The official atheism of Soviet times prevented any abuse of religion for political reasons; perestroika opened the gates; and as soon as the Soviet Union fell apart, its neighbors, Turkey among them, had the opportunity to put pressure on the post-Soviet expanse.
The Turkish political community, which promptly recognized the Soviet Union’s disintegration as a chance to establish Turkey’s domination in neighboring post-Soviet regions, was euphoric. “The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of new Turkic-Muslim republics opened up a chain of possibilities for Turkey to play an important role in the Caucasus and in Central Asia.”1 The religious factor became as important as political, economic, and other factors.
Turkish-Georgian relations, which have demonstrated a lot of dynamism in the post-Soviet period (approximately since the mid-1990s when Georgia froze its ethnopolitical conflicts, stabilized its domestic political expanse to a certain extent, and became involved in large-scale energy-communication projects), have not always been that good.
The still unsettled and controversial issue of the status of Ajaria with its large Islamic population has been revealing itself during the crises which accompanied the emergence of Georgia’s statehood. Igor Muradyan has written the following on that score: “Between 1992 and 2003 Turkey, concerned about infringement on Ajaria’s rights, interfered in Georgia’s domestic affairs three times.”2
While Aslan Abashidze was in power, Turkey competed with Russia in that part of the Caucasus; as soon as the Russian military base was pulled out of Batumi and relations between Moscow and Tbilisi deteriorated, Turkey became one of the key foreign policy actors in Ajaria. During the Tbilisi-Batumi confrontation triggered by the Rose Revolution, Turkey warned Tbilisi, in so many words, that it was closely following the slightest shifts in the border regions. On 17 March, 2004, Ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan Unal Chevikoz declared that, under the Treaty of Kars of 1921, Ankara could move its troops into Ajaria in the event of a crisis. In this way, Turkish diplomats responded to the statement Georgian Ambassador to Russia Konstantine Kemularia made on 16 March to the effect that the Treaty of Kars, under which Batumi was transferred to Georgia, had become null and void.3
M. Çelikpala, “From a Failed State to a Weak One?Georgia and Turkish-Georgian Relations,” in: The Turkish Yearbook, Vol. XXXV, p. 171, available at [
I. Muradyan, Regionalnaya politika SShA i Ve-likobritainii: Turtsia-Iran-Yuzhny Kavkaz-Chernoe more,
Erevan, 2008, p. 113.
See: “Posol Turtsii v Baku: ‘Ankara imeet pravo vvesti voyska v Ajariiu’,” available at [http:// www.regnum.
u], 17 March, 2004.
See: I. Muradyan, op. cit., pp. 113-114.
See: [http:// files/ english/census/2002/Religious%20beliefs.pdf]. These figures should be treated cautiously, but they cannot be avoided here.
G. Sanikidze, E.W. Walker, Islam and Islamic Practices in Georgia, University of California, Institute of Slavic,East European and Eurasian Studies, Berkeley, 2004, p. 6 (for more detail about the past of Ajaria, see: A.Kh. Abashidze,Ajaria: Istoria, diplomatia, mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Moscow, 1998; and also, Z. Margiev, Batum vo vremena Osmanskoy imperii. Kratkiy administrativny, statisticheskiy i istoricheskiy obzor g. Batuma i regiona vo vremena Osmanskoy imperii,
Moscow, 2005).
G. Sanikidze, E.W. Walker, op. cit., p. 7.
Compare with G.M. Derluguian, “The Tale of Two Resorts: Abkhazia and Ajaria Before and Since the Soviet
Collapse,” in: The Myth of Ethnic Conflict: Politics, Economics and Cultural Violence, ed. by B. Crawford, R.D. Lipschutz,Berkeley, 1998, p. 276.
See: A. Arutyunyan, Kavkazskiy front. 1914-1917 gg., Erevan, 1971, pp. 160-161.
See: A.Kh. Abashidze, op. cit., p. 242.
Art VI.1 of the Treaty of Kars said: “Turkey agrees to cede to Georgia suzerainty over the town and port of Ba-tum, with the territory to the north of the frontier, indicated in Article IV of the present Treaty, which formed part of the district of Batum, on the condition: 1. That the population of the localities specified in the present Article shall enjoy a greater measure of local administrative autonomy, that each community is guaranteed its cultural and religious rights, and that this population may introduce in the above-mentioned places an agrarian system in conformity with its own wishes (see: Trea-ty of Friendship between Turkey, the Socialist Soviet Republic of Armenia, the Azerbaijan Socialist Soviet Republic, and the Socialist Soviet Republic of Georgia, signed in Kars on 13 October, 1921, available at []).
See: Vlast, 29 April, 1991.
N. Kireev, “Turkey at the Dawn of the 21st Century: Landmarks for Political Islam,” Central Asia and the Caucasus, No. 2 (20), 2003, pp. 85-86.
See: B. Balci, “Is There a Place for Islam in Michael Saakashvili’s Christian Georgia?” available at [http://www.], 25 August, 2005.
See: B. Balci, R. Motika, Religion et Politique dans le Caucase post-sovetique, Paris, 2007, p. 243.
See: S. Mkrtchian, “Musulmane Gruzii,” available at [
ontent&view=article&id=2999: Ìóñóëüìàíå Ãðóçèè &catid=1:2009-02-27-03-45-54&Itemid=11]
See: [], 25 January, 2006.
