Employee Performance, Leadership Style andWork EnvironmentAbstract
This study was conducted to determine how much influence of leadership style and work environment on employee performance at The population in this study is the total employees of which numbered 100 people with the total sample taken, which is 33 people. The research method used is a quantitative method.Meanwhile, for the data processing and analysis techniques used, it is a linear regression analysis method that can be calculated using the SPSS version 25.0 assistance program. Basedon the results of the research and discussions that have been examined, it can be concluded thatleadership style and work environment have a significant influence on employee performancevariables. Thus, it is concluded that if there is a good leadership style and a comfortable workenvironment, then the work results assigned by the employees will be better and the companyor organization can achieve the set goals. But if the work environment and leadership style is not good, but the work results portrayed by the employees will be worse.
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