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AUELBAEV, B. (2004). KAZAKHSTAN’S POLITICO-ECONOMIC RELATIONS WITH IRAN. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 5(4), 82-88. https://ca-c.org/CAC/index.php/cac/article/view/589



Iran is called upon to play the role as a strategic partner of the Central Asian republics; also, it is their gateway to the Middle and Near East and South Asia—that is to say, regions where the majority of the world’s Muslim population traditionally lives. The starting point in the evolution of relations between Kazakhstan (the Republic of Kazakhstan) and Iran (the Islamic Republic of Iran) was 1992, when the country’s president, N. Nazarbaev,went to the Islamic Republic of Iran on an official visit (October 28 through November 3). Then, on 24 through 26 October 1993, President A. Hashemi Rafsanjani of Iran returned the visit. In the course of those meetings, treaties were signed, laying the groundwork for the development of cooperation between the two states.1

 More than 40 documents regulating bilateral relations in the trade and economic, industrial, sci-entific and technical, transport, transit, and customs sphere have since been drafted and signed.2 These contacts are constantly being advanced.3
 There are a number of factors in Kazakhstan’s special interest in developing mutually beneficial politico-economic relations between our two states.



See: K. Tokaev, Vneshniaia politika Kazakhstana v usloviiakh globalizatsii, Almaty, 2000, p. 391.

See: Kazakhstansko-iranskiye otnoshenia v dokumen-takh 1992-1998 gg. A publication of the Iranian Foreign Min-istry publishing and printing center with assistance from the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Tehran.

See: K. Tokaev, op. cit., p. 390.

See: A.Z. Arabadzhian, Islamskaia Respublika Iran.konomicheskiy potentsial, Moscow, 2002, pp. 20-21.

See: Panorama, 19 December, 2003.

See: A.A. Kurtov, “Iran i problemy Kaspia,” in: Iran v sovremennom mire, Moscow, 2003, p. 58.

See: A. Abishev, Kaspii: neft i politika, Almaty, 2002, p. 303.

See: M. Sanai, Vzaimootnosheniia Irana i stran Tsentral’noi Azii: Istoria i sovremennost (politologicheskiy analiz), Almaty,1997, p. 56.

See: A. Abishev, op. cit., p. 301.

See: Ibid., p. 303.

See: Panorama, 8 August, 2003.

See: A. Abishev, op. cit., p. 352.

See: M. Sanai, Otnosheniia Irana s Tsentral’noaziatskimi stranami SNG. Sotsial’no-politichekie i ekonomicheskie as-pekty, Moscow, 2002, p. 124.

See: “Port v budushchee,” Kontinent, No. 23, 2003, p. 12.

See: Panorama, 10 January, 2003.

See: V.I. Gubanov, “Razvitie transportnoi infrastruktury kak faktor izmenenia geopoliticheskoi situatsii v Prikaspiyskom regione: vzgliad iz Baku,” in: Kaspiiskiy region na sovremennom etape: problemy, tendentsii, perspektivy, Almaty, 2003, p. 118.

See: Panorama, 21 November, 2003.

See: Kazakhstanskaia pravda, 28 August, 2003.

See: M. Sanai, Otnosheniia Irana s Tsentral’noaziatskimi stranami SNG, p. 65.

See: Ali Reza Bikdeli, “Polozhenie tranzita Islamskoi Respubliki Iran i stran Tsentral’noi Azii,” Amu Darya, No. 12,2002, p. 23.

See: M. Sanai, Vzaimootnosheniia Irana i stran Tsentral’noi Azii, pp. 91-92.

See: M. Sanai, Otnosheniia Irana s Tsentral’noaziatskimi stranami SNG, p. 83.

See: N. Pereverten, Koridor vmesto tupika [http://www.turkmenistan.ru/index.cfm?r=4&d=1608&op=viw].

See: M. Sanai, Otnosheniia Irana s Tsentral’noaziatskimi stranami SNG, p. 92.

See: D. Maslov, “Posledniaia liniia oborony,” Kontinent, No. 2, 2003, p. 14.

A.V. Malashenko, “‘Noviy Shelkoviy put’ i problemy sotrudnichestva gosudarstv v Tsentral’noi Azii,” Dialog tsivili-

zatsiy na Velikom shelkovom puti “Tsentral’naia Azia: vchera, segodnia, zavtra.” Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konfer-entsii, Bishkek, 2002.

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