Human rights in the new world order: a legal study


  • Majid Hamid Badr Samarra University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Author
  • Raed khaleel Ibrahim Law, University of Tikrit, Iraq Author


Human rights have become a global issue, as the interest in human rights is not limited to a particular city or country. Rather, it has spread to all countries of the world regardless of temporal and spatial boundaries. The issue of human rights appeared in societies in the ancient times since the beginning of humanity as human rights were decided by divine laws and stipulated in national constitutions and confirmed in international treaties and charters. However, great importance has emerged for them in the international field at present. Therefore, conferences were held to discuss human rights issues as they came out of their internal legal scope and acquired a global and comprehensive character. Basic human rights have been adapted as a result of the development of human societies and states have established many relationships among themselves. State relations in ancient times used to be characterized by the nature of hostility and wars throughout history. A clear evidence of this had been the twentieth century as three world wars broke out. Two of these wars were devastating, and one was cold because of which the Eastern bloc collapsed and the world entered the new international order as the protection of human rights has become of global importance and falls on all members of the international community. Human rights must be surrounded by the adequate protection to fortify it against the domination of those at the helm of power all around the world. Otherwise, it will lose its credibility and feasibility as one of the reasons for preserving human dignity.


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How to Cite

Badr, M. H., & Ibrahim, R. khaleel. (2022). Human rights in the new world order: a legal study. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 23(1), 282-291.
