Much has been written about terrorism; albeit a phenomenon that seems to have been studied in detail, it remains sinister, enigmatic, irrational, and defying complete understanding.”1 It is hard to deny this opinion of prominent Russian Orientalist Georgy Mirskiy: it can be applied both to the theoretical-methodological side of the phenomenon and to a case study of terrorism in Chechnia. In the past ten years the concept of terrorism has been closely associated with Chechnia; this definition, as well as the much more recent coinage, counter-terrorist operation, have been accepted by the Russian expert community to the extent that they require no further explanation.
G.I. Mirskiy, “Drakon vstaet na dyby,” Posev, No. 7,2003, p. 14.
O. Alissoultanov, “The Chechen Crisis: Genesis, Dynamics, and Recent Trends,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 2 (26),2004, p. 19.
See: A.V. Malashenko, Islamskie orientiry Severnogo Kavkaza, Moscow, 2001.
See: A.G. Mikhailov, Chechenskoe koleso. General FSB svidetel’stvuet, Moscow, 2002; V. Stepakov, Bitva za “Nord Ost,” Moscow, 2003; M.P. Trebin, Terrorism v XXI veke, Minsk, 2003.
See: R. Falk, Revolutionaries and Functionaries. The Dual Face of Terrorism, E.P. Dutton, New York, 1988, p. XIV.
G.I. Mirsky, op. cit.
V.A. Koreniako, “Federal’niy tsentr i chechenskiy krizis (nekotorye voenno-politicheskie i psikhologicheskie proble-my),” Sotsial’no-politicheskaia situatsia na Kavkaze: istoria, sovremennost, perspektivy, Moscow, 2001, p. 61.
“‘Den banditizma, terrorizma i proizvola.’ 10 let nazad nachalas noveyshaia chechenskaia istoria,” Kommersant-Daily,6 September, 2001.
A.V. Malashenko, D.V. Trenin, Vremia Iuga. Rossia v Chechne. Chechnia v Rossii, Moscow, 2002, p. 16.
Sbornik ukazov prezidenta Chechenskoy Respubliki s noiabria 1991 po 30 iiulia 1992 g., Grozny, 1992, p. 4.
See: N.N. Velikaia, S.L. Dudarev, “Iz istorii russkogo naselenia Chechni,” Rossia na rubezhe tysiachelitiy: itogi i problemy
razvitia, Armavir, 2000, pp. 71-86; “Stanislav Iliasov, ‘V Groznom ostalos 500 russkikh,’” Izvestia, 19 April, 2001; K. Ko-sachev, “Chechenskaia dilemma. Svoe slovo dolzhen skazat prezident,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 3 April, 2001.
See: A.G. Mikhailov, op. cit., p. 188.
See: V.V. Marushchenko, Severniy Kavkaz. Trudniy put k miru, Moscow, 2001, p. 76.
See: A.V. Malashenko, D.V. Trenin, op. cit., pp. 21-23.
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