In 2017, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev, who has remained at the helm of power for twenty-five-odd years of the republic’s independence, has initiated the next, fourth batch of constitutional amendments. Very much like the amendments of 1998, 2007, and 2011, these amendments are presented to the nation as another step toward further democratization of the political system of Kazakhstan. The three previous initiatives consolidated presidential power; this time, according to the preliminary statement, about forty, mainly social and economic, functions of the president will be redistributed between the Government and the Parliament. Thus, in the period of economic crisis and uncertainty, the President will be absolved of the responsibility for possible errors and failures of the country’s economic policy. On the other hand, these amendments expand the points related to the immunity of private property (one of the weakest points in the legal system and political construct of Kazakhstan). This probably means that the elite groups will have to learn the rules of the game and operate within certain limits, while the amendments can be interpreted as a step toward the transfer of supreme power. In this article, we have analyzed the history of the parliamentary elections by party lists, since redistribution of authority between the branches of power will widen the possibilities of the Legislative Assembly of Kazakhstan.
See: Address of the President of the Kazakhstan Republic on Redistribution of Authority between Branches of Power,available at [], 3 February, 2017.
Here and elsewhere of¿cial data of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and open sources of the Internet, related to the parliamentary elections, are given; information is limited to the shares of the votes cast in percent,the number of votes cast for this or that party is not taken into account.
See: L. Karmazina, “Institutionalization of the Party System in Kazakhstan and Russia: A Comparative Analysis,”Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 1 (55), 2009, pp. 115-126.
Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Political Parties, Of¿cial publication, Almaty, 2002.
See: D. Beachain, “Parliamentary Elections in Kazakhstan, September and October 2004,” Electoral Studies, Vol. 24,No. 4, 2005, pp. 762-769.
“Electoralnye protsessy i osobennosti razvitiia politicheskikh partiy v Kazakhstane,” Teoria i praktika obshchestven-nogo razvitiia, No. 3, 2011, pp. 230-234.
G. Nasimova, “Kazakhstanskiy opyt predotvrashcheniia konÀiktov,” Аnalitic, No. 5, 2005, pp. 38-43.
See: C. Zhusupov, “Kakoy parlament my poluchili, ili Razmyshleniia posle vyborov,” available at [
azakhstan/2004/19/19ka-kpol_57884/], 3 February, 2017.
See: E.Zh. Babakumarov, Yu.O. Bulukataev, K.E. Kusherbaev, Kazakhstan segodnia: mir politicheskikh partiy, Al-maty, 1995, p. 54.
See: Z.K. Shaukenova, S.A. Konovalov, B.I. Rakisheva, “Analiz sotsiologicheskoy informatsii itogov vybornykh kampaniy v Kazakhstane 2003-2008,” Sotsiologicheskie issledovania, No. 5, 2009, pp. 144-146.
See: D. Ashimbaev, “Noviy Mazhilis: shtrikhi k portretu,” available at [],3 February, 2017.
S. Zhusupov, op. cit.
See: “Electoralnye protsessy…,” pp. 230-234.
D. Ashimbaev, “Elektoralnye predpochteniia naseleniia Kazakhstana v period izbiratelnykh kampaniy 2004-2005 gg.,” available at [], 3 February, 2017.
See: Ibidem.
See: S. Zhusupov, op. cit.
See: L. Karmazina, op. cit.
O. Khlopovskikh, “Parlamentskie vybory v Kazakhstane (15 January, 2012),” available at [], 3 February, 2017.
See: A.Yu. Shishorina, Yu.O. Gayvoronskiy, “Vybory v zakonodatelnye sobraniia sub’ektov RF kak protsess formirovaniia partiynoy sistemy s dominantnoy partiey (na primere vyborov13 marta 2011 g.),” available at [https://www.hse.
u/data/2014/12/22/1302276038/Gaivoronskiy%20Dominant%20Party.pdf], 3 February, 2017.
See: Partiynye i elektoralnye predpodchteniia kazakhstantsev (noiabr 2009 g.), Report of the Strategia Center of Social and Political Studies based on the results of mass opinion polls and discussions in focus-groups (November 2009),available at [], 3 February, 2017.
A. Ibraev, “Kazakhstan v razreze regionov,” Interview with the social scientist Gulmira Ileuova, available at [http://], 3 February, 2017.
See: R. Isaacs, “The Parliamentary Election in Kazakhstan, August 2007,” Electoral Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2008,pp. 381-385.
See: Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan of 28 Septem-ber, 1995, available at [¿cial_documents/constitutional_laws/konstitucionnyi-zakon-o-vyborah-v-respublike-kazahstan], 3 February, 2017.
“Vtoraia partia vlasti poiavilas s podachi Surkova,” available at [], 3 February,2017.
See: Z. Shaukenova, V. Dunaev, Ideologicheskoe konstruirovanie v Respublike Kazakhstan: vekhi evoliutsii i traek-torii razvitia v kontekste strategii “Kazakhstan-2050”, Monograph, Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies KN MON RK, Almaty, 2013, 438 pp.
O. Khlopovskikh, op. cit.
L.I. Karmazina, “Kazakhstan posle vyborov: sokhranenie status quo,” in: Sbornik trudov konferentsii Partii i vybory:
chera, segodnia i zavtra, ed. by Yu.G. Korguniuk, G.M. Mikhaleva, KMK, Moscow, 2012, p. 62.
See: KISI Report concerning the Results of the Presidential Elections of 2015 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, available at [], 3 February, 2017.
L.I. Karmazina, “Kazakhstan posle vyborov…,” p. 62.
See: Soobshchenie ob itogakh vneocherednykh vyborov deputatov Mazhilisa Parlamenta Respubliki Kazakhstan shestogo sozyva, Appendix to the Decision of the Central Election Commission of the Kazakhstan Republic of 22 March, 2016,No. 30/126, available at [], 3 February, 2017.
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