,” ITAR-TASS, 1 April, 1992.
See: “9 iulia sostoialsia s’ezd muftiata Chechni,” NEGA, 9 July, 1992.
See: R.A. Silant’ev, Etnicheskiy aspekt raskola islamskogo soobshchestva Rossii [http://www.iea.ras.ru/lib/neotl/
See: Vozrozhdenie kul’turnykh tsennostey Islama v natsional’nom dvizhenii i povsednevnom povedenii tatar [http://
“Eto trebovanie vre
meni i naroda. Interviu N. Nigmatullina i N. Ashirova,” Kyzyltan (Ufa), September 1992.
“Obrashchenie k musul’manam Respubliki Bashkortostan,” Zamandash, No. 26, 31 August, 1992.
R. Aiupov, “Chto privelo k raskolu,” Vecherniaia Ufa, 26 August, 1992; “Vsevyshnego podelit nel’zia,” Rossiyskaia gazeta, 9 September, 1992; “Tol’ko vera mozhet vozrodit v nas nadezhdu,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 22 September, 1992.
“K edineniu ili razdeleniu, no …bez nasilia,” Izvestia Bashkortostana, 28 August, 1992.
Later he repeated this in his interview to Dmitry Mikhaylin: “Vsevyshnego podelit nel’zia,” Rossiyskaia gazeta, 9 Sep-tember, 1992.
“Organizatsia samostoiatel’nykh dukhovnykh upravleniy musul’man Bashkirii i Tatarstana ochen neodnoznachno vosprin-imaetsia v respublike,” NEGA, 27 August, 1992.
“Vsevyshnego podelit nel’zia,” Rossiyskaia gazeta, 9 September, 1992.
See: “Razrastaetsia skandal vokrug raskola v Dukhovnom upravlenii musul’man evropeyskoy chasti SNG i Sibiri (DUMES) i sozdania Dukhovnogo upravlenia musul’man Tatarstana,” NEGA, 29 August, 1992.
See: “V redaktsii mestnykh gazet postupilo obrashchenie uchastnikov vneocherednogo rasshirennogo plenuma Dukhovnogo upravlenia musul’man evropeyskoy chasti SNG i Sibiri (DUMES), sostoiavshegosia v Ufe,” NEGA, 3 Sep-tember, 1992.
“Vsevyshnego podelit nel’zia,” Rossiyskaia gazeta, 9 September, 1992; “Tol’ko vera mozhet vozrodit v nas nadezhdu,”Nezavisimaia gazeta, 22 September, 1992.
See: “2 sentiabria mufti Tatarstana Gabdullah-khazrat provel press-konferentsiu,” NEGA, 3 September, 1992.
“Tatarstan: razmezhevanie musul’manskogo dukhovenstva stanovitsia vse ostree,” RIA Novosti, 2 September, 1992;
Vsevyshnego podelit nel’zia,” Rossiyskaia gazeta, 9 September, 1992.
“Orenburgskie musul’mane protiv raskola,” RIA Novosti, 4 September, 1992.
See: “Mufti DUMESa Tadjuddin priznal DUM (Dukhovnoe upravlenie musul’man) Tatarstana i Gabdullu-khazrata,”Izvestia Tatarstana, 8 September, 1992.
“Sheikh-ul-islam i tatarskaia avtokefalia,” Kommersant-Daily, 9 October, 1992.
“Eto trebovanie vremeni i naroda.” An interview by N. Nigmatullin and N. Ashirov.
See: “Mufti ‘podryval osnovy islamskoy very’,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 26 October, 1992.
See: R. Abdrakhmanov, E. Mavrina, Respublika Tatarstan. Model etnologicheskogo monitoringa, indikator 27 “Reli-gioznaia zhizn” [http://federalmcart.ksu.ru/publications/abdrakh1.htm].
V. Galimov, “Musul’mane umnozhaiut sily deleniem,” Izvestia Tatarstana, 24 October, 1992.
“Segodnia v Ufe zavershil svoiu rabotu Shestoy chrezvychayny kurultay-s’ezd musul’man evropeyskoy chasti SNG,Sibiri i stran Baltii,” ORT, Novosti (at 6 p.m.), 10 November, 1992.
“Uchastniki chrezvychaynogo vsemusul’manskogo s’ezda v Ufe priznali DUMES edinstvenno zakonnym religioznym organom v regione,” NEGA, 11 November, 1992.
See: “30 dekabria v Ufe Dukhovnomu upravleniu musul’man Respubliki Bashkortostan (DUM RB) vydany registrat-sionnye dokumenty,” NEGA, 30 December, 1992.
“Religioznye ambitsii privodiat k raskolu musul’manstva,” PostFactum, 10 December, 1992.
IEG “Panorama.” Data base “Labirint:” “Islam v Rossii. Evropeyskaia chast Rossii i Sibir.”
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