
  • Sudaba ZEYNALOVA Researcher at the Bakikhanov Institute of History,National Academy of Sciences (Baku, Azerbaijan) Author


Azerbaijan, which is located between the West and East, became the home of representatives of many different nationalities at certain times throughout history. This ethnic diversity, which is still retained today, and the peaceful coexistence in our state of members of different nationalities, cultures, and confessions show the tolerance and respect the   Azeris have for these people. Germans are also some of the representatives of the European culture who have lived for a long time in Azerbaijan. Looking at their lives and vital activity in this country is of special interest and presents a graphic example of the interrelationship between western and eastern cultures within a single society.  Germans began migrating to Azerbaijan in the first decades of the 19th century for a number of reasons.1 The primary reason was the disastrous political and economic situation in Germany at this time as a consequence of the Napoleonic wars, which gave rise to mounting discontent among the masses and intensified the migration processes. The south of Germany, Württemberg, where dissident movements, including separatism, were becoming active, found itself in particularly dire straits. In search of salvation, some of its residents expressed the desire to move to the East, in particular to the Caucasus, since, in their opinion, it was located “not far from the cradle of the human race.”2 They made this request of Russian Emperor Alexander I, who, on his way back from the Vienna Congress in 1816, was traveling through Stuttgart. 


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See: E. Ismailov and Z. Kengerli, “O kategorii Kavkaz,” Reports of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,Vol. LVIII, No. 5-6, Elm, Baku, 2002, pp. 290-294.

S. Smirnov, “Nemetskie sektanty za Kavkazom,” Russkii vestnik, Vol. 57, Moscow, 1865, pp. 230-233.

See: P. Basikhin, “Nemetskie kolonii na Kavkaze. Etnograficheskii ocherk,” Kavkazskii vestnik, No. 1, 1900, p. 14.

See: Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii s 1649 goda (Full Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire since 1649), Vol. XVI, 1830, pp. 313-316.

See: Schweinitz, Helenendorf. Eine deutsche Kolonie im Kaukasus, Berlin, 1908, p. 3; P. Basikhin, op. cit.

See: F. Zimmer, Koloniia Helenendorf, Elisavetopolskoi gubernii i uezda, SMOMK, Iss. 29, Tiflis, 1901, pp. 2-3.

Akty sobrannye Kavkazskoi arkheograficheskoi komissiei (AKAK) (Acts Gathered by the Caucasian Archeograph-ic Commission (ACAC), ed. by Adolf Berzhe, Vol. 6, Part 1, Tiflis, 1874, p. 331.

See: K. Stumpp, “Die Auswanderung aus Deutschland nach Ru land in den Yahren 1763 bis 1862,” Jahrbuch für ostdeutsche Volkskunde, Band 22, Stuttgart, 1979, pp. 210-217; N.K. Nikiforov, “Ekonomicheskii byt nemetskikh kolon-istov v Zakavkazskom krae,” in: Documents for Studying the Economic Existence of State Peasants of the Transcaucasus Territory, Vol. 1, Tiflis, 1886, p. 104.

Azerbaidzhanskaia Demokraticheskaia Respublika (1918-1920). Vneshniaia politika, Azerbaijan, Baku, 1998,p. 10.

State Archives of the Azerbaijani Republic (SAAR), rec. gr. 894, inv. 10, f. 53, sheet 5.

State Historical Archives of the Azerbaijan Republic (SHAAR), rec. gr. 508, inv. 1, f. 459, sheets 24, 35, 51; f. 468,sheet 1.

See: Ekonomicheskii vestnik Azerbaidzhana, No. 23 (30), 1922, p. 27.

SAAR, rec. gr. 2384, inv. 1, f. 2, sheet 214; rec. gr. 816, inv. 6, f. 56, sheets 7-8.

SAAR, rec. gr. 2384, inv. 1, f. 17, sheet 100-101; State Archives of Political Parties and Public Movements of the Azerbaijan Republic (SAPPPMAR), rec. gr. 1, inv. 85, f. 613, sheet 65.

SAPPPMAR, rec. gr. 1, inv. 235, f. 303, sheet 141.

See: M. Jafarli, Nemtsy v Azerbaidzhane, Baku, 1998, p. 21; SAPPPMAR, rec. gr. 1, inv. 235, f. 102,sheet 657.

SAAR, rec. gr. 2384, inv. 1, f. 10, sheets 85-86; rec. gr. 379, inv. 7, f. 87, sheet 9.

See: Concordia, Astroprint, Odessa, 2001, pp. 17-18.

See: M. Jafarli, Politicheskii terror i sudby azerbaidzhanskikh nemtsev, Baku, 1998, p. 71.

See: E. Ohngemach, “Memoire eines Unbekannten,” in: Heimatliche Weiten, M., 1989, S. 112.

SHAAR, rec. gr. 508, inv. 1, f. 436, sheet 26; N.A. Ibragimov, Nemetskie stranitsy istorii Azerbaidzhana, Azer-baijan Publishers, Baku, 1995, pp. 165-166.

SHAAR, rec. gr. 830, inv. 1, f. 7, sheet 8; SAAR, rec. gr. 2602, inv. 1, f. 18, sheets 36, 47.

See: Narodnoe obrazovanie v Azerbaidzhane 1920-1927, Publication of the ASSR People’s Commissariat of Education, Baku, 1928, p. 143; Izvestia AzTsSU (Bulletin of the Azerbaijan Central Statistics Board), No. 1 (8), 1924,pp. 28-29; SAPPPMAR, rec. gr. 1, inv. 235, f. 303, sheet 141.

See: T.A. Musaeva, Revoliutsiia i narodnoe obrazovanie v Azerbaidzhane, Elm, Baku, 1979, p. 147; I.I. Kasumova,Kulturnoe stroitelstvo v Azerbaijane v 1920-1930-e gody (na primere natsionalnykh menshinstv i malochislennykh narodov):

issertation... Ph.D. (Hist.), Baku, 1996, p. 103.

SAPPPMAR, rec. gr. 1, inv. 235, f. 303, sheets 140-141.

SAPPPMAR, rec. gr. 12, inv. 2, f. 108, sheets 155, 158; rec. gr. 1, inv. 235, f. 160, sheet 148.

SAPPPMAR, rec. gr. 1, inv. 74, f. 807, sheets 8-9; f. 425, sheet 18.

SHAAR, rec. gr. 508, inv. 1, f. 436, sheet 26.

SAAR, rec. gr. 27, inv. 1, f. 377, sheets 5-6.

See: M. Jafarli, Politicheskii terror i sudby azerbaidzhanskikh nemtsev, p. 45.

See: T.F. Gumbatova, “Dukhovnaia zhizn nemtsev v Baku,” in: Rossiiskie nemtsy. Problemy istorii, yazyka i sovre-

mennogo polozheniia, Documents from the International Scientific Conference, Gotika, Moscow, 1996, p. 345; Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Ru land, Stuttgard, 1961, S. 115.

See: Ya.I. Hummel, Kraevedcheskii muzei Khanlarskogo raiona, Baku, 1939, pp. 3-19.

See: Vsesoiuznaia perepis naseleniia 1939 g. Main Results (All-Union Population Census for 1939), ed. by Yu.A. Poliakov, Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1992, p. 71.

See: “To mobilize Germans into working colonies... (J. Stalin),” Collected Documents, ed. by N.F. Bugai, Goti-ka, Moscow, 1998, p. 37-38.







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