Evaluation of a Higher Order Thinking Skills Test for the Topic of Cell Division and Subtopic of Gametogenesis (UKBATG)
Validity, reliability, difficulty index, discrimination index, biologyAbstract
This quantitative study aimed to evaluate the quality of a Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Test instrument for the topic of Cell Division and the subtopic of Gametogenesis (UKBATG). UKBATG contains contextual question and problem- solving question which is 25 items in the form of multiple-choice and 6 subjective items that can measure students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The process of validity was conducted by five experts in the field of Biology and HOTS and two experts in the field of Malay language and English language. The reliability of UKBATG was determined by calculating the KR-20 coefficient, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and inter-rater reliability (IRR) by determining the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The quality of UKBATG was also determined by calculating the difficulty index, p and discrimination index, D for each item. Findings showed that all UKBATG items have a good validity exceeding 70% agreement among experts. In terms of reliability, it was found that the KR-20 coefficient was 0.774, with Cronbach's alpha of 0.844 and the ICC coefficient in the range of 0.635 to 0.841. The values of p and D indicated that the UKBATG items were at a moderate level and were accepted as good items. In conclusion, this study successfully developed an instrument that is good in terms of validity and reliability and also has good item quality. The implication is that the UKBATG can be used to measure students’ HOTS and increase the number of HOTS test instruments, especially in Biology.
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