In today’s post-Soviet states of Central Asia, the political transformations have led to the traditionalization of political life and revival of conventional political institutions. It is noteworthy that the informal political institutions received a formal status in a number of states. The article deals with the formation and legislative regulation of the institute of the Nation’s Leader in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan, in terms of identifying the general and particular reasons for the emergence of the institute, functioning results, and the prospects for its development. The main factor in the formalization of the institute of the Nation’s Leader in the analyzed countries is the weakness of traditions of the national statehood and the low level of national identity, understood as a civil-political identity. The specificity of institutionalization of the institute of the Nation’s Leader lies in the fact that the informal practice of a personalistic type of domination is transformed into political and legal institutions, while legislative norms govern the legal relations connected with the status of a particular individual. A high level of institutionalization of personalistic presidency is considered by the ruling elites of the analyzed countries as the main basis for political stability and sustainable legitimation of the political regimes. The implementation of the forthcoming transfer of power in these countries is likely to confirm these expectations.
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Quoted from: J. Linz, A. Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe, Baltimore, London, 1996, p. 51.
See: Ibid., pp. 44-45.
See: Law of Turkmenistan on Implementation of the Constitution of Turkmenistan of 18 May, 1992, Turkmenskaia iskra, 19 May, 1992, p. 3.
See: “V Tsentralnoi komissii po vyboram i provedeniiu referendumov,” Turkmenskaia iskra, 23 June, 1992, p. 1.
Constitutional Law of Turkmenistan on the Exclusive Powers of the First President of Turkmenistan of 28 December,1999, No. TKK-2, The Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan: the of¿cial website, available at [
merkezi/doc_view.php?doc_id= 586].
“Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, ‘We Will Go Ahead, We Will Not Stop!” Neitralniy Turkmenistan, 10 August, 2002,p. 1.
Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, “Based on the Independence Winning and Traditions of the People, To Go Ahead, To New Heights of Progress and Prosperity,” Neitralniy Turkmenistan, 8 April, 2005, p. 1.
See: Law of Turkmenistan on the President of Turkmenistan of 28 June, 2007, No. 127-III, the Legislation of the CIS countries, available at []; Law of Turkmenistan on the President of Turk-menistan of 21 May, 2011, No. 192-IV (as amended by the Laws of Turkmenistan of 10 January, 2012, No. 262-IV, of 16 February, 2012, No. 276-IV), the Legislation of the CIS countries, available at [
In 2011, in accordance with the new wording of the Law on the President this wording was withdrawn from the President’s oath.
G. Shagulyeva, “White Dove: poem,” Neitralniy Turkmenistan, 18 May, 2011, p. 1.
“As a Gift—Talent, Inspiration, All the Colors of the World! Gala Concert at the Palace Ruhiyet,” Neitralniy Turk-menistan, 30 June, 2011, p. 4.
A. Chernyaev, “Sport—as a Lifestyle,” Neitralniy Turkmenistan, 1 March, 2012, p. 7.
In 2017, Berdymukhammedov will be 60 years old.
See: Constitution of Turkmenistan of 18 May, 1992, No. 691-XII (as amended by the Constitutional laws of Turk-menistan of 27 December, 1995, No. 98-1, 29 December, 1999, No. TKK-3, 15 August, 2003, No. TKK-7, 25 October, 2005,26 December, 2006, 26 September, 2008, 14 September, 2016), the Legislation of the CIS countries, available at [http://base.].
See: Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 20 July,2000, No. 83-II, Adilet, Information and Legal System of Normative Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, available at [ Z000000083_/20.07.2000].
See: Resolution of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 3 July, 2000, No. 16/2, available at [].
See: Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Amendments and Supplements to Some Constitutional Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Improvement of Legislation in the Sphere of Activity of the First President of Kazakhstan—
eader of the Nation of 14 June, 2010, No. 289-IV, available at [].
The Declaration of Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Majilis of the Parlia-ment of the Republic of Kazakhstan Of¿cial site, available at [];
Kazakhskiy parlament predlozhil pereimenovat Astanu v Nazarbaev,” Rossiiskaya gazeta, available at [
See: “Nazarbaev ne imeet otnoshenia k initsiative po pereimenovaniiu Astany,” News Agency REGNUM, available at [].
E. Zapara, “Nazarbaev zaiavil, chto ne nemeren peredovat vlast po nasledstvu,” Izvestia, 24 November, 2016, p. 3.
See: R.S. Bobokhonov, “Sovetskie i postsovetskie modeli avtoritarizma v Tadzhikistane,” Sovremennaia nauka:
ktualnye problemy teorii i praktiki, Humanities Series, No. 9-10, 2012, pp. 3-8.
See: Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on the Founder of Peace and National Unity—the Leader of the Nation of 25 December, 2015, No. 1259, National Center for Legislation under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, available at [ ].
Signing of the Set of Laws, The of¿cial website of the President of Tajikistan, available at [
u/node/10510], 4 December, 2016.
See: “Okonchatelnye itogi referenduma v Tadzhikistane oglasiat do 1 iiunia,” RIA Novosti: Russia Today, available at [], 4 December, 2016.
See: The Changes in Staff, President of the Republic of Tajikistan of¿cial website, available at [http://www.president.
j/ru/node/10690], 4 December, 2016.
In 2013, Berdymukhammedov suspended his membership in the party.
See, for example: S.M. Eke, T. Kuzio, “Sultanism in Eastern Europe: The Socio-Political Roots of Authoritarian Populism in Belarus,” Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2000, p. 528.
See, for example, the of¿cial biography: National Leader Heydar Alirza oglu Aliev, Of¿cial website of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev, available at [], 4 December, 2016.
See: N. Borisov, “The Institution of Presidency in the Central Asia Countries: Personalization vs. Institutionaliza-tion,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, Vol. 12, Issue 4, 2011, pp. 57-65; N. Borisov, “Institutsionalizatsia instituta preziden-stva i perspektivy konsolidatsii politicheskikh rezhimov na postsovetskom prostranstve,” Politiia, No. 4, 2011, pp. 93-103.
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