Afghanistan is living through a protracted stage of the so-called postwar settlement process and the growing threat of further deterioration. It has become obvious that the Unit-ed States and its allies are unable to maintain stability in Afghanistan in the context of the mounting political tension around Iran and Pakistan. An analysis of the current situation in Afghanistan must inevitably take into account two key events: President George W. Bush’s visit to Afghanistan and the London Donor Conference on Afghanistan. These events have determined the course of Washington’s and the world community’s Afghan policy and symbolize its evolution.
See: “Neob’iavlennyi vizit prezidenta SShA v Afghanistan, 2 marta 2006 goda,” Xinhua News Agency, Renmin ribao [].
“Bush verit, chto Ben Ladena poymaiut, 2 marta 2006 goda,” BBC [].
See: J. Kucera, “Counter-Insurgency in Afghanistan—Paving the Way to Peace,” Jane’s Defense Weekly, 15 De-cember, 2004.
“Interview M. Kamynina v sviazi s Londonskoy konferentsiey po Afghanistanu,” RIA “Novosti,” 27 January, 2006 [].
I. Khokhlov, “Proizvodstvo opiynykh narkotikov (geroina) v Afghanistane: infrastruktura narkobiznesa” [http://].
See: A. Cohen, John J. Tkacik Jr., “Sino-Russian Military Maneuvers: A Threat to U.S. Interests in Eurasia,”30 September, 2005 [].
See also: “Kyrgyzstan predstavil SShA novye uslovia prebyvania aviabazy koalitsionnykh sil v Bishkeke, 2 fevralia 2006 goda, Moskva, 25 ianvaria,” Xinhuanet [].
See: Velikobritania otpravit v Afghanistan dopolnitel’nye voennye sily, 2 fevralia 2006 goda, London [http://].
“Rossia gotova uskorit’ reshenie problemy afghanskogo dolga, 2 fevralia 2006 goda, Moskva,” Xinhuanet [http://].
See: “Kitai obeshchal Afghanistanu bezvozdmezdnuiu pomoshch v 80 mln yuaney, 2 fevralia 2006 goda,” Xin-hua Agency [].
See: “Kofi Annan za napravalenie v Afghanistan voinskogo kontingenta Niderlandov, 2 fevralia 2006 goda , Brius-sel, 30 ianvaria,” Xinhuanet [].
See: T. Shaymergenov, “Sovremennye podkhody NATO k bor’be s mezhdunarodnym terrorizmom: afganskiy opyt,” Analytic, No. 6, 2005 (see also KIRI web-site, Archive (Security) 17 February, 2006).
I. Karimov, Uzbekistan na poroge XXI veka: ugrozy bezopasnosti, usloviia i garantia progressa, Drofa Publish-ers, Moscow, 1997, p. 22.
Ibid., p. 25.
Ibid., p. 29.
Ibid., p. 31.
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