Moderating Role of Bank Reputation on the Relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) Quality, Satisfaction and Continuous Usage Intention of e-Banking Services.


  • Mohammed Aliyu Dantsoho Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management Science, Federal University Dutsin-Ma Author
  • Kabiru Jinjiri Ringim Department of Business Administration, ABU Business School, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Author
  • Norlena Hasnan Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus 41 – 3 Jalan Muda Abd Aziz 50300 Kuala Lumpur Author
  • Kabiru Maitama Kura UTB School of Business, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Gadong, Brunei Darussalam. Author


Artificial Intelligence, Bank reputation, Quality, Satisfaction, Continuous Usage Intention.


The purpose of this study is to identify the role of preference in perceived artificial intelligence (AI) quality and also to examine the moderating role of bank reputation on the relationship between AI quality, satisfaction and continuous usage intention of e-banking services. To test the hypotheses of the underlying research model, the study used cross- sectional research design to collect data from the respondent. Population of the study consists of all banks’ customers that used e-banking services within the Nigerian banking sector. 306 responses from the bank customers were useful for analysis. Data were analysed using PLS-SEM approach with aid of statistical software smart PLS 3.2.8. The result suggests that there is positive and significant relationship between AI quality, satisfaction and continuous usage intention of e-banking services. However, mediation relationship is moderated by the perceived bank reputation in terms of perceived trust. Customer orientation as the second dimension of bank reputation does not moderate the relationship between AI quality, satisfaction and continuous usage. This finding is therefore in line with suggestions that customer value from analytics and AI technologies begins on reputation. While this study recommends managers to support data driven culture through innovative analytical capability by the AI system. It also provide new insights by indicating that building a strong, foundation of trust in transparency on how customer’s data is collected shared, used and protected could boost the relationships. As regard to managerial and theoretical implications, this study contributes to the emerging discussion on the dynamics nature of the relationships between artificial intelligence service quality, satisfaction and continuous usage intention. It does so by jointly analyzing the effect of bank reputation on the relationship between preference, AI quality, satisfaction and continuous usage intention of e-banking services.


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How to Cite

Dantsoho, M. A., Ringim, K. J., Hasnan, N., & Kura, K. M. (2021). Moderating Role of Bank Reputation on the Relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) Quality, Satisfaction and Continuous Usage Intention of e-Banking Services. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 22(5), 311-329.


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