In Kyrgyzstan, Islam is developing along its own lines—in this respect our republic does not differ from other post-Soviet states. The democratic changes have encouraged the building of numerous mosques and madrasahs. Here are several circumstances of obvious importance. First, religious slogans are used to camouflage political activities. This is true, first and foremost, of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an extremist religious party engaged in destructive activities, and of the active opposition to its ideas recently launched by society and, most importantly, by the clergy. We should always bear in mind, however, that Hizb ut-Tahrir will not shun cruelty.
Second, the clerics across the country have become aware of the need to adjust their methods to society’s current demands, to strengthen the horizontal and vertical structures, to establish stable contacts with the faithful, and to become in-volved in dealing with the urgent social problems.
Third, the radical Islamic ideas brought to the country by all kinds of missionaries and preachers are gradually replacing traditional Is-lam with previously unknown madhabs. The Kyrgyz educated abroad in radical religious institutions might add to the tension in the religious community if they try to spread their ideas in Kyrgyzstan.
Fourth, the network of religious organizations is growing at a fast pace—this is one of the dominant local trends. It is obviously important to help the faithful become aware of their spiritual requirements, yet the current trend is mainly quantitative rather than qualitative. This may undermine the position of traditional Islam in the republic. Aware of the danger, the clerics are trying to modernize teaching methods in order to educate a spiritual elite of their own.
See: Archbishop Vladimir, …A druzey iskat’ na Vostoke (Pravoslavie i Islam: protivostoianie ili sodruzhestvo?),Tashkent, 2000.
See: A. Bedelbaev, “Iz istorii deiatel’nosty evropeyskikh missionerov na severe Kyrgyzstana v XIX-nach. XX vv.,”Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Buddizm i khristianstvo v kul’turnom nasledii Tsentral’noy Azii,” Bishkek, 2002.
See: E. Ozmitel, Pravoslavie v Kirgizii. XIX-XX vv. Ist. ocherk, Bishkek, 2003.
See: A. Malashenko, Islamskoe vozrozhdenie v sovremennoy Rossii, Moscow Carnegie Center, Moscow, 1998.
See: B.A. Maltabarov, “Islam kak religia monoteisticheskogo kredo,” Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prak-ticheskoy konferentsii “Islam v istorii Kyrgyzskoy gosudarstvennosti”, Bishkek, 2003, pp. 17-27.
R. Rakhimov, “Veruiu!,” Argumenty i fakty Kyrgyzstan, No. 1, 2001.
V. Djumataeva, “Problemy islamizatsii v Kyrgyzstane,” Delo No. ..., No. 30 (448), 3 October, 2001, p. 5.
See: V. Volkov, N. Khorunzhiy, “Rossia sokhraniaet svoe prisutstvie v Tsentral’noy Asii,” Izvestia, 5 December,2002.
See: D.B. Malysheva, “Postsovetskiy Vostok v poiskakh religioznoy identichnosti,” NG-Religii, 18 September,2002, p. 3.
Tsentral’naia Azia: Islam i gosudarstvo. ICG, doklad po Azii, No. 59, Osh-Brussels, 10 July, 2003.
See: K.K. Mamataliev, K.S. Murzakhalilov, “Obshchie problemy religioznogo obrazovania v Kyrgyzstane,” Ma-terialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Svoboda veroispovedania i obespechenia mezhreligioznogo vzaimoponimania v stranakh Tsentral’noy Azii, Bishkek, 2004, pp. 150-159.
V. Volkov, N. Khorunzhiy, op. cit.
See: A. Kniazev, “Afghanskiy faktor dlia Tsentral’noy Azii,” Afghanskiy konflikt i radikal’ny islam v Tsentral’noy Azii, Collection of documents and materials, Ilim Publishers, Bishkek, 2001.
Tsentral’naia Azia: Islam i gosudarstvo.
See: O.Sh. Mamaiusupov, Voprosy (problemy) religii na perekhodnom periode, Bishkek, 2003.
See: M. Zargishev, “S pomoshch’iu Allakha po puti Koranicheskoy istiny,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, 2 April, 1993.
See: B.A. Maltabarov, Religia i sotsial’no-politicheskie protsessy v Kyrgyzstane, Bishkek, 2002.
See: A. Tabyshalieva, “Vzgliad na religioznuiu situatsiyu v Kyrgyzstane,” Tsentral’naia Azia, No. 11, 1997.
See: O. Moldaliev, Sovremennye vyzovy bezopasnosti Kyrgyzstana i Tsentral’noy Azii, Bishkek, 2001.
See: Sh. Akmalov, Hizb ut-Tahrir—kak istochnik ugroz regional’noy bezopasnosti
See: “The IMU and the Hizb ut-Tahrir: Implication of the Afghanistan Campaign,” ICG Asia Briefing Paper,30 January, 2002.
See: A.K. Zayfert, A. Kraykemayer, O sovmestimosti politicheskogo islama i bezopasnosti v prostranstve OBSE,Sharki Ozod Publishers, Dushanbe, 2003, pp. 211-224.
See: O.Sh. Mamaiusupov, K.S. Murzakhalilov, K.K. Mamataliev, Islam v Kyrgyzstane: tendentsii razvitia, Bishkek,2004.
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