See: “Ketevan edet v Turtsiiu?” available at [], 22 July 2008.
I. Saydaev, “Musulmane Gruzii nadeiutsia, chto do voyny s Rossiey ne doydet,” available at [
B. Balci, op. cit.
“Adzharskie musulmane v politiku ne vmeshivaiutsia,” available at [].
The new minaret was added to the Batumi mosque using Turkish money (for more detail, see: G. Sanikidze, E.W.Walker, op. cit., p. 13).
See: “V mechetiakh Adzharii izuchaiut arabskiy iazyk,” available at [], 2 December, 2002.
See: “Adzharskie musulmane v politiku ne vmeshivaiutsia.”
[http:// www.pravoslavie. Ru], 5 June, 2006.
See: “Ketevan edet v Turtsiiu?”
See: R. Baramidze, Islam and the Muslims of Ajaria (historical-ethnographic and socio-cultural aspects), Batumi, 2008, p. 167 (in Georgian).
[], 4 November 2006.
Compare with A. Chelidze, “Etnicheskiy natsionalism v dukhovenstve Gruzinskoi Pravoslavnoi Tserkvi,” in: Iuzh-nyy Kavkaz: territorii, istorii, liudi, , Collection of articles No. 2, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Tbilisi, 2006, p. 137.
The text can be found at [].
T. Khalvashi, N. Batiashvili, “‘Can Muslim be a Georgian?’ Historic Overview of Discourse on Georgian ‘Es-sence’,” available at [ CanMuslimbeaGeorgian.doc/], p. 16.
A. Nikiforova, “Pravoslavnoe vozrozhdenie v Ajarii,” available at [
html]; []; early in the 1960s, future Patriarch Ilia II served in the Batumi cathedral (see: L. Kolesnikov, “Religioznaia obstanovka v Gruzii,” in: Gruzia: prob-lemy i perspektivy razvitiya, Vol. 2, RISI, Moscow, 2002, p. 322).
M. Pelkmans, “Baptized Georgians: Religious Conversion to Christianity in Autonomous Ajaria,” Max Plank Institute for Social Anthropology, Working Papers, No. 71, 2005, p. 6.
See: L. Kolesnikov, op. cit., p. 322.
See: [http://], 10 May, 2005.
See: A. Nikiforova, op. cit.
See: [].
There is recent information about another group of Ajarians moved elsewhere (see: “Adzhartsev pereseliaiut varmianonaselenny rayon Gruzii (Javakheti),” available at [http://], 25 June, 2010).
See: “U gruzino-turetskoy granitsy nachalos stroitelstvo pravoslavnoy tserkvi—pervoy za 600 let,” available at [http://www.abkhaziainfo. org], 2 September 2004.
See: R. Baramidze, op. cit., p. 165.
See: “Saakashvili’s Ajara Success: Repeatable Elsewhere in Georgia?” EUROPE Briefing, Tbilisi/Brussels, 18 August 2004, International Crisis Group, p. 3.
See: S. Mkrtchian, op. cit.
R. Baramidze, op. cit., p. 162.
See: [; http://www.georgia-], 3 June,.2004.
See: “V Adzharii krestilis eshche 200 musulman,” available at []; [http://], 18 June, 2004.
See: [http:// www.], 7 May, 2005.
See: “V Adzharii priniali kreshchenie 50 gruzinskikh musulman,” available at [],27 May, 2006.
See: N. Landru, “In Georgia Religious Minorities Remain in the Shadow,” available at [],8 February, 2007.
See: “Massovoe kreshchenie v Adzharii,” available at [].
M. Pelkmans, op. cit., p. 3.
O. Zoidze, D. Berdzenishvili, “Protivostoianie mezhdu Tbilisi i Batumi, ili o problemakh sobrannosti natsii i polnote gosudarstva,” Tsentralnaia Azia i Kavkaz, No. 2 (8), 2000, p. 216.
N. Devdariani, “Novy muzey okkupatsii pod vidom druzhby s Turtsiey,” available at [
See: “V Adzharii snesen stroiashchiysia pravoslavny khram,” available at [http://www.blagovest-info], 21 May, 2007.
See: “Gravny muftiy Adzharii ushel s dolzhnosti,” available at [] (see also:]).
More than that. In his article L. Sutidze pointed out: “A large number of villages does not trust the Muftiat. Peas-ants say that they did not elect the mufti and therefore mistrusted him” (see: L. Sutidze, “Face towards Mecca, Heart to Homeland,” available at [].
See: M. Kaçar, “Davutoðlu, Gürcistanýn Acara Özerk Cumhuriyetinde Türk iþadamlarý ile bir araya geldi,” 11 February,2011, available at [].
For more detail about economic cooperation between Georgia and Turkey, see my article: V. Ivanov, “Nekotorye aspekty turetsko-gruzinskogo ekonomicheskogo vzaimodeystvia: ekonomika, determinirovannaia politikoy,” in: Turtsia: nergetika i mezhdunarodnye ekonomicheskie sviazi. Analiticheskie zapiski IPI, Issue 2, Erevan, 2008, pp. 134-148 (see also: Egiazaryan, Gruzia: strukturnye problemy ekonomiki i turetskaya ekonomicheskaia ekspansiia (1994-2007), Erevan-Moscow, 2007).
Quoted from: I. Baramidze, “Kavkazskie riski,” Novye izvestia, 8 February, 2007, available at [http://www.] (see also: []).
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