Knowledge sharing behavior, Healthcare sector, Healthcare professionals, TanzaniaAbstract
Purpose – the purpose of this paper to establish an understanding of the factors that affect knowledge sharing behavior in healthcare sector, employing social exchange theory.
Design/methodology/approach – Data in this study were collected from a total 650 healthcare professionals. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized to analyze the research model of this study.
Findings – The results show that personal values, organizational climate and subjective norms have positive and significant impacts on knowledge sharing behavior. Both personal values and organizational climate positively influenced subjective norms. Subjective norms have positive and significant mediating effect on the relationship between personal values, organizational climate and knowledge sharing behavior.
Research limitations/implications – Knowledge sharing behavior was investigated in Tanzania to among healthcare professional. The findings should be validated and generalized by conducting further research in different geographical setting and context.
Practical implications –The findings of this study provide emphasizes on developing a favorable environment that would support employees build up attitude towards knowledge sharing behavior as well as the significant role of perceived social pressure by institutional employees( senior employees, managers) as mediators for instigating employees likely to engage in knowledge sharing behavior.
Originality/value – The major contributions for present study are the following: investigation of knowledge sharing behavior in healthcare sector; investigation of the direct impact of the personal values, organizational climate, and subjective norms on knowledge sharing behavior; finally, examination of mediating effect of subjective norms on relationship between personal values, organizational climate, and knowledge sharing behavior.
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