The term “Atlantic partnership” refers to the strong diplomatic and military links between the U.S. and major Western European countries such as Great Britain, Germany and France. The union established by these countries has been durable and reliable, especially during the Cold War. The European allies consistently supported the U.S. in military actions. However, in spite of dependence on the U.S., even during the Cold War the European states had many trade conflicts with the United States.
Nowadays both security and economic issues have emerged as weak points in the Atlantic relationship. The President of the U.S., G.W. Bush, paid his first visit after reelection for the second term in February 2005 to European countries with the aim of improving these relations. The Atlan-tic relationship was put under strain when some European partners of the U.S. rejected participation in the U.S.-led military action against Iraq in 2003. This article will address the questions of why some European countries refused to support that military action, and how they responded to it.
France and Germany were the most prominent states that refused to side with the U.S. over Iraq. Historically, France’s foreign policy has been characterized by the “traditional De Gaulle style "which, with some qualification, represents two important trends. On the one hand, it stresses friendship with Washington and NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to provide an opportunity of balance in transatlantic relations. On the other hand, it seeks the renewal of European military forces to provide some distance from Wash-ington.1 As for Germany, it has always sided with U.S. military actions since World War II. In 2003 Germany broke with that policy for the first time.
See: A. Suyomarch, H. Machin, P. Hall, Y. Hay-ward, Developments in French Politics, Palgrave, 2001,pp. 162-171.
See: B.B. de Mesquita, Principles of International Politics, CQ Press, A Division of Congressional Quarterly Inc., Washington D.C., 2000, p. 406.
See: H. Mackinder, “The Geographical Pivot of History,” The Geographical Journal, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, April 1904,pp. 421-437; H. Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality: A Study in the Politics of Reconstruction, Constable and Com-pany, London, 1919.
H. Mackinder, “The Geographical Pivot of History,” p. 437.
Ibid., p. 436.
H. Mackinder, “The Round World and the Winning of the Peace,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 21, No. 4, July 1943,
See: Ibid., p. 596; H. Mackinder, “The Geographical Pivot of History,” p. 436.
See: W. Lippman, “The Cold War,” Foreign Affairs, No. 65, Spring 1987, pp. 884-889.
B.B. de Mesquita, op. cit., p. 402.
See: Ibid., p. 403.
J. Goldstein, International Relations, American University, Longman, Washington, D.C., 2003, p. 263.
See: J.D. Morrow, “Alliances and Asymmetry: An Alternative to the Capability-Aggregation Model of Alliances,”American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 35, No. 4, November 1991, p. 926.
See: D.S. Bennett, “Testing Alternative Models of Alliance Duration, 1816-1984,” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 41, No. 3, July 1997, p. 848.
See: J.D. Morrow, op. cit., p. 927.
See: D.S. Bennett, op. cit., pp. 873-874.
Ibid., p. 930.
Ibid., p. 870.
Ibid., pp. 874-875.
Ibid., p. 875.
War on Terrorism. The United Kingdom’s contribution to the fight against global terrorism, 3 December, 2003:
vailable at [].
Federal Foreign Minister Fischer: Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in New York and Washington, 12 Septem-ber, 2001: available at [],3 December, 2003.
Federal Foreign Minister Fischer: Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in New York and Washington, 12 Septem-ber, 2001: available at [],3 December, 2003.
Kh. Diab, “Markets Braced for Expensive Iraq War,” European Voice, Vol. 8, No. 35, 3 October, 2002: availa-ble at [http://www.knoweurope.netcgiQfullrec/full_rec?action=byid&id=002/0013460&FILE=.../session/10].
G. Parker, “Europe ‘Will Lead Aid Effort in Iraq,’” Financial Times, 11 January, 2003: available at [http://
G. Parker, “Warning by EU Leaders to Iraq Narrows Gulf with US,” Financial Times, 18 February, 2003: availa-ble at [http://www.knoweurope.netcgiQfullrec/full_rec?action=byid&id=070/0005194&FILE=.../session/10].
R. Wolffe, “Powell Keen to End Dispute with Berlin over Iraq,” Financial Times, 30 October, 2002: available at [http://www.knoweurope.netcgiQfullrec/full_rec?action=byid&id=070/0004350&FILE=.../session/10].
The Logic of International Relations, ed. by W.S. Yones, New York, 1997, p. 29.
H. Simonian, “Schroeder in Passionate Defence of Iraq Policy,” Financial Times, 14 February, 2003: available at [http://www/].
See: “Politbarometer. Waehler sieht Rot-Gruen nicht am Ende,” Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 16 November, 2001: avail-able at [].
The interview of J. Fischer to the newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung on 7 August, 2002: available at [http://].
See: A. Travis et al., “Poll Shows Voters are Split on Iraq,” The Guardian, 18 December, 2003: available at [http://,11030,847305,00.html].
Q. Peel, “Talking Europe, Thinking Britain,” Financial Times, 25 September, 2003: available at [http://
See: A. Travis, “Support for War Falls to New Low,” The Guardian, 18 December, 2003: available at [http://,11538,879105,00.html].
A. Travis, “Support for Attack Jumps, but Opposition Still in the Majority,” The Guardian, 18 December, 2003:
vailable at [,11030,916494,00.html].
B. Whitford, “Labour Damaged in Polls by WMD Claims,” The Guardian, 18 December, 2003: available at [http://,11030,979420,00.html].
A. Travis, “Iraq Rows Slash Labour’s Poll Lead,” The Guardian, 18 December, 2003: available at [http://,11030,1003342,00.html].
C. Gray, In Defence of the Heartland. Global Geostrategy, ed. by B. Blouet, Frank Cass, London, New York, 2005,p. 31.
J. Dempsey, “Survey Tracks Relations between U.S. and Europe,” Financial Times, 4 September, 2003: available at [http://www.knoweurope.netcgiQfullrec/full_rec?action=byid&id=070/0011138&FILE=.../session/10].
H. Mackinder, “The Geographical Pivot of History,” p. 437.
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