Filiation Fatwa on infants less than six months by the Perlis State Fatwa Committee: Technical gaps and implementation measures in Malaysia


  • Nurul Hasna’ Hazni Pusat Pengajian Bahasa, Tamadun dan Falsafah (SLCP) Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah Author
  • Mohd Akram Dahaman Dahlan Pusat Pengajian Bahasa, Tamadun dan Falsafah (SLCP) Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah Author


Filiation, Less than six months infants, Perlis State Fatwa Committee, Technical Gaps, Implementation measures.


The implementation of filiation in Malaysia is based on the view of Jumhur and Syafii doctrine, that is, the birth of a child is required to be more than six months from the date of marriage of the biological parents. At the same time, the Perlis State Fatwa Committee (JFN) instead decided to come up with a fatwa regarding infants less than six months old. Following this, a study was conducted to examine two objectives, namely, the technical gaps that hinder the implementation of the filiation fatwa by JFN Perlis; as well as its implementation measures in Malaysia. The present study employs qualitative methodology through interviews and archives. The interviews include two members of JFN Perlis and four Syarii Judges from the Perlis Syariah High Court (MTS), MTS Ipoh, Petaling Syariah Subordinate Court (MRS) and MTS Johor Bahru. The archive study involves legal documentation in Malaysia and child certification application files in SHC Perlis from 2009 to 2019. The results of the analysis found that there were four technical gaps in the gazetting of fatwas that hindered implementation. Following this, the steps presented show the methods that can be used in the implementation of fatwas in Malaysia.


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i Anak tak sah taraf. (2003). Kompilasi Pandangan Hukum Muzakarah Jawatan Kuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia 2016.

ii Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam Negeri Perlis 2006. (2008). Enakmen 4 Tahun 2006.

iii Roslan Esa. (2019, 22nd October). SF Ustaz Roslan Esa is Timbalan Mufti Negeri Perlis. The interview happened in Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis’s office.

iv Abdul Hadi Osman. (2019, 28th October). Sahibul Fadhilah (SF) Ustaz Abdul Hadi Osman is a member of Jawatank uasa Fatwa Negeri Perlis. The interview happened in Ma’ahad al- Tarbiyah al-Islamiyah (MATRI), Perlis.

v Ibid

vi Roslan Esa (2019); Abdul Hadi (2019)

vii Ibid

viii Syahrulnizam Saat. (2020, 9th March). Yang Arif Tuan Syahrulnizam Saat is Judge of Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Johor Bharu. The interview happened in Yang Arif Tuan Hakim’s office at Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Negeri Johor.

ix Ibid x Ibid xi Ibid

xii Roslan Esa (2019)

xiii Ibid

xiv Syahrulnizam Saat (2020)

xv Ibid

xvi Mohamad Fauzi Ismail. (2019, 21st October). Yang Arif Tuan Mohamad Fauzi Ismail is Judge of Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Negeri Perlis. The interview happened in Yang Arif Tuan Hakim’s office at Darul Qada’ Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Negeri Perlis.

xvii Ibid

xviii Ibid

xix Nur Sarah Tajul Urus, & Alias Azhar. (2018). The Application of Fatwa in Court Decision Making. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication 3(9), 83-94.

xx Mohamad Fauzi (2019)

xxi Syahrulnizam Saat (2020)

xxii Mohammad Esham Abdul Samad. (2020, 4th February). Yang Arif Tuan Mohammad Esham Abdul Samad is Judge of Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Ipoh. The interview happened in Ketua Pendaftar’s office at Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Negeri Perak.

xxiii Mohamad Fauzi (2019)

xxiv Ibid

xxv Ibid

xxvi Mohammad Esham (2020)

xxvii Syukran Yusuf. (2020, 27th July). Yang Arif Tuan Syukran Yusuf is Judge of Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Petaling, Selangor. The interview happened in Yang Arif Tuan Hakim’s office at Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Petaling, Selangor.

xxviii Ibid

xxix Jawatankuasa Muzakarah Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia. (t.t). JAKIM. Accessed on 10th August 2020, from: smaf/fatwa/latar_belakang/penubuhan

xxx Garis panduan pengeluaran fatwa di Malaysia. (2017). Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia. Certified by Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa MKI Kali Ke-111, on 9-10th November 2017, at Putra Sunway, Kuala Lumpur, page 4.

xxxi Al-Sarkhasi, Syamsuddin. (1989). al-Mabsut. Volume six and 17. Beirut: Darul Ma’rifah.

xxxii Nizam. (2000). Al-Fatawa al-Hindiah. Volume one. Abdul Latif Hasan (Ed.). Beirut: Darul Kutub al-Alamiyah.

xxxiii Ibnu Qudamah, Muwafaq al-Din Abdullah Bin Ahmad. (1968). Al-Mughni li Ibn Qudamah. Volume five, six and eight. Kaherah: Maktabah al-Kaherah.

xxxiv Ibnu Taimiyah, Ahmad. (1987). Fatawa al-Kubra. Jilid tiga. Muhammad Abdul Kadir dan Mustaffa Abdul Kadir (Ed.). Beirut: Darul Kutub al-Alamiyah.

xxxv Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah. (2010). Zad al-Mi’ad fi Hadi Khair al-‘Ibad. Volume five. Beirut: Mu-assasah al-Risalah.

xxxvi Ibid

xxxvii Official Portal Attorney General’s Chambers of Malaysia. Accessed on 11 Ogos 2020, from: MdS9POC9Bdz09

xxxviii Perlembagaan Persekutuan. (2010). Persuruhjaya Penyemak Undang-Undang Malaysia.

xxxix Arahan Amalan No. 9 Tahun 2001; Pemakaian pendapat Mazhab Fiqh. (2001). Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia.




How to Cite

Hazni, N. H., & Dahlan, M. A. D. (2021). Filiation Fatwa on infants less than six months by the Perlis State Fatwa Committee: Technical gaps and implementation measures in Malaysia. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS, 22(5), 596-611.


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